The Ohio Watershed Network, an Ohio State University Extension program, will present a free webinar on “Algae Blooms and Land Use Practices” at noon on Jan. 27, part of a series called “Research to Practice: Addressing Non-point Source Pollution in Ohio.” Register here.
Bill Lynch, an OSU Extension aquatic ecosystem management specialist, will explain how land use practices lead to algal blooms in lakes.
Jim Hoorman, an agriculture and natural resources educator in OSU Extension’s Mercer County office, will review the latest research on cover crops and how they may help reduce nutrient losses from farmland while improving soil quality.
The series is designed for people who work to reduce non-point source pollution and improve watershed health, including watershed coordinators, stormwater managers, Extension educators, Soil and Water Conservation District technicians, water resource professionals, and volunteers.
Learn more about the Ohio Watershed Network here.