Hi everyone! My name is Jamie and I’m a p2 student. I wanted to take a moment this week to highlight one of our newest student organizations SASP.
What is SASP?
SASP is the Student Association of Specialty Pharmacy. Our student chapter is the 1st student chapter of the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP)
SASP was started by a group of current P2’s student who work in the Specialty Pharmacy at the Wexner Medical Center across the street. This Organization aims to promote student engagement in specialty pharmacy through education, professional development and networking with current members of NASP.
Member Opportunities:
Columbus AIDS walk
Shadowing in Specialty Pharmacy
Donate Life Ambassador Program
Donate Life Dash for Donation
Be the Match
Leukemia Lymphoma Society Light the Night
SafePoint Counseling at Equitas Health
Why did I join?
I decided to join SASP because specialty pharmacy is an area completely new to me. I had never worked or shadowed in this area before joining the organization. After attending a few meetings and hearing specialty pharamcists talk about their experiences, I decided that specialty pharmacy is interesting, and I wanted to learn more. By Joining SASP, I can network and shadow in specialty to continue to learn about this type of pharmacy to get a good feel for if I want to pursue working in this area in the future.
I highly encourage you to check out SASP if you get the chance. This is just one of the many unique opportunities we have here at Ohio State. If you have any questions about SASP feel to reach out to me or follow our Instagram @ohiostatesasp