December 2018 Awards

Principal Investigator: Laura Justice
Project Dates:11/01/2018-9/30/2019
Anticipated Total Award Amount:$96,848
Project Sponsor: Cleveland Public Library

Cleveland public library early learning training initiative: Year 02



Principal Investigator: Laura Justice
Project Dates:08/20/2018-02/28/2019
Anticipated Total Award Amount:$30,000
Project Sponsor: City of Columbus

2018-2019 Early start Columbus – Schoenbaum family center school for early learning preschool expansion grant



LeeAnn LowerPrincipal Investigator: Leeann Lower
Project Dates:06/06/2018-06/05/2019
Anticipated Total Award Amount:$2,000
Project Sponsor:NASSM

Governance of collegiate sport clubs: A Delphi Study on Institutional




Tiffany Wild

Principal Investigator: Tiffany Wild
Project Dates:10/15/2018-08/31/2023
Anticipated Total Award Amount:$1,076,900
Project Sponsor: US Department of Education

Project VIBE

Project VIBE (Visual Impairment MED and Applied Behavior Analysis MA in Education) focuses on re-conceptualizing traditional teacher training programs in visual impairment and applied behavior analysis. Students in Project VIBE will select either (a) completion of a MED from the Department of Teaching and Learning in Visual Impairments that will lead to a licensure as an education specialist in visual impairment AND completion of an additional 6 courses in the Department of Educational Studies in applied behavior analysis (ABA) to be eligible to sit for the licensure exam OR (b) completion of the MA degree in Special Education from the Department of Educational Studies and an additional 3 courses in visual impairments leading to the ability to sit for the ABA license. Researchers have demonstrated that designing and implementing instruction within a framework of ABA results in improved outcomes (Ivy, Hatton, & Hooper, 2014) and positively changed the behaviors of students with visual impairments (Demario & Crowley, 1994). Therefore, this program will work to ensure that 16 graduates have the knowledge and skills to use ABA methods to benefit students with visual impairments.

Barbara Boone

Principal Investigator:Barbara Boone
Project Dates:10/01/2018-06/30/2019
Anticipated Total Award Amount:$99,992
Project Sponsor: Ohio Department of Education

SPDG family engagement for early language and literacy



Principal Investigator: Laura Justice
Project Dates:09/24/2018-06/30/19
Anticipated Total Award Amount:$60,000
Project Sponsor: ODE

Early Childhood Education expansion grant- Year 2018-2019



Principal Investigator: Antonio Duran
Project Dates: 11/27/2018-11/26/19
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $500
Project Sponsor: NASPA

An intersectional analysis of identity exploration for queer collegians of color at historically white institutions

Principal Investigator: Anne-Marie Nunez
Project Dates: 09/01/2018-08/31/2023
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $452,255
Project Sponsor: University of Texas at El Paso

NSF INCLUDES alliance: Computing alliance of Hispanic-serving institutions



Sanja Ilic

Principal Investigator: Sanja Ilic
Project Dates: 09/01/2018-08/31/2021
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $9,000
Project Sponsor: Iowa State University

Continued successful implementation of FSMA in north central region through adoption of a systems approach and stakeholder engagement



David Julian

Principal Investigator: David Julian
Project Dates: 12/13/2018-09/30/2019
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $78,000
Project Sponsor: Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

State youth treatment-implementation (Part 5)

The Center on Education and Training for Employment’s (CETE) Results Management Team will provide support for the Ohio Interagency Council for Youth (OICY). The OICY, funded in part by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, was convened in part to improve treatment access and quality of services for youth and emerging adults (ages 12-25) with substance use disorders (SUDs) or SUDs and co-occurring mental health disorders. CETE will facilitate the OICY’s implementation of infrastructural strategies outlined in their strategic plan. In addition, CETE will evaluate the collaborative.

Principal Investigator: Sherine Tambyraja
Project Dates: 09/01/2018-06/30/2019
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $44,910
Project Sponsor: Mahoning County Educational Service Center

Increasing teacher implementation of STAR

Principal Investigator: Marsha Levering
Project Dates: 11/06/2018-03/27/2019
Anticipated Total Award Amount: $46,450
Project Sponsor: Manor Independent School District