Spring Sectionals

After a great 2018 season, we are preparing to being sectionals in preparation for the upcoming season!

Sectionals will begin Wednesday, February 13th, from 7pm to 9pm. We will plan to have sectionals every Wednesday, 7-9, until May 1st. Be sure to keep up with the website for any changes to this schedule.

For sectionals, please be prepared to bring the following items: Sticks/Mallets, a 3 ring binder with clear sleeves to put music in, and a print out of Buckeye Technique for your instrument if possible.

Location: Joan Zieg Steinbrenner Band Center – 1961 Tuttle Park Pl, Columbus, OH 43210

You will have to pay to park at the stadium. There are pay stations in the lot or you can park in the Tuttle garage beside the stadium.

All who plan to tryout for the Ohio State Drum line this upcoming season or future seasons are encourage to attend.