You Can Name Our Blog

We’d like your suggestions for a new name for our urban Extension blog. We will be moving the Extension in the City blog from over to our website and have an opportunity to name the blog. Each week we add four articles and send them out in the news digest. The blog entries range from happenings in your county to national news impacting your work in urban communities. You are also welcome to submit peer-reviewed articles that you can count as creative works.

If you have an idea for the blog name, please send it to Michelle by October 15.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Federal, State, and Local Budgets – Panel Discussion

The Impact of COVID-19 on Federal, State, and Local Budgets will be the sixth in a series of events on “Cities and Regions in the Post-Coronavirus Era,” initiating community conversations on what lessons we can learn from this crisis to create a more resilient and sustainable world. How much have federal, state, and local budgets been (or will be) impacted by COVID-19 and what will the implications of this impact mean going forward for communities? Did we learn anything from the Great Recession of 2008 that has helped or will help us during this financial crisis? This discussion with be moderated by Harvey Miller, and is taking place on Friday, October 23, 2020 from 12-1 p.m. ET. Follow this link to learn more.

Sourced from: CURA

Register for the 2021 Leadership in the City Course

Are you interested in Extension in urban areas and ready to improve your knowledge, skills, and results?

The Leadership in the City course will help you learn about leadership, networks, innovation, and management. The 5-month online program will prepare you, as an Extension professional, to be relevant locally, responsive statewide, and recognized nationally.

The goal of this comprehensive professional development program is to improve the knowledge, skills, and results of university Extension professionals working in large cities. You will connect with peers from around the country to engage in critical thinking and creative problem solving to become better prepared to be relevant locally, responsive statewide, and recognized nationally.

The program was developed based on a foundation of entrepreneurial theory and urban Extension practice and will build upon existing leadership experiences, management training, and Extension professional development.

You will learn from experienced leaders; apply what you learn in your city, region, or state; engage in critical thinking and creative problem solving; and participate in online collaborative learning. Each competency-based module incorporates interactive digital delivery and the flipped classroom model for active learning and engagement.

Upon completion of the course, you will be better prepared to:

  • Evaluate, illustrate, and build upon their four dimensions as an entrepreneurial leader (traits and drivers; competencies and experiences).
  • Navigate as a leader working in the urban and university contexts.
  • Implement elements of entrepreneurial organizations.

The investment in the program is $500 plus a commitment to work hard and have fun investing 8-14 hours per month. The 5-month online course begins in January 2021. If you have multiple participants from the same institute, you are each entitled to a $100 discount (Promotion code: LITC21-MULT).

This course is led by Dr. Julie Fox from the Ohio State University Extension.

Complete details and registration information can be found at The deadline for registration is November 30.

Join a North Central Region NUEL’s Action Team

The North Central Region of NUEL is seeking a vibrant, forward thinker to participate in national discussions focused on sustaining an integrated approach to urban Extension.

As an Action Team representative for the North Central Region you will be asked to participate in each of the quarterly regional meetings and the monthly NUEL Steering Committee meetings. Your role during the meetings will be to share and explore ideas aimed to strategically enhance urban Extension’s relevance locally, responsiveness statewide, and recognition nationally. This role will require, on average, four hours of your time per month. This is a great opportunity to highlight your knowledge and skills while advocating for yourself and your urban Extension peers.

If you are interested in becoming an Action Team representative, please email a 250-word bio that highlights your commitment to urban Extension, which Action Team you would like to contribute to, and why you are perfect for this position. Send this information to Nicole at no later than September 29. This position carries a 3-year term and will begin on January 1, 2021. The Action Teams are listed on the NUEL website.

For any question, please reach out to Nicole Debose.8.

Sourced from: NUEL

Graduate Assistantship in Urban Sustainability, University of the District of Columbia

The University of the District of Columbia (UDC) is the land-grant university of the Nation’s Capital. The College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability, and Environmental Sciences (CAUSES) embodies the land-grant tradition of UDC and offers academic programs in urban agriculture, urban sustainability, water resources management, nutrition and dietetics, urban architecture and community planning.

CAUSES seeks a graduate assistant to join its Professional Science Master’s Program in Urban Sustainability. The graduate assistant will work with a group of researchers to assess the current condition and survival of oak trees in the District of Columbia. Work will include evaluation of the presence of pests and pathogens, and measurement of abiotic factors that may negatively impact urban trees. Oak trees experiencing decline will be identified, mapped and sampled for pathogens and insect pests. Field work will be coordinated with public, private, institutional, and federal property owners across the District. The graduate assistant will collaborate with federal and District government agencies on the analysis, summary, and interpretation of data for publication in peer-reviewed journals, and for the general public in the form of blog posts and other publicly-available formats.

Applicants should first apply for the graduate assistantship through the Principal Investigator (PI) listed below. The successful applicant will then need to apply for the PSM in Urban Sustainability Program through UDC Admissions. Applicants should submit via email:
1) a letter of interest detailing their qualifications for the position (two-page maximum);
2) a curriculum vitae;
3) unofficial undergraduate transcripts; and
4) contact information for three professional references (institution, email address, and phone number).

Application deadline: Open until filled. Priority deadline is October 9, 2020.
Starting date: Spring semester, January 2021. Please note that the start date is not flexible.
Duration: One year, renewable for a second year with successful completion of expectations.
Contact: Please apply via email to Dr. Simon Bird at

National Urban Extension Conference Postponed

After discussion and thoughtful consideration, the National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) has decided to postpone the May 2021 National Urban Extension Conference (NUEC), until May 2022. Details on the 2022 NUEC conference will be forthcoming in a few months. In lieu of holding the NUEC in May 2021, NUEL will be hosting a National Urban Extension Virtual Summit on May 18-20, 2021.

Please hold these dates on your calendar. A more detailed agenda and registration information will be released in early 2021.

Sourced from: NUEL

Which Cities Became More (and Less) Racially and Economically Inclusive Over the Past Few Years?

A few years ago, The Urban Institute explored how 274 of the largest U.S. cities ranked on racial, economic, and overall inclusion across four decades. They defined inclusion as the opportunity for all residents to contribute to and benefit from economic prosperity. Journalists, advocates, city leaders, and practitioners then used the data feature and report to reflect upon their policies and programs and to hold leaders accountable to inclusion goals. Follow this link to learn more.

Sourced from: Urban Institute

Multicultural Self-Awareness Workshop: Online Version

During this multi-day virtual Multicultural Self-Awareness Workshop, participants will explore ways in which to view interactions with people different from themselves. The emphasis is on differences rather than similarities. The workshop focuses on the individual and helps explore belief systems about multiculturalism to identify feelings and values from a multicultural perspective. This intensive learning experience focuses on increasing awareness of several areas of prejudice, discrimination and oppression, including racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, and ableism. Participants are encouraged to reflect on how they’ve learned to think about human differences and on the widespread tendency to view differences within a monocultural view of “better than/less than” thinking. In addition, participants have opportunities to apply what they’re learning to their work and begin to create a plan moving forward. This workshop is being held January 13, 14, 20, 21, 2021 and is open to non-MSU Extension staff and community partners.  Follow this link to learn more.

Sourced from: Michigan State University