Principal Investigator: Jaclyn Dynia, Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy
Project Dates: 01/01/2017 – 06/30/2017
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $7,820
Project Sponsor: Childhood League, Inc.
PLAY program evaluation
CCEC will a) facilitate the creation of questions to be answered by the evaluation team; b) assist in adding and creating new fidelity measures to aid in evaluation of the PLAY program; c) create databases (program to be determined) to be used for data entry; d) once sufficient data is collected, an analysis will be provided to answer questions created by the evaluation team; e) a summary of findings will be created for the PLAY program.
Principal Investigator: Karen Irving, Teaching and Learning
Co-Investigators: Brian Edmiston; Andrew Heckler; Rachel Kajfez; Kathy Malone
Project Dates: 01/27/2017 – 05/31/2018
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $145,288
Project Sponsor: Ohio Department of Higher Education
EiE-Ohio 3: Leadership for 21st Century STEAM learners
This project is a collaboration between the Whitehall City Schools (LEA), the OSU Colleges of Education & Human Ecology (Irving, Malone & Edmiston), Arts & Sciences (Heckler), and Engineering Education (Kajfez) to bring STEM integrated engineering units to high-needs elementary schools. The main activities for the project include training for 3 elementary teachers from Whitehall City Schools, 1 administrator, 1 OSU engineering education faculty member, and 1 graduate student to implement the Engineering is Elementary (EiE) units designed by the Science Museum of Boston with support from the National Science Foundation. By introducing one teacher from each participating building to the EiE teacher educator training, the teachers in participating schools will have a peer mentor to guide their implementation of the EiE units with their students. In addition by including an administrator alongside the teacher leaders we hope to build institutional support for the project. The six Columbus City Schools that participated in the first two years of the project will be supported in this third iteration through support to establish and maintain STEM/STEAM clubs at their schools.
The first summer institute (1.4 weeks), scheduled at the end of the school year, introduces teachers to the EiE unit targeted for early elementary students (such as the windmills unit) and a second unit on parachutes (upper elementary). Teachers complete the unit in student mode and offer critique from teacher mode. During Institute I, the video annotation software will be introduced and practiced. Each teacher participant will select up to two units (within the maximum budget allowed) for implementation during the following school year with Ohio Standards aligned content appropriate to their grade level. In Summer Institute II, held in early August, teachers and administrators will have a 3-day opportunity to plan for implementation of their chosen units. The third element of the project includes Follow-Up Sessions to continue the community of practice and to provide opportunity to share and critique video of classroom implementation. The fourth element of the project includes support for the 6 schools who participated in years 1and 2 to establish and support after school STEM/STEAM clubs. Expected outcomes for the project include for teachers: improved pedagogy in STEM instruction; improved content knowledge in STEM fields; increased teacher self-efficacy, increased teacher dialogue within professional learning communities; and increased integration of the arts in STEM teaching and learning. Expected outcomes for students include: increased content knowledge in STEM content; improved attitudes toward science and engineering careers; improved understanding of engineering and scientific practices.
Principal Investigator: Laura Justice, Schoenbaum Family Center
Project Dates: 07/01/2016 – 06/30/2017
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $60,309
Project Sponsor: Ohio Department of Education
Child adult care food program (CACFP) renewal 2016-2017
Principal Investigator: Deanna Wilkinson, Human Sciences
Project Dates: 9/1/2015 – 8/31/2020
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $149,639
Project Sponsor: Ohio Office of Attorney General
How can Ohio better meet the needs of Ohio’s crime victims?
Principal Investigator: KUI XIE, Educational Studies
Co-Investigators: Ivo Herzog ; Hea-Jin Lee ; Nicole Luthy
Project Dates: 01/27/2017 – 05/31/2018
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $147,400
Project Sponsor: Ohio Department of Higher Education
Algebra ready: Teaching mathematics with digital content
Algebra Ready: Teaching Mathematics with Digital Content” is a collaborative partnership between five, high-need middle schools, EHE and The College of Art and Sciences. The program will provide year-long professional development to 30 middle school teachers and five building coaches for seventh and eighth graders. The aim is to improve mathematical content knowledge and pedagogical strategies, technological knowledge for adopting digital resources in teaching mathematics and, ultimately, to increase students’ academic achievement and college readiness.