Spotted-Wing Drosophila Impact over the Last Decade Requested

SWD larvae in fruit

Spotted-wing Drosophila male (L) and female (R).

Ohio was first infested with spotted-wing Drosophila (SWD) in the fall of 2011. This pest turned long standing IPM programs on their head and forced growers to adopt new monitoring and management practices for this pest or face losing significant amounts of  blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, peaches and grapes to larval infestation. While OSU had an active Extension and outreach program to teach growers about this insect since discovery in Ohio, we relied on research generated by several multi-state grants to keep our growers at the forefront of IPM on susceptible crops. While we have made substantial progress on monitoring and managing this pest, there are still many research and management questions to answer. To help inform the next phase of SWD research and outreach, please consider adding your thoughts about how this pest has impacted your operation over the past decade. All responses are confidential.

**This survey is being shared with multiple mailing lists to ensure that we reach as many impacted growers as possible. We apologize if you receive it more than once!

Dear Berry Growers:

As part of a national team of entomologists studying the management of spotted-wing drosophila (SWD), we are reaching out with a request for assistance to help understand the current impacts of SWD on your farm and how these impacts may have changed in the last 10 years.

If you are willing to share insights from your farm, farms you manage, or growers you work with, please complete this short survey, which will take about 15 minutes or less:

How will this information be used?
This information will be used to develop new research goals as part of a USDA Specialty Crop Research Initiative proposal under development. It will also be compared to information collected in similar surveys in 2013 and 2014 to help us understand where challenges still exist for SWD management and what improvements have been made over the last 10 years and shared in extension and scholarly publications.

Who should I contact for more information?
For more information about this survey, contact Hannah Levenson,, 919.434.7882. For more information about SWD management, contact members of our project team or your local extension expert.

Thank you,

Hannah Burrack
Professor & Chair
Department of Entomology
Michigan State University

A Potential Break from the Spooky-Dry Weather

This article was written by Dr. Aaron Wilson, OSU Extension, Ag Weather and Climate Field Specialist

Fig. 1. U.S. Drought Monitor depiction for Ohio as of October 22, 2024.

Dry conditions have plagued Ohioans throughout the growing season this year, with another below average week of precipitation this past week. Since the remnants of Hurricane Helene moved through in late September, ample precipitation has been hard to come by. Several cities are experiencing one of their driest Octobers on record, including Cincinnati and Mansfield (2nd driest), Dayton (3rd driest), and Athens and Columbus (4th driest). Many of these locations have picked up less than three-tenths of an inch. Warmer than average temperatures this week have also notched the drought stress back up, with numerous reports of field fires in west central and northwest Ohio. Certainly, where drought conditions have persisted the longest in southeast Ohio, crop yields are generally below average, pastures have been slow to recover, and producers are still hauling water. As of October 22, 2024, the US Drought Monitor still shows about 8% of the state in D4 – exceptional drought with about 65% of the state still experiencing drought conditions (D1-D4).

If you are continuing to experience drought impacts or to document improvements, you can view and/or submit local reports at the Condition Monitoring Observer Reports page. For a more detailed look at conditions and resources, visit our Drought Response Page or for the latest up-to-date conditions, seasonal outlooks, and monthly climate summaries, please visit the State Climate Office of Ohio.

Fig. 2. Precipitation forecast from the Weather Prediction Center for 8pm Monday October 28 – 7pm Monday November 5, 2024.

Weather Forecast – Again we are expecting a big warming trend early this week, followed by an increasing chance of Halloween rain and a weekend cool down. High pressure will remain in control through Wednesday, with strong southerly wind gusts and high temperatures running in the mid 70s to low 80s. With gusty winds and low humidity, fire risk will be elevated. A few daily record highs are at stake as well. A cold front will push through the region on Thursday. Although much heavier rain is expected across the central states, a solid line of showers and storms will drop 0.25-0.50 inches of rain. After brief drying conditions on Saturday, another system could bring rainn showers back into Ohio for Sunday and Monday. Temperatures will be much colder over the weekend, with highs in the 50s and 60s and lows in the 30s and 40s. The Weather Prediction Center is currently forecasting 0.25-0.75” of rain this week (Figure 2).

The 8-14 day outlook from the Climate Prediction Center and the 16-Day Rainfall Outlook from NOAA/NWS/Ohio River Forecast Center show that temperatures are likely to jump back above average with a robust signal toward wetter than average conditions as well (Figure 3). This is not a pattern we have seen in a while but hopefully represents a step toward long-term drought and soil moisture recovery for the area. Climate averages include a high-temperature range of 56-60°F, a low-temperature range of 38-41°F, and weekly total precipitation of 0.55-0.80”.

Fig. 3. Climate Prediction Center 8-14 Day Outlook valid for November 5 – 11, 2024, for left) temperatures and right) precipitation. Colors represent the probability of below, normal, or above normal conditions.

New Pumpkin Production and Pest Management Guide Available

Cover shot of new pumpkin guide

A new 72-page guide, “A Modern Approach to Crop and Pest Management in Pumpkin – ANR 806”, was published in August 2024 to help both beginner and experienced growers produce a better crop. Thirteen specialists from Ohio State University, Michigan State University and Cornell University worked together to produce this guide which increases awareness of modern IPM practices such as mechanical weed control, cover crops, pollinator protection and negative impacts of certain pesticide mixtures. Basic topics like weed, insect and disease management are also covered, as well as the benefits of natural enemies and a pumpkin enterprise budget to measure overall profitability. In addition to colorful images and layman’s text to explain each topic, QR codes are sprinkled throughout the guide to provide deeper dives on most topics via factsheets, bulletins, websites and videos from specialists around the country. Although the guide was written for growers in the Midwest, most concepts will apply to growers in the Northeast and Southeast regions of the country.

Copies of the guide can be ordered and purchased at your local Extension county office or online at OSU Extension Publishing (

Pages of the new pumpkin guide

 Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day Returns!

 Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day Returns!

Last year this event was held in Wooster, OH and it was a great success, with over 150 farmers in attendance. This year the event has rotated to West Lafayette, IN, home of Purdue University if you care to attend. A full day of weeding tool demonstrations, trade show, and cultivation education for both vegetables and row crops will be on display.

Champaign, IL. In partnership with Purdue University, this year’s Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day will take place on Wednesday, September 11 at Purdue University’s Horticulture research station. 

At the morning Expo you can see weeding tools and speak with company reps from manufacturers in the US, Europe, and Japan, and meet the farmers in attendance from all over the region. At the morning education sessions, learn from experienced farmers and university weed scientists from surrounding states. ‘Weed control on the tillage spectrum’ will make the connection between tillage and weed management – with demos and talks on tarping for vegetables and plowing down cover crops with residue management in mind. 

A walk-behind tractor exhibition – ‘Walk-Behind Alley’ – features demonstrations of walk-behind tractors and hand tools. A wide variety of cultivators, hand tools, and the paperpot transplanting system will be shown. You can also visit the trade show exhibit booths to meet other supply companies, like equipment dealers for all manner of machinery, seed, tools, fertilizers, and soils. 

At noon, the field day will break for lunch – an opportunity for farmers to meet and network, or continue looking at trade show equipment and speaking with exhibitors. In the afternoon farmers follow the tractors out to the demonstration field, where corn, beets, and brassicas have been planted especially for the demonstrations. Many 3-point, camera-guided, autonomous, and belly-mounted cultivators and cultivating tractors will be demonstrated in the field and explained by manufacturers. These demonstrations will show how the machines should be mounted and properly adjusted according to crop and soil conditions, and will help farmers visualize how the implements can work on their own farms. 

Row-crop tools in demonstration include precision-controlled tine-weeders and several types of camera-guided cultivators with finger weeders and all manner of other tooling – see all types of knives, hilling discs, etc. Demonstrations will be held in 4’’ corn. 

Vegetable weeding tools include cultivating tractors past and present, a variety of belly-mounted and rear-mounted steerable tools, and cultivators from Japan! 

Registration for this full-day of learning and networking on mechanical weed control is just $75. Registration includes lunch and all the machinery demos you can handle. It is recommended that everyone register early as each year space runs out. 

This event is perfect for farmers and ag advisors who want to: see a particular weeding tool before buying it, learn how to adjust cultivators, see what is new in cultivation, or learn from other farmers. 

Here is the general information for the event: 

When: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 

Where: Purdue University – MEIGS Horticultural Research Farm 9101 S 100 E Lafayette, IN 47909

How Much: $75 (includes lunch) 

Register online at:

*Walk-in registration will be available, but lunch and conference amenities are not guaranteed.

Field Day webpage:

For more info on the event or to register by phone, contact Crystal at or (217) 840-2128. 

Inquiries for interviews on radio, print, and beyond are welcomed – Please reach out to Sam Oschwald Tilton,, or 414-213-5337

Interested in exhibiting your products and connecting with farmers at the field day? Please contact us

Insect Monitoring Network Update – 3rd Week of August

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug – Traps have been placed in Greene, Knox, Loraine and Ross counties. Adults are currently active on a broad range of specialty crops including berries, apples, tomatoes and peppers. The only crop with an action threshold is apple based on 10 bugs cumulative per trap placed at the edge and interior of the block. This threshold has not been tested in Ohio.

Spotted wing Drosophila – A total of eight sites have been set up in Greene, Geauga, Loraine, Adams and Ross counties. SWD has been detected in all counties with individual trap counts ranging from 17 to 44 flies. The threshold for this pest is 1 fly per trap. Expect untreated adult populations to build and cause damage through final harvest. Insecticide treatments and other cultural methods such as proper pruning and weed fabric will help to manage the infestation through final harvest. Growers with ripening brambles, blueberries, peaches and other soft skinned fruit should be aware this pest is likely present in all 88 counties at this point in the season. Refer to this factsheet for more information on control measures 

European corn borer – Five monitoring sites are set up in South Charleston (Clark Co.), Fremont (Sandusky Co.), Geauga and Huron Counties. All sites are reporting zero moths for the past week. Although the traps are not detecting moths, given the accumulation of heat units we have had if there are pockets of ECB out in the state, it is possible a third generation may emerge in late August.

Corn earworm – Eight monitoring sites are set up in Clark, Sandusky, Fayette, Huron, Pike and Crawford counties. Moth counts have fluctuated in the past two weeks between 0-29 moths per trap per week, with the highest moth count in Clark county. As we get later into the season, expect larger migratory flights of CEW to be present in the state, especially around silking sweet corn. If you have a trap that is located near a mature sweet corn field, move it to a soon to be silking field, as CEW moths are preferentially attracted to silking sweet corn over young or mature sweet corn plants. If you have a trap set near a mature sweet corn field, expect lower CEW moth catch but possible damage.

Squash vine borer – There are 11 counties currently trapping for this pest in Clark, Greene, Montgomery, Fayette, Geauga, Ross, Pike, Seneca, Morrow, Summit and Williams counties. Clark, Greene, Seneca, Williams and Montgomery. Reports for the last week show a general reduction of moths captured per trap per week, ranging between 1 and 6. This insect should continue to decline through the rest of the season. As growers walk and scout fields, be vigilant to identify potential SVB damage on plants to estimate injury.

Growers can access and view the monitoring data directly at this site.

Notes from the Pumpkin Patch – 3rd week of July

Powdery Mildew Detected – This week marks the first week powdery mildew was detected in the pumpkin plots in South Charleston at the Western Ag Research Station. There have been reports of PM being found a week earlier in Wayne County. At the station, the amount of disease detected in the trial was extremely minor; only three white colonies on ca. 60 leaves, top and bottom leaf surfaces inspected, on July 18. Powdery mildew can multiply in the canopy rapidly given warm and humid conditions so the recommendation is to begin treatment when the first colonies are discovered. Today, nine treatments for the powdery mildew fungicide trial on pumpkins were applied. Major fungicides being tested include Milstop, Cease, Switch, Gatten, Procure and Quintec. Results of the trial will be reported when the trial is completed mid-September.

Striped Cucumber Beetle Update – The summer generation of striped cucumber beetles emerged in South Charleston around two weeks ago and have moved off of the foliage and primarily into flowers at this point in the season. Treatment for beetles in the flowers is not recommended as this will only cause significant harm to pollinators in and around the field, plus cause other issues with pest insects (see below).

Sticky panel with rootworm attractive lure

On a related note, the striped cucumber beetle attractant study being conducted at the Western Ag Research Station is about ¾ done at this point. Of the three attractants being tested for striped or spotted cucumber beetles, none seem to stand out as being hyper attractive to these two beetles. There is one lure that is very effective against the Western corn rootworm beetle, which has also begun to emerge from corn fields in the past few weeks.

Aphid infested pumpkin plant

Green lacewing egg in center of circle

1 black circle around ladybug eggs, 2 circles around golden aphid mummies

Aphids Rising…But Why? – What do you get when you apply a pyrethroid insecticide to a pumpkin field in early July? Answer, most likely a field full of aphid covered plants. Why the surge in aphids? This is attributed to the highly toxic nature of the pyrethroid chemical class to natural enemies in the field that are actively suppressing the aphid population. In the photos, you can see some major aphid predators re-establishing on the aphid infested leaves; ladybug eggs, green lacewing eggs and aphid mummies (evidence of parasitoid wasps). The lesson here is unless you have a known pest to control in a pumpkin field which is over threshold, resist the urge to spray a broad-spectrum insecticide. If a treatment must be made, consider selecting products that are less likely to flair aphids or other secondary pests.

In an IPM context, it is important to protect plants with fungicides from diseases such as powdery or downy mildew when they are detected above threshold. Over the past few years, researchers have begun to understand the importance of not adding both fungicides and insecticides to the same tank mix due to harmful synergies, some that are known and many that are unknown, on pollinators and potentially other insects like natural enemies. For a deeper dive into the negative synergy of mixing fungicides and insecticides, Cornell University recently published this bulletin.

Cornell Pollinator Guide

World’s smartest toad?










Amphibian Pest Management? – While scouting for powdery mildew on Thursday, I came across this toad cleverly parked at the edge of a pumpkin flower, no doubt waiting for a juicy opportunity to nab a few beetles or bees. First time I have ever seen this!

Insect Monitoring Network Update – 3rd Week of July

The Integrated Pest Management Program along with OSU Extension educators across the state are monitoring five key pests this season. Monitoring sites are set up on farmer’s fields across the state and will be updated weekly.

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug – This insect will not be monitored for until late July. Adults are currently active on a broad range of specialty crops.

Spotted wing Drosophila – A total of eight sites have been set up in Greene, Geauga, Loraine, Adams and Ross counties. SWD has been detected in all counties with individual trap counts ranging from 6 to 184 flies. The threshold for this pest is 1 fly. If this threshold is exceeded and ripe or ripening fruit is present, growers should consider applying insecticides or use other cultural methods to manage the infestation through final harvest. Growers with ripening brambles, blueberries, peaches and other soft skinned fruit should be aware this pest is likely present in all 88 counties at this point in the season. Refer to this factsheet for more information 

European corn borer – Five monitoring sites are set up in South Charleston (Clark Co.), Fremont (Sandusky Co.), Geauga and Huron Counties. All sites are reporting low moth numbers for the past two weeks, ranging between 0-3 moths per trap per week.

Corn earworm – Eight monitoring sites are set up in Clark, Sandusky, Fayette, Huron, Pike and Crawford counties. Moth counts have fluctuated in the past two weeks between 0-17 moths per trap per week, with the highest moth count in Clark county. As we get later into the season, expect larger migratory flights of CEW to be present in the state, especially around silking sweet corn. If you have a trap that is located near a mature sweet corn field, move it to a soon to be silking field, as CEW moths are preferentially attracted to silking sweet corn over young or mature sweet corn plants.

Squash vine borer – There are 11 counties currently trapping for this pest in Clark, Greene, Montgomery, Fayette, Geauga, Ross, Pike, Seneca, Morrow, Summit and Williams counties. Clark, Greene, Seneca, Williams and Montgomery. Reports for the last two weeks show a general reduction of moths captured per trap per week, ranging between 0 and 5. This insect should continue to decline through the rest of the season. As growers walk and scout fields, be vigilant to identify potential SVB damage on plants to estimate injury.

Growers can access and view the monitoring data directly at this site.

Powdery Mildew Management in Pumpkin and Squash

Initial powdery mildew infestation

Heavy powdery mildew infestation

This article was co-written with Dr. Sally Miller, Emeritus OSU Plant Pathology, updated from 2023 post.

The article is detailed and thorough as OSU has had an active powdery mildew evaluation program for over two decades. Here are the key messages to focus on; greater details of each are further into the text:

1. Mid-July is the time to start scouting for PM; when the first colonies are found, begin treatment.

2. Treat every 7-14 days using hollow cone nozzles at 35-50 GPA with a target of 65 PSI.

3. Alternate FRAC codes (letter/number on top of label) when spraying to reduce PM fungicide resistance. For example spray 1 Quintec (FRAC 13), spray 2 Procure (FRAC 3), spray 3 Quintec, spray 4 Procure, etc. Adding a protectant (FRAC M) like Manzate Pro or Chlorothalonil (Bravo) can be done with every spray and enhances overall PM control; it’s the one exception to the rotation rule.

4. There are many great to good products available for PM control; at least 3 current sources are listed in this article to find products; Sally Miller and Jim Jasinski’s trial results listed below and the Midwest Vegetable Production Guide.

5. Some cost of application data is provided toward the end of the article so growers can pair efficacy with economics to see which suits their production goals best.

General PM Biology
Powdery mildew usually appears on pumpkins and other cucurbits in Ohio beginning in early to mid July. While it has not been seen in South Charleston at the research station yet (Clark County), it has been reported in Wayne County. The pathogen, Psudoperonospora cubensis, does not overwinter in Ohio; infections result from spores blown into the area on the wind.  Powdery mildew is favored by moderate to high temperatures and high humidity. However, unlike most other fungal plant pathogens, it is inhibited by free moisture on the leaf surface.

Signs of infection are small circular powdery growths on either side of the leaf, typically the lower leaf surface first. These spots enlarge and can eventually cover most of the leaf surface and kill the leaves. Stems and leaf petioles are also susceptible, but the disease is not observed on fruit. In pumpkins, powdery mildew may also attack the “handles”, which can be further damaged by secondary pathogens.

Powdery mildew is managed using disease-resistant varieties (powdery mildew tolerant and resistant hybrids) and fungicides. Pumpkin and squash varieties vary in resistance to powdery mildew; in general, the more susceptible the variety, the more fungicide needed. The choice of fungicide is important because insensitivity to overused fungicides is common. It is critical that a fungicide resistance management program is followed. Alternate fungicides in different FRAC (Fungicide Resistance Action Committee) groups, indicating different modes of action against the fungus. Fungicide applications should begin when the disease first appears and incidence is low (rule of thumb: at least one leaf of 50 scouted). Fungicides that are labeled for use against cucurbit powdery mildew can be found in the searchable Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers. In the Cucurbit chapter, a fungicide table lists recommended products and their efficacy against powdery mildew.

Product Efficacy Trials
Field exposed greenhouse based studies at OSU of efficacy of powdery mildew fungicides in Ohio in 2021 indicated that Aprovia Top, Luna Experience, Inspire Super, Rally, Miravis Prime, Luna Sensation, Microthiol Disperss, Vivando and Procure provided very good control of powdery mildew on pumpkins (see table in color below).  Velum Prime, Cevya, Prolivo and Gatten provided good control of powdery mildew on upper leaf surfaces but poor control on the lower surfaces.

Quintec provided good control in 2021 but in other years and other states has failed due to resistance. Fontelis, Bravo Weather Stik, Merivon Xemium, Pristine, and Torino have been shown to provide poor or variable control in Ohio or other states and are not recommended.

Table 1. Field exposed and greenhouse incubated powdery mildew fungicide results.

Jim Jasinski, OSU Extension, has been running field trials in southwest Ohio at the Western Ag Research Station since 2014 to assess fungicide efficacy against powdery mildew on pumpkins. Yearly results of these trials (2014 – 2023) can be found here toward the middle of the page.

Some effective season long fungicide combinations, based on 2021-2023 data, are shown in the second table below. Some of these fungicides were not effective in the Field/Greenhouse bioassays (table in color), but when paired with a broad spectrum protectant like Manzate, provided more effective control than when applied alone. Most experts suggest adding a broad spectrum protectant fungicide like Manzate to more powdery mildew-targeted fungicides to reduce the risk of fungicide development, boost fungicide efficacy and protect the crop from other diseases. However, programs based solely on protective products such as Manzate or Bravo, do not provide good season long protection so addition of other fungicides is necessary.

Always check the label for the full list of allowed crops, use recommendations and restrictions.

Table 2. Field Based Season Long Effective Fungicide Treatments to Control PM in Pumpkin in Ohio in 2021 – 2023.

*sequential applications for research only, must be rotated per label for grower use.

Spray Costs
While much time and energy is spent determining the most effective fungicides to control powdery mildew, less effort has been focused on the cost of the fungicide program, which is a huge consideration for growers. Below are listed some price estimates for a handful of fungicides. Prices extended to growers hinge on many factors so if the prices at your dealer vary compared to what is shown below, that is normal and to be expected.

Cevya – $5.92/oz (ca. $17.75 per application)

Gatten – $4.03/oz (ca. $24.18 per application)

Procure – $3.75/oz (ca. $30 per application)

SiGuard – $13/qt (ca. $13 per application)

Manzate Pro Stick – $3.60/lb (ca. $9 per application)

Quintec – $3.80/oz (ca. $22.80 per application)

Vacciplant – $1/oz (ca. $14 per application)

Vivando – $2.30/oz (ca. $35.42 per application)

Luna Experience – $5.15/oz (ca. $30.9 per application)

Microthiol Disperss – $1.85/lb (ca. $7.40 per application)

How Profitable are my Pumpkins? Commercial Pumpkin Budget Now Available!

Pumpkin Enterprise Budget

The Pumpkin Enterprise Budget below is the product of team work led by Eric Richer, Associate Professor, Farm Management, OSU Extension and supported by Jim Jasinski, Professor, Integrated Pest Management, OSU Extension, Rob Leeds, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension-Delaware County, Logan Minter, Associate Professor, OSU Extension-South Centers and Barry Ward, Leader, Production Business Management, OSU Extension.

For more than two decades, Ohio State University Extension educators and faculty from Plant Pathology, Entomology and Horticulture and Crop Science, have supported the production and pest management needs of pumpkin growers throughout the state. The focus of this work has predominately been to help growers produce a better quality and higher yielding pumpkin crop based on solid production and IPM practices. To complement our focus on production, we have developed a new tool to help growers understand the financial aspects and profitability of raising pumpkins in Ohio.

Screenshot of overall budget spreadsheet

For the first time in 25 years, an updated Ohio Commercial Pumpkin Enterprise Budget has been released on the Farm Office website! This downloadable interactive spreadsheet ( can be used to predict your cost of production; calculate profit per acre, per ton, and per bin; and help growers set prices accordingly.  The tool was developed and refined by OSU Extension Specialists, educators and growers over the past few years who have a passion to understand the economic aspects of pumpkin production.

The budget is based on a standard jack-o-lantern production enterprise with three default yield and cost columns based on low (5 tons/A), average(10 tons/A) and high production systems (15 tons/A).  The spreadsheet is designed so growers can enter their individual information in yellow cells and the resulting calculations in blue cells will determine their cost of production and potential profitability. Current market prices for input costs (fertilizer, labor, pesticides, etc.) were used based on industry standards.

Receipts section

The budget begins with a Receipts section that allows growers to break out their production by retail, wholesale or other sale methods based on percentage of yield.  The receipts section also allows for percentage spoilage and customization in price per market segment.

Variable costs section

In the Variable costs section of the budget, growers can input their desired row spacing (between row and in-row spacing) and projected seed costs. The default seeding and fertilizer rates are based on the Midwest Vegetable Production Guide but can be modified per the grower’s production practice. The herbicide, insecticide and fungicide application sections are perhaps the most improved from our last iteration. Growers can utilize the standardized pesticide recommendations and updated industry costs or choose to modify the pest management program based on their current production practices, farm history and seasonal pest levels. Also included are custom spraying charges in case a grower does not spray their own pumpkins.

The remaining Variable costs include bee hives (if used), labor, marketing cost of bins, trucking, fuel/oil/grease, repairs, irrigation, and operating interest.  These costs can vary greatly by grower, but standardized values were used where standardized costs could be found.

Fixed costs section

After variable costs, the budget tool estimates Fixed or overhead costs related to operating a commercial pumpkin enterprise.  As in most enterprise budgets, these Fixed costs include owner’s labor and management charges, machinery and equipment ownership costs and a land charge. Again, producers can enter their individual values for each of these categories if they know them for a more accurate output.

Total costs section

The Total Costs section at the bottom of the budget helps growers determine their overall costs on a per acre, per ton and per bin basis depending on actual pumpkin harvest yields.

The last six lines of the Total Costs section are used to understand profitability. These are broken down on a per acre basis into Returns Above Variable Costs, Returns Above Variable and Land Costs, and Returns Above Total Costs. Growers generally associate Returns Above Total Costs as their profit per acre. There are more sophisticated measures of profitability such as Return to Land, Return to Labor and Management, and Return to Land, Labor and Management if growers care to dive deeper. The “Return Above” and “Return To” measures of profitability are explained in greater detail in the footnotes associated with the budget.

If you have specific questions about the Pumpkin Enterprise Budget, please contact Eric Richer,

Pumpkin Enterprise Budget video

If you prefer to digest this information by watching a video where Eric explains the various budget sections, it can be viewed on the OSU IPM YouTube video library here:

Additional crop and animal enterprise budgets can be found on OSU’s Farm Office website at

Screenshot of OSU IPM YouTube video library

To view the pumpkin IPM video library created to help growers identify and manage key pests and other topics, check out

Insect Monitoring Network Update – 4th Week of June

The Integrated Pest Management Program along with OSU Extension educators across the state are monitoring five key pests this season. Monitoring sites are set up on farmer’s fields across the state and will be updated weekly.

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug – This insect will not be monitored for until late July though it is currently active in a broad range of specialty crops.

Spotted wing Drosophila – A total of six sites have been set up in Greene, Geauga and Ross counties. SWD has been detected at both sites in Greene County. No positive identifications have been made in other counties. Growers with ripening brambles, blueberries, peaches and other soft skinned fruit should be aware of this pest so that proper management can be started when detected. Refer to this factsheet for more information 

European corn borer – Five sites are set up in South Charleston (Clark Co.), Fremont (Sandusky Co.), Geauga and Huron Counties. Both the Sandusky and Huron county sites are reporting 14 and 3 moths caught over the past two weeks. All other sites are reporting zero (0) moths captured. Additional sites should start reporting next week.

Corn earworm – Eight sites are set up in Clark, Sandusky, Fayette, Huron, Pike and Crawford counties. Clark county trapped 32 moths this week, up from 9 last week. Sandusky county reported capturing two CEW moths this past week. All other sites reporting zero (0) moths.

Squash vine borer – There are 11 counties currently trapping for this pest in Clark, Greene, Montgomery, Fayette, Geauga, Ross, Pike, Seneca, Morrow, Summit and Williams counties. Clark, Greene, Seneca, Williams and Montgomery are reporting a range of 1-11 SVB moths per week; the other six counties reported capturing zero (0) moths. Expect moth captures to go up this next week.

Growers can access and view the monitoring data directly at this site.