Module Based Curriculum

Hi Everyone!

This week I wanted to talk module based curriculum! Why? Well, it’s slightly different than the traditional course work that most of us (if not all) experienced in undergrad, and it is how the PharmD program is taught at Ohio State!

When I say the traditional curriculum, I am referring to taking multiple classes and subjects at once, for the entirety of a semester. For example, you may take a medicinal chemistry class, a pharmaceutical calculations class, a pathophysiology class, a lab and have your introductory pharmacy practice experience (IPPE) all at the same time (courses varying by semester and year). And often, the subject matters in each class will vary widely from each other. This may mean multiple exams in multiples classes in a week, and a lot of balancing in regards to different course material and studying time. This is widely done, and was used by Ohio State for many years, as well as many other Colleges of Pharmacy.

However, in 2016 (for the class of 2020—that’s me!), the College began teaching a module based curriculum—something that I feel has been beneficial to my learning and pharmacy practice experience, despite having previously done my undergraduate studies on the traditional style.

In module based learning, you focus on one class at a time, and the lab and IPPE compliment what you are learning in class. For example, as a P1, one of the major themes of the year was community based pharmacy. This meant that at the beginning of the year in class we learned about patient counseling, pharmacy law and more, in lab we learned how to take prescriptions over the phone, check prescriptions that would be filled in a community pharmacy, and that our IPPEs were focused on the community setting. P2 and P3 years are where you learn about the majority of your therapeutics. In module based, you walk through one disease state at a time. At the beginning of this year (I am a P2), we started with Cardiology, and learned the medicinal chemistry, therapeutics, pharmacology, and more regarding disease states involving the heart. Having such an all-encompassing view of the disease state made all of the content relevant and easier to tie together and understand.

Hopefully this gives you a little more insight into what exactly module based learning is and how beneficial it can be to your learning and understanding of content! I have personally found it to be incredibly helpful and find that it relieves a lot of stress as you are only studying for one or two classes at a time and can truly devote your understanding to it, rather than trying to juggle multiple different classes at once and getting less out of each.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have further questions about the curriculum or anything related to the College of Pharmacy!


Student Organization spotlight – SPADE


In 2015, Emmanuel Osei became the first president of SPADE the Student Pharmacists Association for Diversity and Equity. According to Its purpose statement, SPADE is a student run organization that is “committed to promoting an academically enriching and supportive environment, allowing all students of the College of Pharmacy to feel welcomed and appreciated regardless of their background.  SPADE aims to recognize, respect, and value people’s differences in hope that all members are able to achieve their full potential by promoting an inclusive culture for all students”.

SPADE was birthed out of the vision of a few students who saw that the college lacked a student organization that was solely focused on diversity and equity not only on the racial and cultural front but also in socio-economic standing and sexual orientation.

The necessity for a community of support for each member of the college of pharmacy is something that is recognized and supported by the college and its members both in leadership as well as student member populations.

In addition to fostering an inclusive environment for all members of the college of pharmacy, SPADE also seeks to educate and better prepare students to serve as Pharmacists in a diverse work force. During certain general body meetings, SPADE members receive insight from different leaders in pharmacy with experience in diversity. Patients also share their experience in healthcare.

Under Emmanuel Osei’s leadership, SPADE established the “Diversity Week”. The weeklong celebration of the diversity in the college of pharmacy. The now annual week of celebration is typically held at the beginning of each new school year. During this week, the various cultures represented in the college are highlighted. There is food in abundance as well as various opportunities to learn from the various speakers. During this week, students are also given opportunities to earn professional development hours by participating in the activities held at the college.

SPADE is off to a great start and with the continuous efforts being made at the college, I see only a bright future ahead for both the organization and the college as a whole.


Getting Paid to Learn

Hi all! I hope all is well since my last blog post. If you’re reading this from anywhere in the Midwest or east coast I hope the snow hasn’t dampened your spirit too much. But hey, at least you have a great excuse to drink as much coffee, tea, or hot chocolate as you want! I wanted to let you all know about a unique intern opportunity we have here at Ohio State. We have one of four active Medication Therapy Management Telehealth centers for SinfoniaRx, a Tabula Rasa HealthCare company. As an intern at the Medication Management Program you have the opportunity to impact the lives of people across the entire country. One of the nice things with this position is that as you progress through the PharmD program you get more responsibilities and can counsel on more disease states including hypertension, osteoporosis, COPD and asthma, diabetes, and chronic heart failure to name a few. This is one of the only jobs where you can learn about a drug or disease state in class and start counseling on it the exact same day. I also really enjoy getting to work with a variety of students who are at different levels in their schooling. MMP employs over 100 students as both technicians and interns! While students are a large driving force of the MMP there are also full-time and part-time technicians and pharmacists who work there. My team has some great undergraduate technicians who are eager to learn more about different disease states and medications. My pharmacist lets me to spend time with those individuals to help explain what is happening with the drug or the condition which in turn helps me learn it better. You honestly do get paid to learn in this job.


As I mentioned earlier we have the opportunity to contact thousands of patients across the country with this job. One of my favorite success stories I have as an intern at the MMP is an encounter I had while checking on a member’s diabetes. I knew they take insulin and I wanted to check in to see if they were having any issues with their blood sugars dropping too low. As I continued chatting with them I learned that they were in fact having episodes of low sugars and that they were using insulin because they thought it was going to help their sugars go back up. In that moment, I was then able to properly counsel them on what would be best to get their sugars back up. I then proceeded to tell them what their insulin was actually doing in their body and how it was helping the diabetes. At the end, they were so grateful because no one had taken the time to explain how everything worked and why they were using insulin. I can honestly say that interning here has helped elevate my counseling and patient interviewing skills. Once here, if you are still interested be sure to look out for an information session at the college during one of our hiring periods! You can also reach out to our Career Services Office here at the college. If you would like any more information about SinfoniaRx and the national impact it has feel free to check out the website at


Good luck this semester and here’s to hoping the groundhog doesn’t see his shadow in a few weeks!



A week in the life of a P3 student

Happy New Year! Winter break went by entirely too fast, but I am ready for spring semester.  I am a third-year pharmacy student getting ready for APPE rotations beginning this summer, so this is my last semester of classes (bittersweet)! Although spring semester officially begins today, I have spent the last few days preparing to jump right back into the swing of things.  Here is a daily breakdown of my schedule for this week:

Monday: No classes on Mondays! However, that does not completely mean I have the day off.  I am spending this day to finish preparing for the new semester by filling in my planner with exam, meeting, and other important days; reviewing class syllabi; and planning service events for the next few months.

4:00pm – 8:00pm Riverside Methodist Hospital medication reconciliation work shift


8:00am – 11:20am Lecture 1 (Pharmacology and Therapeutics)

11:30am – 12:30pm Professional Hour (lunch break) – APhA general body meeting

12:40pm – 4:30pm Lecture 2 and 3 (Law and Management)

5:30pm – 6:30pm IPC Service committee meeting to plan a new event introducing high school students to all the professional degree programs offered at OSU.

8:00pm – 10:00pm Study/Review


8:30am – 11:20am Workshop (Pharmacology and Therapeutics)

11:30am – 12:30pm Professional Hour – Phi Delta Chi pharmacy fraternity meeting

12:30pm – 2:30pm Study/Review

3:00pm – 5:00pm Council of Academic Affairs meeting to review University proposal changes

5:45pm – 6:35pm Cardio Kickboxing group fitness class at the RPAC

8:00pm – 10:00pm Study/Review


8:00am – 11:20am Lecture 1 (Pharmacology and Therapeutics)

11:30am – 12:30pm Professional Hour (lunch break) – CPFI general body meeting

12:40pm – 4:30 Lecture 2 and 3 (Management and IPPE)

5:20pm – 6:20pm Circuit Cycle group fitness at the RPAC

8:00pm – 10:00pm Study/Review

Friday: No classes on Friday!

8:00am – 1:00pm IPPE (Community Pharmacy- Walgreens)

4:00pm – 6:00pm Study/Review

7:30pm – 9:00pm IPC Senator social


2:30pm – 11:00pm Riverside Methodist Hospital work shift


1:30pm – 2:30pm Basic Life Support- CPR training

4:00pm – 6:00pm Phi Delta Chi pharmacy fraternity event

My first week back this semester is filled with classes, meetings, internship work shifts, etc. My schedule can be overwhelming, but I still have free time to relax, workout, enjoy a good movie (or a few) and spend time with friends for a healthy life balance.

