November 2018 Awards

Martha Belury

Principal Investigator: Martha Belury
Project Dates:11/01/2018-10/31/2023
Anticipated Total Award Amount:$238,500
Project Sponsor:NIFA

Multidiscipline training of doctoral students in foods & nutrition targeting obesity to prevent cancer

With obesity reaching epidemic proportions worldwide, obesity-linked cancer prevalence continues to climb. Weight loss, using traditional energy restriction diets and exercise, has high failure rates. Increasingly, researchers and clinicians are seeking complementary approaches using bioactive compounds to mimic energy restriction, to reduce obesity and obesity-linked cancer risk.
Training the next generation of pre-clinical and clinical scientists, to utilize a multi-disciplinary approach to combat obesity and associated cancers is imperative. Fellows in this training program will learn to incorporate food engineering principles to manipulate the diet to influence whole body physiology, energy metabolism and metabolomics.
In this fellowship program, three doctoral student Fellows will learn and utilize state-of-the-art approaches in cellular and whole body phsyiology, metabolomics and food engineering to address the obesity-cancer question. In particular, the Fellows will: 1) follow a didactic curriculum tailored by the Fellow and his/her committee based on guides from one of three doctoral programs (e.g., OSU Nutrition, Food Science & Technology or Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program); 2) participating in professional training for developing skills needed for success in the changing workplaces in academia, government and industry; 3) engage in experiential learning through a formal lab rotation as well as participating in multiple venues for disseminating research in national and international meetings. Success will be measured by the awarding of degrees, quality of dissemination of research as well as placement and follow-up tracking of Fellows into the competitive outlets for science in academia, government and/or industry.
In this proposal, we address the Food Science, Human Sciences and Human Nutrition TESA and address Code F (Food Science/Technology/Manufacturing/Safety) and Code N (Human Nutrition). We request funds for supporting 3 Fellows in Category 2: Doctoral Level Training.


Xin Feng

Principal Investigator: Xin Feng
Project Dates:07/01/2018-05/31/2019
Anticipated Total Award Amount:$23,082
Project Sponsor:Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Parental history of suicidal behavior and early markers of risk in pre-pubescent youth