OSU Extension is pleased to announce the 2025 Northern Ohio Vegetable Grower Winter Meeting will take place on March 4th, 2025.This program will provide opportunities to learn from and engage with OSU Extension specialists on various topics in vegetable production. The educational sessions include topics on crop protection against vegetable pests (insects, diseases, weeds), high tunnel management, safeguarding water quality, and more. Take part in this educational opportunity to help equip you with the knowledge you need to help improve vegetable production on your farm.
9:00: Welcome/Weed Control in Sweet Corn & Pumpkins
Chris Galbraith, OSU/MSU Extension
9:35: What’s New in High Tunnel Production and Potato Varieties
Matt Kleinhenz, OSU
10:20: Break
10:30: Soilborne Disease Management in Tomatoes
Andres Sanabria Velazquez, OSU
11:00: Preserving Water Quality in the Western Lake Erie Basin
Jocelyn Ruble, OSU Extension
11:30: Cover Crops for Weed Control in Vegetables
Ram Yadav, OSU
12:00: Lunch
12:45: Pepper Insect Pest Control/IPPM in Cucurbits
Ashley Leach, OSU
1:30: Vegetable Diseases of 2024: Diagnostic Lab Recap
Francesca Rotundo, OSU
2:00: Use of Spray Drones in Vegetable Production: Challenges & Opportunities
Erdal Ozkan, OSU
2:30: Evaluations/Credits
The program will run from 9:00am-2:30pm, with check-in beginning at 8:30am. Registering online prior to the event is required to ensure there is room. The event will take place at The Neeley Center at Terra State Community College (2830 Napoleon Rd, Fremont, OH 43420).
This event is free and will include a catered lunch. This event is worth 3 ODA credits for Commercial category 2B (category 3 for Private) and 0.5 credit for Commercial category 1. Vegetable growers won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn from and connect with fellow growers, extension staff, and other individuals working within the vegetable industry.
Visit the link below to register for this event:
Please reach out to Chris Galbraith at galbraith.108@osu.edu or 734-240-3178 with any questions.
This article was originally posted on Michigan State University Extension News.
The Great Lakes Expo (GLEXPO) is the premier fruit, vegetable and farm market expo in the Midwest. This annual event features educational sessions on important industry topics, a large trade show for networking and discovery, and other specialized workshops and meetings. This convention has been held annually since 2001 and has been a consistent favorite among growers and other ag professionals across the country.
Each year the event features a robust agenda of vegetable programming organized by Michigan State University Extension. The educational presentations cover a wide range of crops, offering something for everybody when it comes to learning about new developments in the vegetable industry. Many of the sessions are also worth Michigan and Ohio restricted use pesticide (RUP) credits and certified crop advisor (CCA) credits in various categories.
The event will be held at the DeVos Place in Grand Rapids, Michigan from Dec. 10-12, 2024.
The following is further information on the vegetable sessions offered at the Expo this year. These are highlights for vegetable producers and is by no means the complete program. Many other educational sessions centered on fruit, greenhouse production, farm-marketing and other areas of specialty crop production will be offered as well. To view the full agenda and to find more information, please visit the GLEXPO website.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Pickles and Vine Crops: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Pest Management in Cucurbits with an Emphasis on Pollinator Protection
Laura Ingwell – Purdue University
Houghtaling Farms: Our Experience Growing Cucumbers and Pumpkins. Challenges and our Strategies
Mike Houghtaling – Houghtaling Farms
Trends from the Vine Crop Seed World
Dana Hilfinger – Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Downy Mildew Update
Mary Hausbeck – Michigan State University
Asparagus: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Asparagus Beetle Management
Zsofia Szendrei – Michigan State University
Purple Spot Update
John Spafford – Michigan State University
Mary Hausbeck – Michigan State University
Irrigation and Calcium Interactions in Asparagus
Zack Hayden – Michigan State University
Progress Towards Predicting Asparagus Emergence
Dan Brainard – Michigan State University
Brassicas:9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Tips and Tricks for Summer Harvested Broccoli and Cauliflower
Ben Phillips – Michigan State University Extension
Diversifying Weed Management Strategies for Improving Weed Control in Cole Crops
Thierry Besancon – Rutgers University
Lessons Learned Growing Cauliflower, Broccoli, and Baby Kale on a Commercial Scale
Jon Dinsmore – Dinsmore Farms, Inc.
Managing Insect Pests in Brassica Crops
Zsofia Szendrei – Michigan State University
Photo by Getty Images
Sweet Corn:2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Managing Insect Pests in Sweet Corn
Zsofia Szendrei – Michigan State University
Wildlife Management Strategies in Corn
Olivia Smith – Michigan State University
Evaluating Tools to Manage Sweet Corn Tar Spot in Central Wisconsin
Amanda Gevens – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sweet Corn Weed Control Begins With the Weeds
Mark VanGessel – University of Delaware
A Primer on Aster Yellows and Testing in 2024
Jan Byrne – Michigan State University
Researching Root Lesion Nematodes in Carrots and More
Marisol Quintanilla-Tornel – Michigan State University
Lance Fosberg – Michigan State University
Getting the Most from your Carrots Through Beneficial Root-microbial Relationships
Lori Hoagland – Purdue University
Photo by Getty Images.
Soil Health and Cover Cropping:2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Promoting Beneficial Microbes with Biocontrol Capabilities in Tomato Cropping Systems
Lori Hoagland – Purdue University
Managing Nematodes with Soil Amendments in Vegetable and Fruit Crops
Marisol Quintanilla – Michigan State University
Soil Health Strategies at Providence Organic Farm
Ryan Romeyn – Providence Organic Farm
Cover Crops for Weed Control and Other Goals
Katrina (Kat) Becker – Cattail Organics
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Mushrooms:9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
How We Do It: Wild Foraging
Aaron Grenchik – Great Lakes Treats
How We Do It: Outdoor Production
Rich Leep – Leep Mushrooms
How We Do It: Indoor Production
Chris Swinson – Mycophile’s Garden
How We Do It: Marketing
Jill Grenchik – Great Lakes Treats
Rich Leep – Leep Mushrooms
Chris Swinson – Mycophile’s Garden
Onion:9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Stemphylium Update
Mary Hausbeck – Michigan State University
Onion Weed Control and IPM – An Ontario Perspective
Wendy Zhang – Kejay Farms
New Onion Weeds and their Seeds
Dan Brainard – Michigan State University
Jordan Hoekstra – Vriesland Growers Cooperative, Inc
Onion Thrips Research Update
Zsofia Szendrei – Michigan State University
Tomato Pepper Eggplant:9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Soil-biodegradable Plastic Mulch: Should you Make the Switch?
Shuresh Ghimire – University of Connecticut
The Secret Sauce: How We Add Value to Chili’s in a Northern Climate
Nate Mehren – Fat Baby Hot Sauce
Innovative Bed Designs for Tomato Production: Analyzing Soil Fumigation and Irrigation Patterns
Emmanuel Torres Quezada – North Carolina State University
How We Do It: Grafting, Steaming, and Soil Disinfestation
Ernest Zimmerman
Terry Zimmerman
Systems of Machinery for Any Scale, with a Focus On Controlling Weeds
Sam Oschwald Tilton – Glacial Drift Enterprises, LLC
Your First Date with the Soil-making Good Observations and Soil Testing
Vicki Morrone – Michigan State University
Pest Management in Protected Culture With Emphasis on Biological Control
Laura Ingwell – Purdue University
Organic Meet and Greet
Julie Studier – Tower Hill Farm
Ryan Romeyn – Providence Farm
Katie Brandt – Michigan State University
Potato:2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Potato Insect and Pest Management for Market Growers
Ray Rantz – Michigan State University
Zsofia Szendrei – Michigan State University
Potato Disease Management for Market Producers
Jaime Willbur – Michigan State University
Irrigation Management and Efficiency in Potato Systems
Younsuk Dong – Michigan State University
Lyndon Kelley – Michigan State University & Purdue University
Nematodes in Potato Systems – Is Compost a Solution?
Marisol Quintanilla – Michigan State University
Celery: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Carrot Weevil Control
Elizabeth Long – Purdue University
Update on Celery Meltdown Research
Douglas Minier – Michigan State University
Mary Hausbeck – Michigan State University
Primer on Aster Yellows and Leafhopper Testing in 2024
Jan Byrne – MSU Plant and Pest Diagnostics
Registration is open now. Make a plan to attend GLEXPO this year to learn and connect with fellow vegetable growers, university and extension staff and other ag service providers from all around the country. You never know what new ideas or opportunities you will find at the annual Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market Expo.
Tomato production dominates main season, summertime high tunnel use but presents challenges. Like an increasing number of growers, we experiment with ways to maintain high tunnel soil productivity and profit potential for the long-term. Our operating principle is that crop and market diversity are useful and while some crops offer less income potential, their contribution to the success of the farm may not rest entirely in their specific balance sheet. Our posts on 10/28/23, 2/17/24, and 7/27/24 provide additional information and highlight some of our recent and ongoing work focused on ensuring year-round success in high tunnel production. Recent activities involving butternut squash, a mixed-species summer cover crop, and various vegetable and flower crops are summarized below.
Three panels focused on a mixed-species summer cover crop (cowpea, Italian ryegrass, pearl millet, and sorghum-sudangrass) seeded on 6/5/24 and terminated on 8/20/24.
High tunnel growers have long used standard 6 mil poly film to cover their structures. Standard 6 mil poly film is the “covering” workhorse of the high tunnel industry. However, as most high tunnel growers know, standard 6 mil poly film can be punctured easily, will continue to tear if cut, eventually becomes brittle and less transparent, retains very little heat energy, and allows sunlight to escape the high tunnel without contributing to photosynthesis, which hampers growers wanting to maximize growth fall-to-spring. Regardless, standard 6 mil poly film needs to be replaced every three to five years in many locations. While many growers may not give the film that covers their high tunnels much thought, it is usually the only thing that separates their crops from the outside and it influences their success in many obvious and not so obvious ways. Therefore, it is reasonable for growers to seek and expect improved high tunnel coverings just as they expect better versions of all other materials used on the farm.
We are pleased to be cooperating with the Seaman Corporation of Wooster, Ohio (https://www.seamancorp.com/), long known as an industry leader in high performance industrial fabrics. Together, we are evaluating the company’s exciting new experimental reinforced poly film which is far stronger and more puncture and tear resistant than standard 6 mil poly film and has other interesting properties that may, for example, allow it to supplement or replace hard polycarbonate in some applications.
As depicted below, HT 103 on the CFAES-Wooster campus currently contains a crop of butternut squash and was covered with the new film on 8/12/24. HT 204 is about 100 ft east of HT 103, identical in shape and age, covered with standard 6 mil poly film, and holding butternut squash. Going forward, cropping, ventilation, and other practices will be the same and environmental conditions will be monitored in both high tunnels. Therefore, overall, differences in environmental conditions and/or crop status in the two high tunnels are likely to result from their different coverings. Monitor temperature and relative humidity in high tunnels 103 and 204 and six other structures at the same location at https://u.osu.edu/vegprolab/resource-1/ and stay tuned for updates on this important evaluation.
Crop selection and soil management and long-term soil productivity are interconnected. Many high tunnel soils are:
a) cropped repeatedly to relatively small sets of input-demanding crops,
b) disturbed frequently and intensely by cultivation and preparing for seeding and transplanting, and
c) exposed to persistent foot and equipment traffic.
High tunnel soils also tend to experience potentially troublesome temperature and moisture profiles. As a result, high tunnel soils can:
a) lose structure and become less friable and more compacted,
b) decline in organic matter,
c) increase in salinity, and
d) develop problematic nutrient imbalances and pathogen loads.
These and other challenges can lead high tunnel soils to become less productive – to require greater and greater amounts of cash and effort to maintain marketable yields at desired levels.
Including additional, less demanding cash and non-cash rotation or cover crops in high tunnel production schedules can help maintain soil productivity and offer other benefits.
Five 21 ft x 48 ft high tunnels used intensively in organic vegetable production-related research for 15-21 years are currently being cropped to butternut squash or a mixed-species summer cover crop (cowpea, Italian ryegrass, pearl millet, and sorghum-sudangrass). See representative panels below. The mixed-species cover crop has produced significant amounts of foliar biomass and suppressed weed growth effectively. Its root system is expected to provide multiple benefits. Similarly, squash plant growth and flower production have been excellent and fruit set is encouraging. Nine-hundred pounds of composted dairy manure were spread in each high tunnel on 4/16/24 and lightly incorporated but no fertilizer or crop protectants have been applied since. Both crops have been overhead irrigated (see https://u.osu.edu/vegprolab/crop-environment-publications/installing-an-overhead-irrigation-system-in-a-high-tunnel/).
Sections of other nearby high tunnels have been planted to buckwheat, carrot, Swiss chard, choi, dry bean, edamame soybean, garlic, groundpea (winter cover), kale, lettuce, okra, pepper, sunflower, and/or wheat (winter cover) since October-2023.
Cash crops can be harvested from high tunnels year-round in Ohio. Maintaining the productivity of soils that help make that possible is key. Considering what many cash and non-cash crops can offer to the process is useful.
High tunnel use is very popular and has been increasing in Ohio and many other states for decades. Growers are now asking new questions partly because high tunnel production is so popular and increasing and has been practiced for so long on some farms, creating new challenges and opportunities.
“How can I utilize my high tunnel(s) more effectively year-round or fall through spring?” is one very frequently asked question. Many agree that spring-fall tomato harvests can offer the greatest revenue or profit potential. However, others have shown or are learning that harvesting other crops from their high tunnel(s) during summer and/or fall through spring can also be lucrative and beneficial in other ways. Many examples of this have been shared in recent Extension and other programs in Ohio and neighboring states. Working with multiple crops across more of or the entire year requires being familiar with conditions affecting their growth, quality, and potential costs of production and market (profit) potential. Labor and other input costs and how one figures costs of production are obvious factors. For example, one grower-speaker at a recent conference recently described high tunnel space on their farm as “rented,” meaning that their costs of production include how much time is required for a crop to be market-ready. This approach (calculation) directs them and, possibly, others: a) to include lower-cost, quicker-cycling, high value crops in their systems, and b) to be selective when devoting space to high value crops demanding more space, time, and labor. For some, producing multiple crops, managing their investments in crops prone to boom-bust supply-price cycles, and accessing markets through most of or the entire is key to their business. They describe how the approach can limit risk and increase opportunity.
As described in our Feb-3 VegNet article, we seeded Mokum carrot, Red Russian kale, Oriole Swiss chard, Red Pac pac choi, and Music garlic in early Oct-2023 and have given them “minimal” care since that time. Our goal was to discover/demonstrate the potential yield and quality of these crops when grown and overwintered in this way, although the kale, Swiss chard, and pac choi were appropriate for some markets in December-January. This approach may interest growers unfamiliar with and/or currently lacking the ability to make large investments in fall through spring production-harvesting. Recent samples taken from the carrot seedings demonstrate that growth is accelerating and roots are likely to be market-ready soon. A large number of other edible and non-edible crops can be overwintered and/or harvested successfully fall-through spring in Ohio.
Please contact Matt Kleinhenz (330.263.3810; kleinhenz.1@osu.edu) for more information.
Interest in marketing locally-grown, freshly-harvested vegetables fall through spring is strong and increasing among high tunnel growers in the Midwest, Great Lakes, Mid-Atlantic, Mid-South, and Northeast. Scanning the agendas of industry meetings and listening to growers and others in these areas makes clear that fall through spring harvest and marketing of high tunnel-grown crops is an established and increasingly common practice. Importantly, some growers have transitioned to cash cropping their high tunnels only fall through spring and leaving summer to grow cover crops and focus on other priorities, including field-based production. Conversations with and public presentations by these growers and other experts make clear that fall through spring income from high tunnel production can be significant if the correct crops and varieties are chosen and suitable practices are used.
We have long wondered which crops, varieties, and practices may be ideal for Ohio high tunnel growers looking to harvest fall through spring. Much of our previous research focused on a relatively small number of crops and the use of various tools and practices (e.g., films, fabrics, and/or soil heating). Our goal was to describe potential production outcomes when high tunnel growers invested in the process to various levels. Results from those experiments suggest that yields are likely to be greatest when investments are also highest, for example, when soil heating, plastic films, and row covers and the effort to maximize their utility are used. Those studies were summarized previously in this blog.
We are asking a different question in Winter 2023-2024. As the three panels below describe, seven crops were seeded in two high tunnels in October-2023 and grown without any supplemental heating, films, or row covers. This “minimalist” approach explores the worst-case scenario, the minimum that can be expected from these crops under the conditions they have experienced since seeding. This approach may appeal to growers unfamiliar with fall through spring production and/or those who are unwilling or unable to invest much time, money, or effort in it, at least at this time. The test outlined below is one example of what can be expected but many others exist. Of course, different outcomes may be possible when other varieties, planting dates, and growing practices are used. Upcoming evaluations will push the “minimalist” approach further as all crops capable of being grown and harvested fall through spring do not require a high tunnel. Please contact me (Matt Kleinhenz, 330.263.3810, kleinhenz.1@osu.edu) if you would like more information.
The OSU Extension Fruit & Vegetable Report is written/published collectively by OSU Extension staff across the state.
View a recording of the OSU Extension Bi-Weekly Fruit & Vegetable Report updates below:
Strip Tillage
Strip tillage is a form of conservation tillage that attempts to combine the benefits of no-till and conventional tillage by working only the area where the crop will be planted. Leaving residue cover over the majority of the field protects the soil against erosion and helps to build organic matter, improve aggregate stability, and boost other indicators of soil health. Working the soil in the strip zone warms the soil faster and prepares a better seedbed to support plant growth.
Components of a strip till unit – A) lead coulter for slicing through residue, B) row cleaners for parting residue, C) shank for fracturing and lifting soil, D) berm-building coulters to shape tilled soil into strip, & E) rolling basket for creating level seedbed. Photo courtesy of Orthsman/Unverferth Manufacturing.
Strip-till in sweet corn stubble. Photo by Chris Galbraith, OSU Extension.
While strip till targets the benefits that come with integrating the two systems, there are downsides to consider as well. These mostly involve issues with cover crop and/or residue interference with growing the crop. Vigorous cover crops need to be terminated in a timely fashion and crop development can still be delayed in strip-till if the season begins cold and wet. Pests like slugs and voles can also build-up with the increased residue cover. The cost of the equipment can also be a substantial investment which creates a barrier to entry for many growers.
Many vegetables can be grown in strip tillage systems, including cucurbits, sweet corn, snap beans, potatoes, cole crops, carrots, and more. Recent studies at Michigan State University have found a slight yield increase from strip till in vegetable crops, but many of the issues mentioned can impact this (climate, residue management, pest pressure). It is important to consider the factors that go into making strip till a successful venture in order to make the most of the equipment and the practice.
This season has been severe in terms of wildlife damage in specialty crops. Animals like deer, groundhogs, voles, raccoons, and birds have caused major losses on some farms. Dr. Marne Titchnell, wildlife program director for OSU Extension, recently gave an in-depth presentation at Farm Science Review on different wildlife mitigation strategies for growers. The information and slides can be found on her blog through the link below:
Opportunities abound for farms when it comes to teaming up to save money and improve effectiveness through joint purchasing, collaborative marketing, and other similar practices. These types of partnerships between farm businesses is captured by the cooperative or “co-op” model where growers access resources and savings by acting together and making decisions as a group in certain scenarios. The Center for Cooperatives at OSU specializes in these sorts of opportunities and can offer guidance to growers who are interested in leveraging the benefits of organizing for collaborative business purposes.
Heavy cross striped cabbageworm and imported cabbageworm feeding is still being observed in some brassica plantings. Aphids have made a late season push in brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli plantings. Cabbage aphids are typically a grayish color, and are often found amongst a waxy, white secretion which covers their body. Reproduction rates of these aphids are highest in temperatures between 50-68F. Scout for these pests on the underside of younger leaves, between leaf layers and on flower buds or seed stalks. It is recommended to treat cabbage when you see 1-2% of plants infested with aphids. There are a number of products that can be used to treat aphids in cabbage including Movento, Sivanto, Assail, Exirel and Beleaf. Prioritize products that have reduced toxicity (e.g., Beleaf) which will conserve natural enemy communities. Refer to the Midwest Vegetable production guide for other options.
Cabbage aphid infestation. Photo by Frank Becker, OSU Extension.
Cucurbits are seeing upticks in a variety of beetles in flowers and fruit. These include corn rootworm species. Spotted cucumber beetles are active. Aphids are also beginning to be found with some more frequency in the fall vine crops. Squash bugs are also active within the crop. Most cucurbits do not have blooms in fields, so pyrethroid and carbamate applications may be applied (e.g., Sevin, Pounce, Capture). Refer to the Midwest Vegetable production guide for other options.
The pumpkin crop has been strong in Ohio this season. Many growers in northwest Ohio were able to manage downy mildew with fungicides. Plectosporium blight has been causing some problems for growers where fungicide spray coverage may not have been as thorough as desired. Most fungicide spray programs being used are adequate to limit impacts from plectosporium blight. Spray penetration into the canopy and coverage across the field is as important as selecting the right product.
Plectosporium blight on pumpkin, identified by light colored lesions on fruit, handles, and vines. Photos by Frank Becker, OSU Extension.
Fruiting Vegetables
Late blight has been confirmed in several tomato fields in and around Wayne County. Bacterial diseases have also begun to start, and with cool mornings and heavy dews, it will become increasingly more difficult to manage.
Several high tunnel producers have reported dealing with broad mites/cyclamen mites in their high tunnel peppers. The mites feed on the fruit while it is still developing and their feeding damage causes the peppers to become russested and misshapen. The leaves may also appear distorted, almost as if they were drifted with herbicides. Keep in mind that these mites are in a different group than two-spotted spider mites. Therefore, it’s important to select control options that are appropriate and effective on this species. Sanitation and crop rotation are also important cultural control measures that need to be taken when dealing with mites in high tunnels.
Although the growing season is behind us for onions, curing is still ongoing, and some growers have reported some challenges with curing. Make sure that you are providing the proper conditions for curing onions. Less than ideal conditions will result in frustrations and losses of product. Ideal conditions are warm, dry, well ventilated areas. Ideal temperature range is between 75-90F. The other factor that contributes to losses while curing is not curing the best graded onions. Curing is not an attempt to bring quality back, only preserve it. Grading hard for only the best onions to be cured will help reduce the chance that rots begin to develop. Take note of any disease or insect issues that you have observed this year and use these notes to help you next year. Onions that may have had heavy thrips loads, or untreated disease infection during the season are not going to hold up as well as desired during the curing process.
Green onions are seeing thrips populations slow down. Typically, thrips populations will decrease as we enter into Autumn and see these species move onto weedy hosts.
Sanitation is an important component of an integrated disease management program. In small fruit and tree fruit alike, there are diseases that can over winter on infested fruit, foliage and branches. As the season winds down, it is still important to scout for diseases that may be present, identify the disease and have a plan of action to manage the disease. Finding and removing mummy fruit, which are dried and shriveled fruit that are typically full of fungal structures, will help to significantly reduce disease inoculum from the production area. Too, mowing and mulching or raking away the leaves from around the trees and bushes reduces the amount of viable inoculum that may be overwintering in foliage. Much progress can be made towards disease management with efforts made in the fall. Taking these steps, and committing to them long term, helps to break disease cycles and reduce the overall pathogen load over time.
Fruit rots are being observed in apples, including white rot and bitter rot. Bitter rot is common in apples during warm, wet conditions. For more information, take a look at this OSU article on bitter rot in apple. Marsoninna blotch is also found on apples.
The pawpaw crop in Ohio this season has been later and smaller than past years. Pawpaw is a niche crop that is gaining popularity with Ohio consumers and can be used as an ingredient in specialty craft beers, ice cream, and other value-added items. For more information on pawpaw production, check out this factsheet from Cornell University. Learn more about the pawpaw industry in Ohio by visiting the Ohio PawPaw Growers Association website.
Pawpaw fruit cluster. Photo by Clemson University.
The OSU Extension Fruit & Vegetable Report is written/published collectively by OSU Extension staff across the state.
View a recording of the OSU Extension Bi-Weekly Fruit & Vegetable Report updates below:
Farm Science Review 2023
The Farm Science Review (FSR) is one of the nation’s premier farm shows and one of OSU Extension’s largest, most far-reaching educational programs. The event will be held at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center near London, Ohio on September 19th – 21st. The OSU Extension Fruit & Vegetable Team will be hosting a tent all 3 days that will feature presentations from academic and industry speakers on a variety of topics, including nutrient management, entomophagy, integrated pest management, variety trial results, farm marketing, and more. The OSU Extension Fruits & Vegetables exhibit will be located near the gazebo near the Utzinger Garden (booth 385). We hope to see you there!
Speaker schedule for OSU Extension Fruits & Vegetables exhibit at FSR 2023. Note: There will also be a presentation by Dr. Marne Titchnell, Extension Wildlife Program Director for OSU, on wildlife management in fruits & vegetables on Wednesday, September 20th from 1:30 – 2:00 PM.
Purple carrot-seed moth detection
The OSU Plant & Pest Diagnostic Clinic (PPDC) recently received an insect sample that was identified to be purple carrot-seed moth (Depressaria depressana), a known pest of crops in the Apiaceae family. This was the first report of purple carrot-seed moth found in Ohio, though it has been found in neighboring states. The insect feeds on the flower heads of crops like carrot, parsnip, dill, celery, parsley, and more, but it is yet unknown if it will be an economically important pest of these crops in Ohio. Check out the article from PPDC for more information.
Purple carrot seed moth larvae (top) and adult (bottom). Photo by Iowa State University Extension (top) and University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Entomology (bottom).
Crop updates
Downy mildew continues to wreak havoc in cucurbit plantings this time of year. As a refresher, here is a factsheet from Michigan State University on downy mildew mitigation. Powdery mildew pressure is reported to be increasing in southern Ohio. Striped cucumber beetles populations are declining in central/northeast Ohio and transitioning more towards higher numbers of corn rootworm beetles. Western corn rootworm, a look-alike of striped cucumber beetle, also feeds on cucurbits and can impact yield if heavy populations are present. Check out this article from Iowa State University for information on identifying different rootworm beetle pests.
Virus symptoms are being observed in some melon plantings. There are various aphid-vectored potyviruses that affect cucurbits and they can be hard to differentiate from one another, though control practices are similar for all of them. The big 4 for cucurbit crops are cucumber mosaic virus, papaya ring spot virus, watermelon mosaic virus, and zucchini yellow mosaic virus. Like many crop diseases, management practices are preventative and include using resistant varieties or planting earlier to ensure harvest before viral symptoms appear towards the end of the season. Getting aphids under control may also minimize virus infection to some degree.
Cucumber mosaic virus – symptoms include yellowish-green “mosaic” mottling on foliage or fruit and crinkled leaves. Photo by Gerald Holmes, Strawberry Center, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Bugwood.org.
Papaya ringspot virus – symptoms include wrinkled leaves and discolored, bumpy fruit. Photo by Mary Ann Hansen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Bugwood.org.
Watermelon mosaic virus – symptoms include wrinkled leaves and geometric patterns on fruit. Photo by Dorina Pitorac, European Plant Protection Organization.
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus – symptoms include blistered, wrinkled leaves and fruit with discolored bumps. Photo by University of Massachusetts Extension.
Fruiting Vegetables
Late-season aphid feeding is being observed in some solanaceous crops. Honeydew is a sugary liquid secreted by aphids and other sap-sucking insects (whiteflies, spotted lanternfly, etc.). Honeydew accumulation on crop foliage or fruit can lead to growth of sooty mold, which is a term for various genera of fungi that colonize the sticky exudate. Sooty mold does not render vegetables inedible, however, and can be readily washed off.
Honeydew from aphids (and other sap-suckers) on plant leaves is sticky to the touch and can be colonized by sooty mold. Photos by Kansas State University Entomology (top) and Joe Boggs, the Ohio State University Extension (bottom).
Regular bouts of rainfall as we head into the fall are leading to increased incidence of Phytophthora infection in peppers (and cucurbits). While excess water is a problem for some vegetable growers in Ohio, some parts of western Ohio still remain abnormally dry, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Mites have been a problem in some areas, while thrips have taken a downturn. Keeping mites under control towards the end of the season can reduce the chance of heavy pressure next season by reducing the egg load/number of overwintering adults that will become next year’s mite infestations.
Tree fruits
Early varieties of apples are being harvested across the state. Brown marmorated stinkbug pressure is increasing. Bitter rot is starting to be observed in some orchards. Marssonina leaf blotch is also being seen in some organic orchards, where management can be difficult without the use of fungicides. Removal/destruction of leaves on the orchard floor in the fall can reduce overwintering sites for the pathogen. Black knot is being seen on some ornamental plum trees, so commercial plum and cherry growers should keep an eye out for black knot galls on their trees and promptly remove them if they see them.
Gall of black knot (Apiosporina morbosa), a fungal pathogen of plum, cherry, and other types of fruit trees. Photo by Joseph O Brien, USDA Forest Service, Bugwood.org.
Small Fruits
Preparing Brambles for Winter – Sanitation Practices for Disease Prevention Melanie Ivey, State Fruit Pathologist and Fresh Produce Safety Specialist, The Ohio State University
Disease management of perennial fruit crops is a year-round endeavor. Many fungal pathogens survive the winter months in the soil or plant debris, infected canes or buds, or dead canes. As part of an integrated disease management program fall sanitation practices to reduce inoculum in the planting should be done. Best sanitation practices include removing floricanes after harvest, removing diseased and dead canes, removing dead or systemically infected plants, and raking or chopping fallen leaves. Pruning debris should be destroyed by burning or placing in the trash or discarding it away from the planting. Diseased plant material should not be composted. Pruning cuts should be sharp and clean to avoid unnecessary mechanical wounds.
The fall is also a good time to scout for and remove wild bramble populations that are near the production field. In addition to fall sanitation practices, some diseases require a dormant or delayed dormant fungicide application. For dormant or delayed dormant fungicide recommendations consult the Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide (OSU Extension Bulletin 506).
The table below summarizes where the fungi for several common diseases of brambles in Ohio overwinter, the recommended fall sanitation practices for each disease, and whether a dormant or delayed dormant fungicide application is recommended.