
  • Curriculum: we collaborate with faculty to design, develop, and/or assess educational programs or materials to engage and empower learners.
  • ScarletCanvas logo.
  • scarlet (external link) is a web-based LMS for courses offered to the public, not for academic credit
  • scarlet: fee structure (fy22): course fee = $450, annual course renewal fee = $50. enrollment fee: revenue-generating course = 25% of enrollment fees, non-revenue generating course (includes most grant-funded courses): 300 enrollments = $225, outreach course = $0. instructional design fee = $45/hour.
  • scarlet: why work with OCS? provide resources for academic, professionals, and community members; improve learner, faculty, and staff recruitment; augment finances: grant funding, industry sponsorships, enrollment fees
  • scarlet: how can OCS collaborate? consult, training, quality assurance reviews- digital accessibility, legal and security compliance (e.g., copyright, personal health information), instructional design (hourly rate)
  • curriculum consultants: Jackie Gish-Lieberman, Instructional Designer; Kerry Rubadue, Instructional Designer; Rita Arnold, Program Manager for Scarlet; Robbie McCord, Instructional Designer for Scarlet

introduction to ScarletCanvas

Scarlet video transcript

ScarletCanvas (Scarlet) is a web-based Learning Management System (LMS). Scarlet is used by learning institutions, educators, and participants to access and manage courses that are offered to the public, not for an academic program at The Ohio State University. Examples of courses that would be offered on Scarlet:

  • Continuing education
  • Outreach
  • Professional development

Check out ScarletCanvas (external link) for course offerings
