October 2018 Awards

Peter Paul

Principal Investigator: Peter Paul
Project Dates: 07/01/2018-06/30/2019
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $242,966
Project Sponsor: University of Cincinnati

Program for preparation of orientation & mobility specialists: 2018-2019

Peter V. Paul, Educational Studies, has received a research subaward contract ($242,966) from the Ohio Department of Education/University of Cincinnati Systems Development & Improvement Center to prepare individuals to become certified orientation & mobility specialists in Ohio. OSU is the only university in Ohio that has an orientation & mobility program. Paul has secured grants from ODE since 2009 to support the O&M program at OSU.


Tiffany Wild

Principal Investigator: Tiffany Wild
Project Dates: 08/21/2018-12/16/2018
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $36,306
Project Sponsor: Salus University

Salus University – support for 2 student



James Austin

Principal Investigator: James Austin
Project Dates: 07/01/2018-06/30/2019
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $1,268,458
Project Sponsor: Ohio Department of Education

FY 2019 technical testing project



Principal Investigator: Laura Justice
Project Dates: 08/01/2018-07/31/2019
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $234,635
Project Sponsor: City of Columbus


City of Columbus’ pre-kindergarten initiative 2018-2019 : Ready4Success


Tzu-Jung Lin

Principal Investigator: Tzu-Jung Lin
Project Dates: 09/01/2018-08/31/2019
Anticipated Total Award Amount:$50,000
Project Sponsor: Spencer Foundation

Examining group processes within a discussion-based approach for promoting youths’ interpersonal competencies

Small-group discussion has been identified as a primary instructional strategy for advancing interpersonal competencies—a set of abilities to sustain healthy relationships and positive interaction with others—in a number of different educational/research paradigms. To date, however, there has been little direct evidence supporting a causal relationship between small-group discussion and students’ interpersonal competencies. There is also limited understanding about how teacher practices cognitively, socially and affectively mediate group processes, despite the general acknowledgement of the critical roles teachers play in the development of classroom norms that can lead to growth of interpersonal competencies. The research team led by Dr. Lin and Dr. Glassman will carry out detailed analyses to identify group processes associated with changes in students’ interpersonal competencies, and examine how teacher practices effectively promote positive group processes during small-group discussion. The study will be conducted in the context of a small-group approach called Collaborative Social Reasoning. The central hypothesis of this study is that group processes characteristic of productive social perspective taking—in which group members collectively and actively generate multiple perspectives, and individuals consider single and/or multiple perspectives separate from the self — is predictive of growth in interpersonal competencies; teachers can play an important facilitative role in this process.

Principal Investigator: Barbara Boone
Project Dates: 10/01/2018-09/30/2023
Anticipated Total Award Amount:$4,186,529
Project Sponsor: US Department of Education

Ohio’s statewide family engagement center (OhSFEC)

The U.S. Department of Education has awarded a $4.2 million, five-year Innovation and Improvement grant to the college’s Center on Education and Training for Employment to create the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center. Directed by Barbara Boone, the Statewide Family Engagement Center will partner with the Ohio Department of Education to empower teachers and parents/caregivers to create strong relationships with one another to support the educational success of K-12 students. The Statewide Family Engagement Center will provide parent education as well as training and technical assistance for educators and organizations about how to engage in family-school partnerships. The partners will roll out the work using the Ohio Department of Education’s 16 State Support Teams already in place in each Ohio region. The structure will connect with 96 schools in 48 school districts. A state-level advisory council will be created and include 20 parents. It will provide families with a voice as they identify the new center’s directions with other key stakeholders. The partners also will conduct experimental research as part of the grant. The goal is to build the nation’s strong evidence base of best practices for designing family engagement programs.