January 2015 Awards

Richard Bruno

Richard Bruno

Principal Investigator: RICHARD BRUNO, Department of Human Sciences
Co-Investigator: Jeff Volek, Department of Human Sciences

Project Dates: 01/01/2015 – 12/31/2016
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $165,000
Project Sponsor: American Egg Board

Cardioprotective activities of whole eggs on vascular endothelial function in prediabetic adults

Consistent with epidemiological evidence indicating that acute or postprandial hyperglycemia (PPH) better predicts CVD compared to fasting glucose controlled studies in individuals with metabolic syndrome demonstrate that PPH induced by a carbohydrate-rich challenge impairs vascular endothelial function in an oxidative stress dependent manner that decreases nitric oxide bioavailability. That eggs improve insulin sensitivity, attenuate lipid peroxidation, and suppress PPH provide compelling rationale for their investigation as a dietary strategy to ameliorate PPH and its downstream pathogenic responses leading to VED. Thus, the objective of this application is to define additive vasoprotective activities of whole eggs in adults with prediabetes. Our central hvpothesis is that whole eggs, compared to egg whites or egg yolks , will most effectively prevent PPH-induced VED in a NOº -dependent manner by limiting oxidative stress responses. This hypothesis will be tested in prediabetic adults by evaluating the following specific aims: 1) define vasoprotective activities of eggs on hyperglycemia-induced VED, 2) mechanistically link egg-mediated vasoprotective effects to its antioxidant activities, and 3) define the regulation of postprandial vascular homeostasis by eggs.

Laura Justice

Laura Justice

Principal Investigator: LAURA JUSTICE, Schoenbaum Family Center, Weinland Park Lab School

Project Dates: 11/01/2014 – 10/31/2015
Anticipated Total Award Amount:  $20,440
Project Sponsor: Child Development Council of Franklin County, Inc.; Administration for Children and Families, US Department of Health and Human Services

CDCFC Head Start 2014-2015

The mission and vision for the Schoenbaum Family Center and Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy Partnership is to be a driving force in improving children’s well-being through research, practice, and policy.  The SFC and The Crane Center CCEC are partnering centers in the College of Education and Human Ecology (EHE) at The Ohio State University, located in the Weinland Park neighborhood.

The aim of the Early Childhood Education Expansion grant funded by the Ohio Department of Education is to secure access to high quality, full-time early childhood education for 6 children in the Weinland Park community and immediate area who have not previously had access to enrollment in SFC’s high quality, early childhood school.  Outcomes will be measured by child attendance, early referrals as a result of child ASQ screenings upon enrollment and child improvement on SFC progress monitoring tools such as the Get It, Got It, Go, Letter Name and Letter Sound Short Forms.  Outcomes will also be examined with regards to child assessments including the state Early Learning Assessment and parent involvement and engagement in their child’s education.

Keeley Pratt

Keeley Pratt

Principal Investigator: KEELEY PRATT, Department of Human Sciences

Project Dates: 12/01/2014 – 06/30/2015
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $13,000
Project Sponsor: American Academy of Pediatrics

The Ohio chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Good4Growth Learning Collaborative

Keeley Pratt takes part in Good4Growth Learning Collaborative using her research expertise. Her responsibilities include: overseeing academic work, building a theoretical framework for curricula, methods for data collection, outcome measures design, data analysis, interpretation and review, write grants to support the work of Good4Growth and presentations of findings.

Emily Rodgers

Emily Rodgers

Principal Investigator: EMILY RODGERS, Department of Teaching & Learning
Co-Investigator: Jerome D’Agostino, Department of Educational Studies

Project Dates: 01/01/2015 – 12/31/2018
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $2,995,039
Project Sponsor: Investing in Innovation (i3), US Department of Education

Improving literacy outcomes for beginning readers with disabilities

Specifically the grant will support the development and initial evaluation of an instructional model based on strong theory to improve literacy outcomes for young students whose disabilities require them to receive their reading instruction in restrictive settings. The goal of these instructional strategies will be to improve student achievement to such a level that these students can be transitioned from restrictive settings for their literacy learning to the classroom. We will present strong theory and a logic model.

Our key project objectives are to: (1) develop an instructional format based on strong literacy theory for children with disabilities who are placed in restrictive environments for their beginning reading instruction; (2) provide training in the lesson format to experienced literacy coaches who will in turn provide training to special education teachers; (3) conduct an internal, natural variation study to identify which features work best in concert to improve student’s achievement levels; (4) prepare 136 Special Education teachers to deliver the intervention and (5) conduct a rigorous outside project evaluation including both experimental and qualitative methodologies.

At least 1,024 students will be taught. This intervention will be substantially more effective than current practices which typically result in students remaining in restrictive settings for their literacy instruction while the gap with their peers continues to grow over time.

Our partners on this initiative include: Southwestern Schools, Ohio; Gahanna Schools, Ohio; District One Spartanburg, SC, District Three Spartanburg, SC, Clemson University, Georgia State University, and Emporia University.

Natasha Slesnick

Natasha Slesnick

Principal Investigator: NATASHA SLESNICK, Department of Human Sciences

Project Dates: 10/01/2014 – 09/30/2015
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $95,273
Project Sponsor: Ohio Office of Attorney General; US Department of Justice

OSU STAR House: Engagement and stabilization services for homeless youth in central Ohio

The Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Formula Grant Program through The Ohio Attorney General’s Office provides federal funding to support victim assistance and compensation. Funding was awarded for the 2014-2015 period to the OSU Star House, which is the only drop-in center for homeless youth in central Ohio and primarily serves victims of crime. The mission of Star House is to provide youth experiencing homelessness with a safe respite from the streets and connect them to a chance for a productive life. The majority of the homeless youth served by the Star House have experienced childhood physical or sexual abuse, intimate partner violence, and/or street crime/violence including rape, robbery, and assaults other than rape. Many of the youth present with mental health and substance use issues, and engage in high risk drug and sexual behaviors. Some of these youth sleep outside in the winter with the possibility of freezing to death. The Star House assesses the unique needs of each individual using a case management rubric along the following dimensions: housing/safety, substance use/mental health, employment, education, financial assistance, medical/dental care, childcare, relationships/parenting, legal, identification and hygiene. The youth’s unique strengths and needs guide linkage to interventions. VOCA funding supports the salary of one full-time Therapist, office and cleaning supplies, bus passes, groceries, and fees for birth certificates and state IDs for the youth.

Kui Xie

Kui Xie

Principal Investigator: KUI XIE, Department of Educational Studies

Project Dates: 07/01/2014 – 06/30/2020
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $613,726
Project Sponsor: Educational Service Center of Central Ohio; Straight A Fund, Ohio Department of Education

College ready Ohio

College Ready Ohio will expand high school student college readiness via mobile learning, open digital resources, and College Credit Plus opportunities through the creation of a statewide shared services model led by ESC of Central Ohio (ESSCO) in collaboration with Geauga Co ESC (GCESC) and 10 districts in 5 counties, The Ohio State University, and the Ohio STEM Learning Network (OSLN). College Ready Ohio will provide professional development, mobile learning technology, and digital course materials to high school teachers that will drive significantly more digital resources to classrooms to enhance student achievement and reduce operating costs. OSU’s new Innovation Center will bring Ohio teachers together virtually and real time to continue learning cutting edge instructional strategies as technology changes over time. Ohio OSLN will facilitate Leadership in the Digital Age Institutes engaging principals and district leadership in HS redesign efforts aligning systems to scale and sustain access to digital learning and cross district collaborations. By 2020, students in College Ready Ohio schools will have significantly more access to high quality, rigorous and relevant open source digital content, HS students will have earned 6,000 college credits, and the districts which serve them will reduce operating costs by $50,906,716.