Principal Investigator: Richard Bruno, Human Sciences
Project Dates: 6/21/2016 – 6/20/2017
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $20,000
Project Sponsor: American Egg Board
Postprandial vasoprotective activities of eggs along the gut-blood vessel axis
Upon completing these studies, we expect to provide evidence of a novel dietary strategy that reduces CVD risk by specifically demonstrating that eggs protect against VED along the gut-blood vessel axis. These findings are therefore expected to also facilitate timely translational messages that overcome the misguided public perception of eggs while also supporting egg consumption as an economical dietary strategy to improve functional and biochemical indices reflective of cardiovascular health.
Principal Investigator: Susan Nell, Center on Education and Training for Employment (CETE)
Co-Investigator: Robert Mahlman, CETE
Project Dates: 7/01/2016 – 06/30/2017
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $92,131
Project Sponsor: Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction
Corrections consultant FY17
Support of a corrections consultant.
Principal Investigator: Natasha Slesnick, Human Sciences
Project Dates: 4/1/2016 – 3/31/2020
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $150,000
Project Sponsor: Franklin County Board of Commissioners
County support for services to homeless youth
This award is to support Star House operations .