President Trump signed an executive order on March 28 directing the EPA to review the Clean Power Plan. This executive order has the possibility to dismantle important climate change protections and fails to offer an alternative plan to protect our air quality and climate stability. Many Christian communities have responded to this action and made official statements on their thoughts and about protecting the Earth. To read these responses, click here.
Month: March 2017
Earth Day 2017 – Environmental Justice with Indigenous Peoples
Creation Justice Ministries is celebrating Earth Day 2017 by focusing on environmental justice with indigenous people. They believe that the Christian communities living in the United States have an important role to play in developing relationships of solidarity with indigenous people. They will be offering sermon preparation resources, hymn suggestion, Christian education ideas, action opportunities, and more. They also note that these resources will be helpful to Indigenous People Day which is October 9, 2017. To read more about Creation Justice Ministries, click here. To access these Earth Day resources, click here.
Engaged Organizations: The Green Seminary Initiative
The Green Seminary Initiative is a program that encourages schools of theology to be participants and keepers of God’s creation. They provide strategies and guidance for theology schools to assist them in “greening” their buildings and lives. They believe that the religious community has a significant role in solving the human-caused environmental destruction and this process begins in schools. To learn more about the programs that are offered and the different initiatives they are taking, click here.
Let All Creation Praise
Picture courtesy of
Let All Creation Praise is an initiative to provide resources for Christian worship to promote love of and care for God’s creation. They offer resources to help congregations learn to celebrate God’s love for creation, to worship God with creation, to help restore the relationship between nature and humans, and to foster love for God’s whole creation. They believe that care for creation should be integral to the life of all Christians and that it brings humans into the right relationship with God. To learn more and utilize their resources, click here.
My Jewish Learning
My Jewish Learning was launched in 2003 with the initiative to empower Jewish discovery for anyone interested in learning. Their website includes helpful guides on celebrating, eating, living, mourning, praying and studying. Their study section includes Science and Ecology, which includes articles written on Jewish Science, the ethical treatment of animals in Judaism, sustainable Jewish eating, nature and the environment, and more environment related posts. To learn more, click here.
Earth Connections
Earth Connection is an outdoor school in Virginia that aims to teach students how to be comfortable and feel at home in the wilderness. They focus on teaching students about the resources and history around them. Their class offerings range from how to stay safe while being in the outdoors, to teaching of the enjoyment of nature on a deeper, more spiritual level. To learn more and see how to register, click here.
2017 Faith Climate Action Guide
Interfaith Power&Light has created a 2017 Faith Climate Action Guide. This guide lists easy ways everyone can get involved and help advocate for the health of our environment. To view the action guide, click here.
Engaged Organizations: Green Muslims
Green Muslims is a resource for the Muslim community to help promote spiritually-inspired environmental education, reflection, and action. They offer programs to help share knowledge, different community actions, and leadership development. Their website includes tool kits that they develop to teach practical tips on protecting the environment and volunteer opportunities for youth. Green Muslims has also put together a project called Green Scripture, which is a resource that includes verses from the Qur’an and sayings of the prophet Muhammad relevant to aspects of nature and environmental stewardship. To learn more visit their website by clicking here.
Profile: Marti Hunter
Marti Hunter is the Communications Consultant for Ohio Interfaith Power and Light. She has a background in both religious education and communications work.
“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.”-William Shakespeare ….More about Marti
Profile: Rev. Craig A. Foster, P.E.
Craig Foster, the Founder and President of Foster Energy Management, has over 33 years experience as an engineer and manager. His experience spans many areas of facility design, optimization and management including Energy Management Auditing and Implementation, Utility Management, Building Design and Operation, Water Treatment and Waste Water Treatment Plant Design and Operation, and Solar Thermal Installations. Craig has worked for a gas and electric utility, as an engineering consultant, and in facilities management and engineering for a major manufacturer. In addition, he has 15 years experience managing Environmental, Health, and Safety programs in an industrial setting. He graduated from the University of Iowa in 1977 with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and is a registered professional engineer in the State of Ohio.
Craig is also a Deacon in the Episcopal Church. Ordained in 2007, he serves St. John’s Episcopal Church in Columbus where he is involved in ministry to the homeless and marginally housed through Street Church and His Place. He has helped lead an effort of the BREAD organization in Columbus to reduce neighborhood blight through formation of a funded Community Land Re-utilization Corporation. Craig is also deeply committed to Kairos Prison Ministry and the issues surrounding those returning to society after being incarcerated. He dreams of having the Chapel at North Central Correctional Complex become a member of OhIPL.
Craig has spent 17 years committed to Kairos Prison Ministry and the issues surrounding those returning to society after being incarcerated. He helped found Franklinton Community Solar, a new non-profit dedicated to bringing solar energy to the Franklinton community in Columbus. The groups goals are solarize the community to provide environmental resiliency, to provide local jobs for those facing employment barriers, and to educate the neighborhood about the impacts of climate change in the inner city.
Craig is married to Kathy. They live in Columbus and together have five daughters, eight grandchildren and one dog. They enjoy being together, whether puttering in their yard, traveling, or just hanging out at home.