Fairfield Rascals 4-H Meeting Minutes 3.31.19

Written by Ann Mathewson, Club Reporter

On Sunday March 31st at 6:00pm the Fairfield Rascals held a 4-H meeting at the Fairfield township hall. The U.S. pledge was led by Myles Guthrie and the 4-H pledge was led by Cooper Guthrie. The minutes were read and approved. The treasurer, heath, safety, and community service reports were given.

Demonstrations were given by Brooklyn Baker on a sheep haulter, and Noah Fellure on products.

The old business was about papers, remind app, and when sub forms were due and who to give them to. Then the club leader gave a reminder of dates.

The new business was on votes, supply and feed records, etc.  Then the meeting was ended.

Fairfield Rascals 4-H Meeting Minutes 2.24.19

Written by Ann Mathewson, Club Reporter

On February 24, 2019 at 6:oo pm the Fairfield Rascals 4-H club held a meeting at the Fairfield Township Hall. The meeting was called to order by the president Olivia Rinesmith. The U.S pledge was led by Brenton and the 4-H pledge was led by Devon.

The minutes and attendance were shared by Hailey Ballah. The minutes were approved by the president Olivia.

The treasurer Sara shared the savings which were $3,143.

Lane gave a heath report about breakfast being the most important meal and people should eat it everyday.

Riley gave a community service report. Her report was that it would cost the club $559 to build a gaga ball, ball pit at the park.

The old business discussed was about the $15 activity fee needed.

The new business discussed was about t-shirts for the club and when the order forms need to be in.

Zane Boggs gave a demonstration about how to create a lead rope. Hailey Ballah gave a demonstration on how to check if eggs are good or not. Rocks were painted to go around the fair.

Lastly Annette Rinesmith gave a reminder of dates that are needed to be remembered. Then the meeting was called to an end.