“Reading Chinese Translation History: The Sixth Summer School on Chinese Translation History” organised by the Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. See:
“Reading Chinese Translation History: The Sixth Summer School on Chinese Translation History” organised by the Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. See:
Resident Scholarships: Summer Institute for East Asian Studies, University of Pittsburgh, June 2, 3, 4, 2021:
Media and Mediation in East Asia: Assemblages and Global Flows. Applications for a 3-day intensive virtual academic workshop are invited from early career scholars who have received their PhD after 2015. Eight scholars in a range of disciplines will be selected from a pool of international applicants. Scholars will engage with leading East Asian studies faculty to workshop article-length manuscripts in preparation for peer review journal publication. Presentations during the workshop will highlight research and teaching objectives. Selected fellows will join Dr. Charles Exley, Dr. Kun Qian and other faculty from the University of Pittsburgh as well as distinguished senior scholars Dr. Joshua Neves (Concordia), Dr. Daisuke Miyao (UCSD) and Dr. Weihong Bao (UC Berkeley), for three days, June 2 – June 4, 2021. The workshop will be conducted remotely via Zoom. Scholars who participate in the program will receive a $1000 honorarium. Each scholar will give a public presentation on current research, submit a polished draft of work in progress for review and critique by a panel of peers and faculty, and prepare a draft syllabus for the development of a course on this year’s theme: Media and Mediation in East Asia: Assemblages and Global Flows (www.ucis.pitt.edu/asc/SIEAS). Scholars will participate in daily lectures, panel discussions, workshops, and related formal activities, as well as informal networking and social events. Applications must include a cover letter with details on research interests and experience, a CV, a writing sample, and the names and contact information of two references. Please send these materials by April 10th to Dr. Joseph S. Alter, Director of the Asian Studies Center, University of Pittsburgh at asia@pitt.edu. Early applications are strongly encouraged. Selected applicants will be notified by April 15, 2021.
Dear Colleagues,
Below find information on the session we are organizing to introduce MA China Studies at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhou, China. The online information will take place on March 10, Wednesday 10 am (CET). The Zoom link is as follows: https://zoom.us/j/91399242861?pwd=VGVaMXYvdjBKaVRQUjFtbzRhR3FBQT09
XJTLU is a joint-venture university that grants the University of Liverpool (UK) diploma. The MA China Studies graduate program is an interdisciplinary program with academic and professional components. The degree can be completed online during the pandemic era and scholarships are available.
Ceren Ergenc Continue reading XJTLU China Studies MA info session
The Center for Language Education and Cooperation in China’s Ministry of Education has been running its “China Study Program” (CSP) since 2013 and has supported more than 600 students with their studies and research. The fellowship program supports talented overseas students in the humanities and social sciences, whose research interests are related to Sinology or China Studies. As the Secretariat of the Expert Committee of the China Studies Program based at Renmin University of China, we are writing to introduce the program to you, and hope that you may encourage students to apply.
CSP provides individualized training programs for each candidate and offers generous fellowships to cover the cost of research, fieldwork, and living expenses in China. By offering opportunities for collaboration with prestigious professors in key universities in China, this program brings in-depth learning and research opportunities. Ph.D. candidates registered in an overseas university are eligible to apply for a “Joint Research Ph.D. Fellowship”, and those who have obtained a master’s degree and are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. degree in China may apply for the “Ph.D. Program in China”.
The application for the 2021 CSP Fellowship is now open and will remain open until Feb 28, 2021. Please visit this website for detailed information: http://csp.chinese.cn/myDoip/login.html. All applicants will be evaluated once applications close. Continue reading China Study Program fellowships
The Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Hong Kong Baptist University attaches great importance to diversity of experience in both teaching and research.
Our staff have received their qualifications and previously worked in various academic institutions in, among others, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, USA, UK and Germany.
Their research expertise covers areas as diverse as poetics and literary theory, canonical studies and commentaries, Sino-Korean cross-cultural studies, pre-classical inscriptions, paleography, excavated manuscripts, as well as modern and contemporary Chinese literature and culture.
The department is associated with a number of noted institutions such as the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology (JAS), the Sino- Humanitas Institute (SHI), and the Centre for Chinese Cultural Heritage (CCH). Among the most recent academic exchange partners of our department are Waseda University, National University of Singapore, Yonsei University, Heidelberg University and others.
Dozens of MPhil and PhD students have benefited from the department’s vibrant and diverse academic environment and community. Having flourished in rigorous programs offered by the department and associated institutions, our graduates have gone on to various paths of their careers. 2 PhD candidates from Ukraine and Germany are currently studying in the department as recipients of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowships Scheme (HKPFS). And they are enjoying the scholarship HK$42,100 per year, HK$25,000 per year for procurement of research materials and books, HK$31,800 per year plus the University’s provision of HK$20,000 for conference and research-related travel allowance. Continue reading HKBU PhD fellowships
I’m forwarding this appeal for support for the Fulbright China Program, which the Trump administration seeks to end. I encourage you to join in.–Kirk
For those of who you don’t know me, my name’s Ned Downie, and I was a 2017-18 Fulbright at Yunnan University, studying Chinese investment in energy and agriculture in Southeast Asia. You all may have heard the recent announcement from the current administration that it wants to terminate Fulbright China/Hong Kong (exec order here, news coverage here). If you’re like me, the Fulbright was a hugely valuable opportunity for you: helping advance your research, getting to know new sides of China, making lifelong friendships, and much more.
I’m asking you to speak up on Fulbright China/HK’s behalf! There’s ongoing organizing by Fulbright China/HK grantees and alums: Here’s how you can help:
Spread the Word:
Sign this petition put together by current grantees / alums / Fulbright Lotus (a diversity initiative by and for Asian Fulbrighters). We’ve got 500+ signatures and counting — anyone can sign, not just Fulbrighters, so share it with your networks! Continue reading Fulbright China/HK program
Take a journey with us.
The M.A. in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies is a two-year, two-track interdisciplinary humanities degree that prepares students to engage with the social, environmental, and political challenges facing countries in Asia and the Middle East, and their transnational communities. This degree will provide students with deep cultural knowledge of Asia and the Middle East while training them in the intellectual flexibility necessary to grasp and work with dynamic issues as they arise. By applying humanist approaches to real world problems, students will learn to evaluate research and apply analytical methodologies from various disciplines to specific situations and questions.
Get in touch: damesdgs@unc.edu
Learn more: https://asianstudies.unc.edu/ma-program/
2020 Hong Kong Studies Research School (Targets: Current PhD Students)
Established in July 2015, The Academy of Hong Kong Studies (AHKS) of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) is the first academy dedicated to fostering Hong Kong studies within local tertiary institutions.
To encourage young scholars to conduct research on Hong Kong-related topics, the AHKS is organizing the “2020 Hong Kong Studies Research School”. The initiative is a FREE and intensive training program targeting current PhD students with opportunities provided to participants to present their papers at the Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference.
Detailed programme information and application forms are attached and also available at the AHKS website: https://www.eduhk.hk/ahks/view.php?m=52866&secid=52874
We would be most grateful if you could kindly disseminate the message to your students or friends who are currently pursuing a PhD. Thank you very much for your kind assistance.
Best regards,
The Academy of Hong Kong Studies
The Education University of Hong Kong
I would like to notify MCLC list readers with students applying to MA programs from within the EU that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our program’s application deadline for EU citizens for the academic year beginning in Fall 2020 has been extended to August 15, 2020 (non-EU applicants are due on June 15).
As of this year, all applications must be submitted through the online electronic system. Updated information about applying to the English-language MA program in Modern China Studies at the University of Freiburg can be found on our website:
If you have students who are interested or need application help, please have them contact me directly with questions: amanda.shuman@sinologie.uni-freiburg.de. I have also included a copy of our full advertisement for the program below in case you would like to forward this to prospective students.
All best,
Amanda Shuman Continue reading U of Freiburg MA program applications
Made in China Summer School 2020
We are excited to announce the 2020 Made in China Summer School—’Global China: Resistance and Adaptation’—which will be held in Florence, Italy, from 13 to 17 July.
The event will bring together scholars from around the world for five days of discussions with trade unionists, international NGO activists, and students. The initiative will also serve to lay the foundations for an international network of concerned scholars and civil society representatives with the aim of fostering international solidarity and knowledge sharing with regard to the social challenges emerging from an increasingly Global China.
For an outline of the event and a list of confirmed speakers, please refer to this webpage.
Up to 20 participants will be admitted and applications can be submitted until 8 March through this online form. No enrolment fee will be required, but participants will have to pay for their own transportation and lodging. We have reserved rooms at the Summer School venue, and will be available to assist with all necessary booking arrangements. Continue reading Made in China Summer School 2020
Master of Arts in Chinese Studies at Leipzig University
The Institute of East Asian Studies at Leipzig University is now accepting applications for enrolment in its English-language MA programme in Chinese Studies in the academic year 2020/21.
Objectives and Target Audience
The two-year Master’s programme in Chinese Studies at Leipzig University offers a comprehensive programme of postgraduate instruction for students with a BA in Chinese Studies as well as graduates from the humanities and social sciences with appropriate Chinese language skills, who want to deepen their understanding of the Sinophone world and improve their research skills. Focusing on religions and literature as well as economic and social history, teaching and research in Leipzig pay equal attention to China’s traditions and to their ruptures and continuities in the present day. We seek to provide our students with a historically grounded view of China, which will prepare them for either further graduate work in a PhD programme or for any occupation requiring a reflective understanding of China’s past & present. Leipzig Chinese Studies alums today work in business, government, academia, cultural enterprises, and NGOs. Continue reading Leipzig MA in Chinese Studies
Call for Applications: M.A. program in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Kansas
The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Kansas is currently accepting applications to its M.A. program for fall semester 2020.
Our students work closely with faculty who conduct internationally recognized research in fields from ancient China to the 21st century, including literature, film, linguistics, language pedagogy, paleography, popular culture, the history of gender and sexuality in all periods of China, pre-modern, modern, and contemporary Japanese literature and culture, and Korean anthropology and folklore, as well as modern and contemporary Korean history. Students with other interests are also encouraged to apply and may take courses and work with faculty outside of EALC in Art History, Film Studies, Gender Studies, History, Politics, Religious Studies, and Sociology, among others. Continue reading U of Kansas MA program
Warwick Translates Summer School
8-12 July 2020, Warwick University, UK
Following the success of the inaugural Warwick Translates in 2019, we are delighted to announce that the summer school will be returning in 2020. And, as last year, there will be a Chinese-To-English option, with the workshops led by Nicky Harman. This link has details:
Nicky Harman
SupChina Has Launched A Student Ambassador Program!
DECEMBER 5, 2019
We’ve recently launched a student ambassador program to give you the tools and resources to inform your campus about China-related issues. Help from the ground level of a fast-growing startup and inspire interesting conversation on your campus!
Gain valuable experience for a future career in doing business with China through our student ambassador program at SupChina. You will be the conduit on your campus to drive conversation with various groups and help your campus to become better informed on China from a cultural, political, and economic perspective. Beyond your efforts on campus, you will also have the opportunity to connect and network with fellow student ambassadors across the U.S. and the world. Also you’ll have direct access to our editorial team via slack; successful ambassadors will have the opportunity to pitch articles and be published through SupChina. Continue reading SupChina Student Ambassador Program
Thinking about Hong Kong? So are we.
Registration is now open for the next offering of Hong Kong Cinema through a Global Lens, the first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Hong Kong cinema to be produced anywhere in the world. We are proud to remind you that our MOOC was recently named one of “the 10 smartest online courses you can sign up for” by Mental Floss. We invite you to join our educational journey exploring Hong Kong cinema through this award-winning online course. The action begins on February 4, 2020.
Enjoy and engage in conversation on Hong Kong cinema with internationally-recognized film studies scholars Professor Gina Marchetti and Dr. Aaron Han Joon Magnan-Park from the HKU Department of Comparative Literature and Dr. Stacilee Ford from the Department of History, the American Studies Program, and the Gender Studies Program at HKU with the creative assistance of HKU TELI (Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative). Share insights with learners with a range of experiences and interests and find out what you have to learn and offer, regardless of how much or how little you know about Hong Kong and its cinematic scene. Continue reading HK Cinema through a Global Lens MOOC