Greetings 4-H Families!
In this issue:
- 2021 Junior Fair Board Applications due September 1
- End-Of-Year Award Applications due September 30
- Camp Counselor Applications due November 2
- Thank You Note Reminder
- Extension Office Hours
- Ohio 4-H Updated Guidelines
- Ohio Youth Skillathon Result
Junior Fair Board 2021 Applications Available – Due September 1
Time to start thinking about 2021! If you are a teen and interested in helping make decisions about the Jr. Fair and serve your community, apply now to be a 2021 Junior Fair Board member!
Applications and information on meeting dates and expectations are available at Applications are due September 1st to the Extension Office or emailed to or
End-Of-Year Award Applications and Forms available – Due September 30th
Want to be recognized for your 4-H accomplishments? Nominate an outstanding member or friend of 4-H? All end of year award applications are due September 30th to the OSU Extension office or emailed to Awards are annouced at the end of year banquet in December. You can find all the forms below or linked to our website here.
- Jr Honor Member Award (Ages 8 and in the 3rd grade to 13 years)
- Teen Honor Member Awards (14 & up)
- Cloverbud Member Activity & Participation Sheet (Ages 5 and in Kindergarten to 8 years)
- Outstanding 4-H Member Nomination form
- Volunteer Honor Award (Adult Volunteers)
- Community Service Award and suggestions for community service projects
- Honor Club (For advisors)
- Friend of 4-H Award
2021 Camp Counselor Applications Available!
We want to make sure individuals interested in applying for Madison County 4-H Camp Counselor have plenty of time to work on and submit their applications! We’re trying to be optimistic and eager for 2021!
Help us plan to 2021 Madison County 4-H Camp!
For more information, tentative meeting dates or to apply visit:
Thank You Notes
Now that fair is over, please make sure that you take the time to write a thank you note to the sponsors of your awards and buyers. It is very important to show appreciation to these supporters! While you are at it, feel free to write a letter of appreciation to others that helped make your 4-H year memorable and possible. This could be your parents, club leaders, volunteers and fair, and older youth member, etc.
The buyers list from the 2020 Jr. Fair Livestock Sale is available here!
Remember, the sponsors of awards and buyers did not have to do this for you. Please do these thank you notes in a timely manner to show your appreciation!
When writing a thank you note, remember to include the following:
- Greeting (Dear ____,)
- Express your gratitude (Thank you so much for sponsoring ___ award OR thank you so much for all your help with my project)
- Discuss Use (Say something nice about what you got and how you will use it/what it means to you!)
- Grace (Thanks again for your support)
- Regards (Sincerely)
For additional help writing a thank you note and to see a sample, click here!
Jr. Fair Results
Congratulations to all who exhibited at the 2020 Madison County Jr. Fair! To view results from livestock classes and special interest awards, as well as the project showcase for special interest, click the links below!
- Special Interest Award Winners
- Livestock Show Results
- Showman of Showman, Scholarship, and other Fair Awards
- Equine High Point Awards
*There are some awards that need claimed in the Extension Office. If you are waiting for a banner/plaque, please call ahead to make sure it is in before making a trip to the Extension Office!
OSU Extension Office Hours
The Madison County Extension Office is now open to the public! We are open Monday for open hours (no appointment needed) from 7:30am-4:00pm and Tuesday-Friday by appointment only. Please contact our office to schedule an appointment at least 24 hours in advance.
As an additional note, Frances will be out of office on vacation starting Thursday, August 27 through Monday, September 7. If you need anything feel free to contact Arlene Duffey at or call the office at 740-852-0975.
There are still plenty of Farm Bureau sponsored fair shirts available as well!
In-Person 4-H Meeting Update
As we head into fall, we want to take a moment to thank you for remaining flexible as we work together to help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. By following recommended guidance, we’re helping to keep our families and friends safer, our kids learning, and our economy going. We also want to take a moment to share updated in-person 4-H meeting requirements and a reminder to continue to follow our 4-H guidelines.
Updated information, effective as of today, September 1, 2020 includes:
- Hosting virtual meetings and events is preferred.
- If activities are critical/essential and are in-person, they must be education-focused.
- Group cannot be larger than 50 people, including adults, youth, presenters, etc.
- This directive is dependent on local health department guidelines.
- The group size may need to be reduced to 10 (or other amount), based on the directives of your local health department.
- Face masks are required.
- This includes inside AND outside at all times.
- Program participants and parent/guardians ages five and older must wear a mask.
- The exception is shooting sports where safety is a concern when on the line. Refer to the full guidance document online for additional shooting sports guidance (link below).
- Medical conditions or disability exceptions are also permitted.
- Potlucks and buffets are not permitted
Any time your county is designated a Level 4 Public Health Emergency (color-coded purple) by the Ohio Department of Health, all in-person 4-H club meetings and events must be held virtually or postponed until the designation changes to Level 3 or below.
Ohio’s Public Health Advisory System updates are at
All other guidance we provided July 22 is still in effect. That information, along with these new updates, is at
Statement on 4-H Membership Eligibility
Ohio 4-H membership begins with Cloverbuds when a child is five and ends on December 31 of the year they turn 19. Due to cancellation of activities in 2020, there have been requests to extend a year of eligibility for 4-H members. This was given strong consideration at the national and regional levels. The decision was made that national 4-H programs will follow existing age requirements and another year of eligibility will not be granted. Following conversation with our 4-H professionals, Ohio will follow that policy.
Changing the policy would set an unsustainable precedent for youth participation for years to come. It would create increased unfairness when considering competitive events with the cascading impact on those who would have aged out taking spots of current youth down the line. COVID-19 has created a loss of experiences for everyone however, I am confident in the resiliency of our youth. Over the past few months, their ability to adapt and willingness to persevere has been evidenced by their participation in virtual camps, meetings and other 4-H activities.
Ohio 4-H is proud of how our volunteers and young people have adapted in this unprecedented time.
Visit the 4-H STEM Tent During this Year’s Virtual Farm Science Review
We’re excited to offer virtual STEM-focused programming during this year’s online Farm Science Review. Plan to join us on September 22, 23, and 24 to take virtual tours and field trips, learn about watershed and stream health, explore careers in agriculture, and more. The schedule for our virtual 4-H STEM Tent is below. More information, including how to register to participate in these free sessions, will be coming soon.
Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2020
9 AM-10 AM – Virtual Video Tour of Myers Hatchery and Dialog
10:15 AM – Explore Agriculture in Hawaii Using Google Expedition
11 AM-Noon – Egg Catcher STEM Challenge
12:15 PM – Virtual Video Tours of Young’s Jersey Dairy and/or Guiggsberg Cheese
1:15 PM-2:15 PM – From Moo to You Dairy Science Lab at GISA
2:30 PM – Career Explorer
Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2020
9 AM-10 AM – Soil Health Challenge
10:15 AM – Soil Broken Down
11:00 AM – Clean Water STEM Pathways Challenge
Noon – 1 PM – Water Quality Challenge
1:15 PM-2:15 PM – Watershed and Stream Health
2:30 PM – Finding the Right Career Path, Assessing Your Employable Skills
Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020
9 AM-10 AM – Virtual Video Tour of Robotics Dairy Systems
10:15 AM – Cookie Prospecting STEM Pathways Challenge
11:00 AM – A Boost Against Arthritis STEM Pathways Challenge
Noon to 1 PM – Agriculture Mechanization STEM Challenge
1:15 PM-2:15 PM – From Pasture to Plate Virtual Video Tour and Meat Science Lab
2:30 PM – Virtual Video Tour of John Deere Tractor Simulator and Ag STEM Career Discussion
September 1 – Jr. Fair Board applications due
September 7 – Extension Office Closed – Labor Day
September 30 – Honor Club Apps, Community Service Club Awards, Jr. and Teen Honor Member Forms, Outstanding Member Nomination forms, Cloverbud, Volunteer Honor Form, and Friend of 4-H Nomination forms due
October 5 – 4-H Committee Meeting @ 6pm
October 7 – Junior Fair Board Meeting @ 6pm
Be sure to check for the most recent state 4-H information and follow the “Ohio State – 4-H Youth Development” Facebook page!
Ohio Youth Skillathons
Registration has closed for the online Ohio Youth Skillathons. For those participating, don’t forget to show proof of your score (70% or higher) at Vallery’s Farmhouse Bakery in London to redeem a free cookie!
Congrats to those that have completed skillathon so far: Results for each day can be found here: (click on each species for results by county and placings)
- Callie Jenkins, Born in a Barn – Horse, Dairy, Dog, and Beef
- Jacob Hiles, Country Bunch – Poultry and Swine
- Isabel Hiles, Country Bunch – Poultry and Swine
- Garrett Vance, Clover Clippers – Poultry
- Olivia Seaburn, Beginners to Winners – Sheep