EchoVideo FAQs

Accessibility and Echo360

Approved Echo360 Users and Video Sharing

Student Interaction

Storing and Creating Videos in Echo360

CarmenCanvas Issues

Other Video Platforms

Migration from MediaSite

Accessibility and Echo360

Q: What makes Echo360 so accessible?

A: Echo360 is so accessible because all videos uploaded to it go through an automatic transcription processHowever, there are times when you may still be required to edit transcriptions and closed captions.

Q: When do my videos need their captions edited?

We recommend making it a habit to always check that your captions align with what is actually being said in your videos. Automatic transcription is great, but it’s not perfect. 

If you don’t have the capacity to make this a habit quite yet, we understand. Please see below for specific times you’ll need to edit your closed captions:

With regard to videos for academic purposes (i.e., videos tied to courses), transcription and closed captions only need to be edited under two conditions:

    • The videos are used on an on-going basis (more than one semester)
    • There is a request from a student or Student Life Disability Services (SLDS) on behalf of a student

With regard to videos shared externally, transcription and closed captions should always be edited.

If your videos meet either of the aforementioned criteria, please submit a request to We can help!

Q: How do I turn on or edit the closed captions for my Echo360 videos?

A: The great news about Echo360 is that it automatically applies captions to your videos! You simply have to turn them on.

Viewers turn on the closed captioning by clicking the “CC” button the bottom left of the video screen. If that option is greyed out, that means that closed captioning has not been enabled.

Any time you upload a video and it is finished processing, you can edit the transcript and enable closed captioning. You can also do this if you own a video (i.e. maybe you didn’t upload it, but someone else did it for you and they’ve made you the owner).

Click on the video from your Library or Collections page to get to its editor. (You can also click on the three little dots that appear in the video’s bottom left-hand corner when you hover over its tile in your Library or Collections page.) Once you’re on the video’s editing page, you’ll see the tab “Edit Transcript” for that video. Click on that tab to be taken to the transcript editor.

When you’re in the transcript editor, you can simply click the blue “Edit Transcript” button to directly edit the transcript (you do NOT have to download or export it, edit it, and then upload it again). Even if you don’t edit the transcript, click “Apply to CC” in order to enable the closed captions. When you go back to watch your video after having clicked “Apply to CC,” you should be able to click the “CC” box and see closed captions appear.

Please watch this video for additional help! (The video used as the example in this video already has closed captions enabled.)

Approved Echo360 Users and Video Sharing

Q: Will everyone in the College of Medicine use Echo360?

A: At this time, academic programs are the only approved users for Echo360. Echo360 is meant for educational content for our undergrad, HRS, and LSI current students, and there is a limited number of ‘seats’ available. Phase 4 of the migration has not yet been scheduled.

Q: How do I share my videos with other instructors?

A: Use Collections. Collections are especially helpful when sharing multiple pieces of media. You can see our video on how to do that below, and please let us know if you need to be added to a particular Collection at

Q: How do I share my videos with students in Carmen?

Students should be watching videos through your Carmen course, not through Echo360 itself. Please see the answer to the question “I don’t understand how to get Echo360 connected to my Carmen course” below, and reach out to us at if you feel that you have an exception. We can help you figure out the best course of action. You can also watch the video below: “How to Use Collections Instead of Links to Share Echo360 Videos in Carmen.”

In any case, please DO NOT share your videos using a public link. Again, academic programs are the only approved users for Echo360. Echo360 is meant for educational content for our undergrad, HRS, and LSI current students. In order to obtain accurate analytics, Carmen integrated links must be used.  Thank you so much for your attention to this matter.

Q: How do I get my content from MediaSite and Youtube into Echo360?

A: MediaSite

If you submitted a list of your Mediasite videos to OCS for migration, this has been taken care of. 

If you did not submit your videos, never fear! We will walk you through it:

  1. Follow this article on how to download your Mediasite presentation.
  2. Now you are ready to upload the video to your Echo360 Library. Follow the tutorial below on uploading videos to your Echo360 library.


Unfortunately, we are unable to assist with migration of videos from Youtube to MediaSite. This is because we do not have access to your Youtube account in order to download your original videos. Follow these steps to migrate content from Youtube to Echo360:

  1. Follow this article on how to download videos (MP4) from your Youtube account (or find the original copy on your computer if you have it still).
  2. Now you are ready to upload the video to your Echo360 Library. Follow the tutorial below on uploading videos to your Echo360 library.  

Student Interaction

Q: Does Echo360 allow for student interaction (like Articulate)?

A: Yes! Echo360 allows you to take an existing video and create “interactive media” with embedded polls. These embedded polls allow you to pose questions to your students to increase engagement and check their knowledge.

An Echo360 poll is a question or activity panel that requests a response from the viewer.  The following types of polls are available and approved for use by the ADA coordinator’s office with Echo360:

Important Note: Image polls and ordered list questions CANNOT be used at this time as they are undergoing digital accessibility remediation before they can be used. If you have questions about this, please email

Echo360 interactive media is created when you add a poll to a recorded lecture. The poll “gates” the playback so that the viewer (student) cannot continue viewing or listening until they respond to the poll.

This newly created media type is separate from your original lecture, so it’s best practice to name it something different so that you can differentiate it from your lecture recording.

Please see the tutorial below for more help.

Q: Can I see if students are watching my Echo360 videos?

A: Yup! Check out our tutorial on Echo360 analytics below to learn more.

Storing and Creating Videos in Echo360

Q: I am not seeing my videos in Echo360.

A: Please try searching by different titles. If you still can’t see it, the video is most likely in Echo360, but may be ‘owned’ by someone else. Please contact us at to help you find the video and either 1) assign you as the rightful owner or 2) get you into the proper Collection of shared videos.

Q: What is Universal Capture? How can I access it?

A: All OSUMC desktop computers have Echo360 Universal Capture software installed. To install Universal Capture on your personal work computer, call the Med Center IT Help Desk at 614-293-3861 and mention knowledge article #KB27961. You will need to provide your host name (i.e., your computer’s ID number). 

The videos below can be viewed for more help.

Q: How much content can I store in Echo360?

A: Unlimited! 

Q: How long will my videos be stored in Echo360?

A: Indefinitely!

CarmenCanvas Issues

Q: I don’t understand how to get Echo360 connected to my Carmen course.

A: An Echo360 LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) is needed within any Carmen course to allow you to easily embed content from your Echo360 Library and Collections into your Carmen course. The LTI is essentially a way to integrate Echo360 with CarmenCanvas. The LTI appears as a link on the left-side navigation menu of your Carmen course.

All Carmen courses for the College of Medicine that are created through the registrar will have the Echo360 LTI automatically added.

If you need a new Carmen course created for you, request the Carmen shell for your 2022-2023 course. Once your course has been created, check to see whether the Echo360 LTI exists.

If it doesn’t automatically appear– or if any of your courses do not belong to the College of Medicine subaccount, and you would like to enable the Echo360 LTI– request the Echo360 LTI for your Carmen course (select Request something else).

Master and Forum shells that are requested by an instructor will NOT automatically receive the LTI. Please see “How do I get the Echo360 LTI in my Carmen Master or Forum shells?” below.

Q: The videos in my Carmen course are still MediaSite videos.

A: After following the steps above, use the Echo360 LTI to embed the video in your course. (See the “To embed existing Echo360 media in a content window” section in this Echo360 article.)

Q: How do I get the Carmen LTI in my Carmen Master or Forum shells?

A: Unlike Carmen course shells that are created by the registrar for your academic courses, Carmen Master course and Forum shells do NOT automatically receive an Echo360 LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability). The LTI is how Echo360, as a third-party application, integrates with Carmen. The LTI appears as a link in the left-side navigation menu of your Carmen course shell, as seen in the screenshot below. 

The LTI appears as a link in the left-side navigation menu of your Carmen course shell.
If the Echo360 LTI is present, you can easily embed Echo360 videos from your library and collections without using an embed code. The screenshot below shows how to access your Echo360 videos from the rich content editor (RCE).

 Access your Echo360 videos from the rich content editor (RCE) by clicking on the plug icon and selecting Echo360.

To get the Echo360 LTI added to your Carmen Master or Forum course shell, email CarmenCanvas through their contact form. Ask that your Carmen Master or Forum course shell be added to your Carmen subaccount (e.g., College of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, etc.). Or, ask them to add the Echo360 LTI to your Carmen Master or Forum course shell and provide the course name. 

Other Video Platforms

Q: Can I continue to use MediaSite?

A: At this time, main campus will continue to support MediaSite.

However, given the accessibility challenges with MediaSite, all COM academic programs are highly encouraged to transition to Echo360 for AU22.

Q: I have videos on YouTube. Can I use that?

A: Due to security and accessibility issues, YouTube is not an approved tool for hosting academic content—even when the content is hosted in a “private” channel.

All YouTube content must be removed and hosted in Echo360 or MediaSite.

Q: Where did my Articulate presentations go? I don’t see them on Echo360.

A: Articulate presentations are not supported content formats: Echo360 can only accept PDFs, PowerPoints, video files such as .mp4s, and audio files such as .mp3s.

More importantly, Articulate presentations are inaccessible and do not comply with the University’s Digital Accessibility Policy. If you want to retain the module as an Articulate, you would need to work with our Instructional Designers to fully remediate the module for accessibility. 

Q: I still want to use my Articulate presentations. How can I do that?

A: You could convert the Articulate into an .mp4 file by exporting the audio, importing the audio into a PowerPoint, and then exporting the entire Powerpoint as an .mp4. You could then host this new video host in Echo360.

You could also remediate the Articulate for accessibility and host in Carmen.

Whichever option your choose, you will need the original Articulate files to be able to save the content.

Please know, too, that the continued use of Articulate would require an exception be filed with the ADA.

Q: Do I have to stop using Zoom to create videos?

A: Short answer: No. Zoom is still a great tool for creating videos with or without an audience, and you can set your Zoom videos to automatically be sent to your Echo360 library.

There are a few things you should consider. If you are wanting to do a live lecture with student interaction, Zoom is probably still your best bet. Echo360 does have a tool for live streaming, but it is largely a one-way medium meant for large lectures with little interaction. Within Echo360 live streaming, you will not be able to see or hear your students. If you are wanting to just record a video with no live audience, you have the choice of Zoom or Echo360’s Universal Capture tool.

This really comes down to preference; however, Echo360’s Universal Capture will save you a few steps and provide a more robust editing experience after you have recorded. Please see the question “What is Universal Capture? How can I access it?” above for more information on Universal Capture.

Migration from MediaSite

Q: I didn’t know this was happening. Why did no one tell me?

A: We sent out a series of formal and informal communications on this transition, hosted targeted trainings and held multiple office hours, and even created a Carmen training course to aid instructors and program coordinators in this effort. View a recap of our migration timeline here.

If you’d like to be added to our Echo360 Carmen training course, please let us know at

Q: Why am I being asked to use Echo360?

A: The College of Medicine (COM) has been working to identify technologies that will support our efforts to provide accessible content to our students (see the University’s Digital Accessibility Policy).

Beginning AU22, all units are required to provide captioning for all digital academic content, including lecture capture and other multimedia used in physical, hybrid, and virtual classrooms.

To date, MediaSite has been the University’s solution for video hosting. Prior to AU22, MediaSite did not have built-in transcription generation/editing, making it unnecessarily difficult for our instructors to provide accessible, captioned content to learners. This new feature has also not been tested for accessibility across the board.

As such, COM has invested in a subscription to Echo360 as the video hosting solution for academic programs. (See more on this below). Echo360 is a cloud-based tool for recording, hosting, editing, and transcribing videos. Due to its accessibility, Echo360 is viewed favorably by the ADA Coordinator’s Office.