Principal Investigator: RICHARD BRUNO, Department of Human Sciences
Project Dates: 01/01/2015 – 12/31/2015
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $30,272
Project Sponsor: University of Wisconsin (Dairy Research Institute)
Reduction of obesity-associated intestinal inflammation by low-fat dairy yogurt
This study aims to better define mechanisms by which dairy yogurt improves gut barrier function in obese and lean adults through a randomized controlled trial in obese and lean adults. Dr. Bruno has been contracted to collaborate with Dr. Bradley Bolling at the University of Wisconsin under a competitive award from the Dairy Research Institute to examine circulating endotoxin in relation to systemic inflammation, assist in the overall execution of the intervention study, interpret data, and author manuscripts for peer-reviewed publication.
Principal Investigator: Ralph Gardner III, Department of Educational Studies
Project Dates: 6/01/2015 – 6/30/2017
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $15,000
Project Sponsor: Battelle Engineering, Technology and Human Affairs (BETHA) Endowment
Culturally Relevant Reading Instruction for Urban Learners Using Voice Activated Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)
Culturally Relevant Reading Instruction for Urban Learners Using Voice Activated Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) will use newly developed voice recognition software to deliver oral reading intervention and culturally relevant reading materials to improve the reading fluency and comprehension of first- and second-grade urban learners at risk for reading failure. Ralph Gardner III, professor, Educational Studies, will lead the project. Co-investigators are: Gwen Cartledge, professor emeritus, Educational Studies; Eric Fosler-Lussier, associate professor, Computer Science and Engineering; Rajiv Ramnath, director, Collaborative for Enterprise Transformation and Innovation (CETI); Morris Council III, research associate, Educational Studies; Jessica Bennett, postdoctoral researcher, Educational Studies. For additional information, please go to
Principal Investigator: LAURA JUSTICE, Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy (CCEC)
Co-Investigators: Jessica Logan, CCEC & Kui Xie, Department of Educational Studies
Project Dates: 8/01/2015 – 7/31/2018
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $1,499,972
Project Sponsor: Institute of Education Sciences
Read it again — mobile: Technology-supported language & literacy intervention for preschoolers at-risk
Read It Again (RIA) is a curriculum supplement. It includes 15 components that address three key elements that are expected to improve children’s language and literacy skills: (1) a scope and sequence of instruction; (2) explicit instruction embedded in a literacy context; and (3) progress monitoring of children’s growth accompanied by suggestions for differentiated instruction. The scope and sequence includes 23 instructional objectives that are implemented over a 30-week period of instruction. The content targets the development of children’s vocabulary knowledge, narrative skills, print knowledge, and phonological awareness. Explicit instruction is provided via 60 lesson plans that guide teachers’ use of explicit instruction to improve children’s language and literacy skills. Teachers are also provided with progress monitoring tools and guidance to differentiate instruction for children in their classrooms. In this project, the research team will develop Read It Again-Mobile (RIA-Mobile), a technology-based version of the intervention components. They will develop digital versions of existing intervention components and professional development and learning management supports for effective implementation of key elements of the intervention.
Principal Investigator: BRIDGET LEE, Department of Teaching and Learning
Project Dates: 5/01/2015 – 5/31/2016
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $15,000
Project Sponsor: National Endowment For The Arts
Meta-analysis of the effects of drama-based pedagogies on literacy related student outcomes
The study focuses on empirical research literature published from 1985 through the present. Literacy-related outcome areas of interest include achievement (writing and reading), and psychological, social, and behavioral student outcomes in educational settings. The meta-analysis will include published and non-published, and experimental and quasi-experimental, studies involving school-aged children, adolescents, and college students.