Hi Everyone!
Eric Place was kind enough to tell us a little about how his APPE rotations are going. I hope you enjoy this Spotlight, and that it provides some clarity on how fourth year can go for you 🙂
As a fourth year student pharmacist at OSU, my time has been flying with monthly advanced pharmacy practice experience rotations (APPEs). It is intriguing and curious how my idea of my future career has changed so many times throughout pharmacy school. I have a strong belief that the robust and outstanding opportunities at Ohio State are to blame…and I couldn’t be more thankful. I have been an intern at Kroger, Walmart, and the Indian Health Service. I have shadowed pharmacists and done experiential rotations over the past four years. It was not until this last year that something clicked and set me on a powerful path toward what I want to do with my PharmD degree.
My true passion lies in multi-disciplinary, evidence-based care in the acute hospital setting. That’s a mouthful, but spot on. I excelled in that area during two of my APPE rotations. I would come to work energized and open to learn, and then leave motivated to study up on the fascinating scenarios I encountered that day. My month in the ICU at Fairfield Medical Center introduced me to critical care. I learned how to interact with the attending physicians and how to contribute proper interventions based primary literature and guidelines. That month could also be considered an infectious disease (ID) rotation as we had intense reviews of all possible pathogens and antimicrobial therapies (“bugs and drugs”). I was assigned to prepare and deliver a sequence of ID lectures to family medicine residents. It was all great preparation for high-level performance the following month at Good Samaritan Hospital in Dayton, OH. I was back ICU setting, yet I was learning every day. My preceptor was too!  Case example: on the last day of rotation, we were researching how to deliver intrathecal colistin to one of our complex patients with a newly developed brain infection! The promise of an ever-challenging and stimulating practice environment solidified my decision to pursue a PGY1 with acute care focus.
My ultimate goal is achieve and apply board certification in pharmacotherapy or critical care at a top-level teaching hospital. I will want precepting and teaching responsibilities, along with the ability to perform innovative and cutting edge bedside research. The month of January kept me busy with applications and set me up for a few on-site PGY1 residency interviews in February. APPE rotations were key to discovering what I want for my near future. I am thankful for the challenging, inspiring, and unexpectedly great month I had with Bryce Lifer at Fairfield Medical Center.  I observed a level of excellence that I am hoping to expedite with completion of a PGY1. Some closing advice: whatever happens with your schedule during the final year in pharmacy school, just realize that YOU determine how beneficial it is for your life based on your ATTITUDE and your EFFORT.
Eric Place