Ohio Compassion Map

This group organizes Ohio’s compassionate efforts, including those organizations created by faith communities. You can search the interactive map by location or look for organizations under service sector, like environment or food and nutrition, to find groups to partner with or volunteer with.

To connect with the Ohio Compassion Map click here.

Image courtesy of ohiocompassionmap.org

Lent and the Sustainable Development Goals

Mercy World Logo

Picture courtesy of mercyworld.org

Mercy International Organization has created a resource for Lent related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) . A few days are assigned to each of the seventeen SDG’s, with readings and a few thoughts to consider in your daily life related to each goal. To download this free resource, click here.

Eating Simply for Lent

Picture courtesy of catholicclimatemovement.global

“Growing in simplicity for Lent is a gift of the spirit. We now know that it’s also a way to sustainably inhabit our place in God’s creation.”

Global Catholic Climate Movement is focusing on protecting creation this Lent. They are advocating for “Eating Simply,” by adding a day of plant-based meals to your diet, or eating only plant based meals during Lent. They offer recipes and easy meals to help the transition. To read more or to make the commitment to eat simply, click here.

The Biblical Basis for Advocacy to end Hunger

Picture courtesy of bread.org/

This document from Bread for the World provides nine biblical themes that guide their mission to end hunger. They cite scripture for each theme to show why they believe it is their duty to love all people and ensure that no person goes hungry. To read more, click here.

Bread for the World: Have Faith. End Hunger.

Picture courtesy of bread.org/

Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging the nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. By changing policies, programs, and conditions that allow hunger and poverty to exist, they provide help and opportunity at home and abroad to end hunger.

“God’s grace in Jesus Christ moves us to help our neighbors, whether they live in the next house, the next state, or the next continent.”

To read more about Bread for the World or to get engaged with their work towards eradicating hunger, click here.

Catholic Relief Services Best Photographs 2018

This photo is part of CRS' best photos of 2018, it's the tsunami in Indonesia.

Picture courtesy of crs.org; Photographer Mohammed Hafiz

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has created the “Through the Lens of Our Photographers,” project. This is its third year of the CRS Photos Department’s annual collection of the best photos of the year. CRS Photo Librarian Lauren Carroll and Photo Editor Philip Laubner hope to offer photos that have a “lasting impact and transcend their parts to represent something bigger, something universal, something that talks to a larger human truth.” To view all of the photographs from 2018, click here.


God’s Good Creation Vacation Bible School

Picture courtesy of elca.org

God’s Good Creation is a vacation bible school (VBS) resource from Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The VBS focuses on teaching children about hunger, hope, and the work to which God calls on us to aid in ending hunger for good. There are five days that each contain learning activities with different themes. To read more or download God’s Good Creation, click here.

ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving

Picture courtesy of elca.org

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has relief programs around the world and in 2018, they created a “40 Days of Giving.” During this lenten program highlights several programs in India, Malawi, and the United States that revolve around food and agriculture, education and income, health and wellness, refugees, and women’s rights. To read the entire brochure on the goals of these projects and the impacts they could have, click here.

Speaking Out for Justice: United Methodist Women Advocate for Oil and Gas Regulations

Speaking Out for Justice

Picture courtesy of unitedmethodistwomen.org

United Methodist Women members asked the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to protect the vulnerable as a way to speak out for justice.  Three United Methodist Women members raised their voices on behalf of the vulnerable, women, and children in Washington D.C., speaking out against a possible postponement of regulations affecting natural gas and oil production. To read more on how and why these women spoke out for justice, click here.

Air Pollution and Public Health

Air Pollution and Public Health

Picture courtesy of unitedmethodistwomen.org

Air Pollution and Public Health is an article from United Methodist Women. It focuses on the impacts that air pollution has on health, specifically in communities of color and children. It goes on to discuss environmental justice and ways to combat this injustice. To read more, click here.