Creation Justice Ministries is celebrating Earth Day 2017 by focusing on environmental justice with indigenous people. They believe that the Christian communities living in the United States have an important role to play in developing relationships of solidarity with indigenous people. They will be offering sermon preparation resources, hymn suggestion, Christian education ideas, action opportunities, and more. They also note that these resources will be helpful to Indigenous People Day which is October 9, 2017. To read more about Creation Justice Ministries, click here. To access these Earth Day resources, click here.
Earth Day
Faith Community Impacts on Earth Day

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Since the founding of Earth Day, faith communities have been getting ready more and more involved with the activities of the day. Various religions have taken the lessons to heart, urging individuals to be more aware of their personal impact on the environment as well as their impacts as a community. For a thorough history on the involvement of faith communities with Earth Day, check out this link.
Faith Communities and Earth Day

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As Earth Day approaches, it is interesting to take a look into how and why various faith communities are getting more involved with the holiday as the years go by. This article accredits it to the ideal of creation care and the religious holidays of Easter and Passover that usually take place in the same time frame.
Earth Day Network
As Earth Day approaches, we are reminded of how important it is to get involved with conserving and protecting our environment, regardless or race, religion, or creed. Religions have always been able to push for social change, and the people at Earth Day Network are urging religious leaders and members to call upon their elected officials in government to help make the world more sustainable. You can find the Earth Day Network webpage here, and a message from Pope Francis on Earth day from 2015 below.
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