Much was accomplished in the 2021 growing season that relates to pumpkin and squash. In case you missed it while it was happening, here is a quick review of topics for you to peruse on some rainy and cold day when you don’t want to go outside and work around the farm. You can also find additional posts on the VegNet Blog located here:
Over the past several years there has been a push to create video content to illustrate key monitoring, scouting, identification and management videos for key pests that affect pumpkin and squash. This content is posted to the OSU IPM YouTube channel ( and curated under a “Pumpkin” playlist at the top of the page. Recent additions include:
-2021 Pumpkin and Squash Hybrid Trial Review
-Tracking Big Foot Through the Pumpkin Patch
-2021 Herbicide Weed Screen for Pumpkins
-Managing Squash Vine Borer in Cucurbits
-Early Season Management of Cucumber Beetles and Bacterial Wilt

Screen shot of current pumpkin related videos on OSU IPM YouTube channel.
Powdery Mildew Trial Report
In 2021 we also conducted another powdery mildew fungicide evaluation trial at the Western Ag Research Station in South Charleston. Included in the trial were two novel fungicides, Cevya and Gatten, both which looked pretty good. The complete report can be accessed here toward the bottom of the page:
Pumpkin and Squash Hybrid Trial Report
For those of you who want more details than those provided in the video review mentioned above, there is a detailed report posted on the VegNet Blog here that lists the hybrids, estimated number of fruits and yield, and other details related to the trial.