Ohio Victory Gardens Program Kicks Off

Victory Gardens originated during World War I, an answer to a severe food shortage at the time. The idea was wildly successful, growing an army of amateur gardeners and serving to boost morale and patriotism. ODA and OSU Extension are reviving the effort and once again encouraging people to plant seeds, realize the fruits of their labor, and share with others if inspired. Advice and resources on every aspect of planting and harvesting produce are available at the Ohio Victory Gardens website.

“At a time when many people are spending more time at home with their families, we saw revitalizing the concept of Victory Gardens as an enjoyable, interactive way to learn about growing your own nutritious food that can be made into meals everyone can enjoy,” said Ohio Department of Agriculture Director Dorothy Pelanda. “This is a great way for anyone to start a new hobby and to have a little fun while learning an important life skill.” Follow this link to learn more.

Sourced from: Morning Ag Clips.

Need an Outlet for Your Creative Work? Try This!

Are you looking for a place to post creative work that can count toward your promotion? We would love to host your article on the Extension in the City blog and feature it in the news digest (currently sent weekly).

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Create the content and include a catchy title.
  • Word count should be approximately 300-500 words.
  • Contain science-based content with at least two references cited in the resource section.
  • Include at least one quality, copyright-free photo (include alternate text).
  • Have content reviewed by at least one of your peers (and note reviewer at the end of the article).
  • Turn in peer-reviewed article one week prior to publication date.

Follow this link to sign up to contribute an article. Articles are due one week prior to publication.

Direct questions to Michelle Gaston.6 or Amy Michaels.97.

Registration is Now Open for Leadership in the City

Are you interested in Extension in urban areas and ready to improve your knowledge, skills, and results?

The Leadership in the City course will help you learn about leadership, networks, innovation, and management. The 5-month online program will prepare you, as an Extension professional, to be relevant locally, responsive statewide, and recognized nationally.

The goal of this comprehensive professional development program is to improve the knowledge, skills, and results of university Extension professionals working in large cities. You will connect with peers from around the country to engage in critical thinking and creative problem solving to become better prepared to be relevant locally, responsive statewide, and recognized nationally.

The program was developed based on a foundation of entrepreneurial theory and urban Extension practice and will build upon existing leadership experiences, management training, and Extension professional development.

You will learn from experienced leaders; apply what you learn in your city, region, or state; engage in critical thinking and creative problem solving; and participate in online collaborative learning. Each competency-based module incorporates interactive digital delivery and the flipped classroom model for active learning and engagement.

Upon completion of the course, you will be better prepared to:

  • Evaluate, illustrate, and build upon their four dimensions as an entrepreneurial leader (traits and drivers; competencies and experiences).
  • Navigate as a leader working in the urban and university contexts.
  • Implement elements of entrepreneurial organizations.

The investment in the program is $500 plus a commitment to work hard and have fun investing 8-14 hours per month. The 5-month online course begins in January 2021. If you have multiple participants from the same institute, you are each entitled to a $100 discount (Promotion code: LITC21-MULT).

This course is led by Dr. Julie Fox from the Ohio State University Extension.

Complete details and registration information can be found at https://cityextension.osu.edu/leadership. The deadline for registration is November 30.

Global Urban Lecture Series

The Global Urban Lecture Series is an initiative by UN-Habitat’s partnership with universities worldwide, UNI to bring the knowledge and experiences of urban experts associated with the agency’s work to a wide audience. The series reaches not only the general public but also the 185 partner universities of UNI, and is currently being used both for personal further education purposes and professional training.

The series is free and consists of 15-minute lectures on urban topics related to the focus areas of UN-Habitat. Besides the video, each lecture includes a synopsis, a biography of the speaker, an MP3 file, and links to additional reading material for further study. Follow this link to learn more.

Soured from: World Urban Campaign

Ohio State Research Boosts Smart Columbus

It’s been four years since the city of Columbus was declared the winner of the U.S. Department of Transportation Smart Cities Challenge. Now, several grant-supported projects by The Ohio State University are reaching their conclusions. Researchers at Ohio State agree the work for a smarter Columbus is just getting started.

David Cooke, senior associate director of the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) and one of the university partners with Smart Columbus, said the lessons learned from the program will have a long-term impact. “What [the smart cities grant] brought to the city of Columbus is to really put us at the forefront of mobility and smart cities research on a national scale,” Cooke said. “[CAR has been] engaged in automotive research for 30 years doing a subset of this work, very specifically on vehicle design and systems development, but mobility is much broader than just the vehicle.” Follow this link to read more.

Sourced from: The Ohio State University

Job Posting: Urban Agriculture Extension Educator, North Carolina

North Carolina Cooperative Extension recently posted an Urban Agriculture Extension Agent position for Small Farms and Local Foods located in Durham county, an urban area with more than 300,000 residents. Follow this link to view more details about the position.

Sourced from: North Carolina State University

NAEPSDP Presents: Virtual Summer School


All Extension professionals are invited to join this informative webinar series on incorporating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into Extension programs from planning to evaluation. The webinar series will begin Monday, July 13, 2020 at 3 p.m. EDT. Follow this link to learn more.

Sourced from: NAEPSDP


Five Questions About Race

Do you want to improve your racial awareness but don’t know where to start? Join Cuyahoga County 4-H Extension Professionals Imani Scruggs and Rob Isner in this weekly series. Imani and Rob discuss in a non-formal, non-judgmental space a variety of topics on each other’s respective races that they (and possibly you) have always been curious about. They will post weekly videos so you can watch the conversation. Follow Cuyahoga County Extension on social media to add to the dialogue. Follow this link to view Episode 1 and Episode 2. 

Sourced from: Cuyahoga County Extension