Principal Investigator: Belinda Gimbert, Department of Educational Studies
Co-Investigators: Robert Mahlman; Rebecca Parker
Project Dates: 09/01/2017 – 08/31/2022
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $2,714,984
Project Sponsor: US Department of Education
Educators and families for English learners
The scope of the project is to: (1) provide pre-service, in-service teachers & school support staff with on-site professional development (PD) & coaching that are reinforced by online content packages, which will (2) support implementation with fidelity of evidence-based EL-specific and other critical pedagogical practices to support proficiency across multiple domains including enrich ELs’ academic language skills and overall English proficiency; (3) provide turnkey training for all instructional specialists in participating schools to sustain the project’s outcomes beyond federal funding; &, (4) with the support of school staff and community organizations, enhance family member involvement and capacity to support ELs with instructional supports such as routine mobile phone text prompts and narrowly tailored take-home materials to complement school-day RTI and differentiated learning activities.
Principal Investigator: Belinda Gimbert, Center on Education and Training for Employment (CETE)
Co-Investigators: Robert Mahlman; Rebecca Parker
Project Dates: 07/17/2017 – 06/30/2018
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $100,000
Project Sponsor: Ohio Department of Education
Delivery and tracking of IPTI modules
Principal Investigator: Earl Harrison, Department of Human Sciences
Co-Investigators: Jessica Cooperstone
Project Dates: 09/01/2017 – 08/31/2018
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $15,000
Project Sponsor: USDA Agricultural Research Service
Diet-genetic interactions: Absorption and metabolism of phytonutrients from different brassica vegetables
This collaborative research between The Ohio State University and US Department of Agriculture aims to characterize the biological response of cancer biomarkers to dietary exposure of plant foods, including Brasicca vegetables, blackberries, and garlic in humans. Human intervention studies will be conducted with naturally occurring constituents of the test food or component, including fruits, vegetables, and edible plant materials (e.g., spinach, Brassica vegetables, and soybeans). Outcomes will include biomarkers of cancer risk.
Principal Investigator: David Julian, Center on Education and Training for Employment (CETE)
Co-Investigators: Robert Mahlman; Melissa Ross
Project Dates: 07/01/2017 – 09/30/2017
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $8,000
Project Sponsor: Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services
Need, assessment, planning and evaluation services for OhioMHAS transition age youth project (Part 3)
Ohio State University’s Results Management Team (RMT) has submitted a formal proposal to the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) to facilitate need, resource and readiness assessment, and planning and evaluation for a federal planning grant designed to improve treatment access and quality of services for transition age youth (ages 16-25) with substance use issues and/or co-occurring disorders. RMT proposes to finalize the formal planning process implemented to develop recommendations for changes in policy, programming and workforce preparedness and recommendations to leverage and/or re-align funds to support integrated, comprehensive behavioral health approaches to ensure equal access to behavioral health of all Ohio transition-age youth.
Principal Investigator: Dean Lillard, Department of Human Sciences
Co-Investigators: Randall Olsen
Project Dates: 08/14/2017 – 05/31/2019
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $155,583
Project Sponsor: National Institutes of Health, National Institute for Child Health & Human Development
Archiving the cross-national equivalent file
The “Facilitating the use of Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF) Data” will support, enhance, and expand the Cross-National Equivalent Files (CNEF). The CNEF is a compendium of panel data from eight countries. It is a cooperative effort of individuals and institutions that, as of 2016, compiles panel survey data from eight countries that include the US Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), UK British Household Panel Study (BHPS), Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey (HILDA), Korea Labor and Income Panel (KLIPS), Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Study-Higher School of Economics (RLMS-HSE), Canadian Survey of Labor and Income Dynamics (SLID), German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), and Swiss Household Panel (SHP). The CNEF harmonizes data common to two or more of the countrybased surveys, allows researchers access to both the harmonized and original data, provides all harmonization algorithms, and focuses on some of the most successful nationally representative ongoing longitudinal micro-data sets in the world. This project will update CNEF with new data releases and will develop documentation and dissemination tools that will increase the use of the data and make it easier for both the scientific, policy, and general public communities to share in and find out about the results of research using CNEF data.
Principal Investigator: Susan Nell, Center on Education and Training for Employment (CETE)
Co-Investigators: Robert Mahlman
Project Dates: 07/01/2017 – 06/30/2018
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $93,973
Project Sponsor: Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction
Corrections consultant project
CETE will provide one well-qualified consultant to the DRC. The consultant will travel to all DRC facilities to provide support to DRC educators as a consulting service. Consultant will provide DRC teachers new to a correctional setting with support structures through this position that is consistent with corrections education practices and policies as well as compliance with the licensure requirements of the Ohio Department of Education. Will also provide face-to-face school classroom visits. The consultant will provide support for the completion of the Resident Educator program. Additional duties include consultation concerning career-technical licensure, consultation with the career-technical licensure universities as needed, curriculum development assistance, prepare reports, evaluate effectiveness, advise and makes recommendations to the leadership of the school districts within the DRC and professional development assistance and attend DRC meetings as needed. The responsibilities of this individual will include working exclusively for the DRC and in-house duties of CETE.
Principal Investigator: Jeff Volek, Department of Human Sciences
Co-Investigators: William Kraemer
Project Dates: 09/01/2017 – 01/31/2018
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $31,490
Project Sponsor: Pruvit Ventures, Inc.
Effects of ketone supplementation on physical and cognitive performance
The primary objective is to determine the impact of acute ingestion of a ketone supplement containing beta-hydroxybutyrate salts on metabolic and performance parameters in healthy individuals. The primary outcome variables will be metabolic responses to exercise (e.g., substrate oxidation, circulating metabolic and hormonal responses), cycling and cognitive performance. Since keto-adaptation resulting from several consecutive weeks of nutritional ketosis induced by dietary carbohydrate restriction is associated with profound metabolic adaptations, it is likely that ketone supplements may act differently in the context of a person who has made these adaptations. Therefore, in follow-on studies we will perform the same experiments in individuals who are keto-adapted.
Principal Investigator: Jane Wiechel, Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy (CCEC)
Project Dates: 06/01/2017 – 12/31/2017
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $89,663
Project Sponsor: Community Properties Impact Corp
Family centered community change initiative
As part of the Family Centered Community Change Initiative, Community Properties of Ohio and Schoenbaum Family Center partner to design, deliver and evaluate the early childhood component of the parent program, as well as, continue the work of SPARK (Supporting Partnerships to Assure Ready Kids), a kindergarten readiness program that works with children, families, schools and communities to ensure that children are ready for school. The final aim of the grant supports children in Weinland Park with education opportunities at the Schoenbaum Family Center.