Forage Maturity Across Ohio

Jason Hartschuh, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock, Field Specialist

Warm weather this spring especially over the last couple of weeks has rapidly progressed forage maturity. Harvesting forages at the proper time for the livestock you are feeding is critical to farm profitability. Poor quality forages must be supplemented to maintain livestock. In the southern part of the state, many forage grasses are in head while in the northern part of the state, some varieties of Orchard grass and barnyard grass are in head but most are still in the vegetative stage but will be in head within a week.




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Backyard Maple Production

It’s time to think about making maple syrup!

Are you someone with a few maple trees and you want to make your own syrup?  This class is for you.

Backyard Maple Production will be held Jan. 29th at the Event Center on the Warren County fairgrounds.  We will approach this class from the perspective of just a few trees on your property that you want to try to produce some syrup.  We will also have the opportunity for you to purchase a few buckets or bags with spiles and other pieces of equipment if you catch the fever and want to go home and get started.  There may even be a few maple treats to get your mind thinking about possibilities.

Registration is open hereWe hope to see you there!

Maple Bootcamp and Maple Grading Workshop

Maple Enthusiasts!  We would like to draw your attention to a couple of upcoming programs being offered by our partners at Penn State University.  The two workshops are listed below with links to the registration page for each.

First, we are offering a maple grading workshop on September 6th


Second, it is Penn State’s turn to host Maple Bootcamp.  The camp will run from September 6th – 8th  and cover all things maple.


These are being offered as part of a USDA ACER grant between Penn State, Ohio State and Future Generations university.