- 2022 4-H Calendar – 2023 Available
- 4-H Online Records
- Camp Counselor Applications – Due October 7
- 4-H Trick or Treat – October 23
- Junior Fair Board applications – Due November 1
- 4-H Trip Scholarships – Due December 1
- 4-H T-Shirt Design Contest
- 4-H Recognition Banquet – December 4 (RSVP by November 21st)
- Shooting Sports Volunteers Needed!
- State Opportunities
Upcoming Events: ![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2021/04/4H_Icons_Grouped-300x96.jpg)
The 4-H calendar is available here: https://madison.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/4-h-calendar
- October 3 – 4-H Committee Meeting
- October 5 – Senior Fair Board Meeting, 7:15pm, Butcher Block
- October 6 – Celebration of Youth – 4-H Foundation Fundraiser
- October 7 – Camp Counselor Applications Due
- October 9 – Last day to register for HealthU
- October 17 – Livestock Committee Meeting, 7pm, Madison County Fairgrounds
- October 23 – 4-H Trick or Treat, Madison County Fairgrounds
- November 1 – Junior Fair Board Applications Due
- November 7 – 4-H Committee Meeting, 6:30pm, Extension Office
- November 11 – Extension Office Closed – Veteran’s Day
- November 25-29 – Extension Office Closed – Thanksgiving
- December 1 – 4-H Trip Scholarships Due
- December 4 – 4-H Recognition Banquet, Della Selsor Bulding
- December 23-26 – Extension Office Closed – Christmas
2023 Calendar Available NOW!
The 2023 4-H calendar is available here for a PRINTABLE and ONLINE version: https://madison.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/4-h-calendar
Please mark down important dates with your families NOW! (Rally Night, Judging days, SKILLATHON, etc.) – Livestock Quality Assurance dates will be added by January
- February 8 – 4-H Rally Night
- March 15 – 4-H Enrollment deadline
- May 1 – Animal Ownership deadline
- June 1 – Jr. Fair Entries due
- June 7-11 – Overnight 4-H Camp
- June 23 – Cloverbud Day Camp (Tentative)
- June 20 & 28 – Livestock Skillathons (REQUIRED TO ATTEND ONE, NO EXCEPTIONS!)
- July 8 – Special Interest Project Judging
- July 8-15 – Madison County Fair (pending ODA approval)
We provide this calendar so that you can plan ahead. RARELY are big dates changed so that you can plan around family vacations, sporting events, etc. Please make these a priority as a lot of planning and volunteer time goes into these events. Make up options and extensions are few and far between for required things when we sent the schedule out several months in advance 🙂
*Note that these dates are subject to change, and some may be added (Quality Assurance dates, etc.). Check back regularly for updates.
4-H Online Records
While enrollment is not due until March 15 for 2023 4-H year, it is a good idea to double check your profile now and make sure you are still getting emails, that your email and mailing address is correct, etc.
You can log into your 4-H Online profile at oh.4honline.com using the email and password you used to enroll in 4-H (and possibly fair entry). If you recently moved or changed your email, please make that correction so you can continue to receive information in a timely manner!
4-H Camp Counselor Applications – DUE OCTOBER 7![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2022/08/20220604_220500000_iOS-225x300.jpg)
Applications are due October 7 and are AVAILABLE NOW at www.go.osu.edu/madco4hcampcounselor.Contact the Extension Office if you have questions!
We are in need of several counselors! More counselors = more kids we can take to camp! We especially need MALE counselors! 20 counselors is our goal!
You do not have to have gone to camp before to be a counselor – just need to like kids! Counselors meet around 8-10 times a year starting in February and plan the entire camp week in June!
Please share and encourage your high school members to apply (must be 14 by January 1, 2023 to apply – mature 8th graders are also welcome!). You do not have to be in 4-H currently to apply – camp counselors can take camp counseling as their project for the year!
Madison County 4-H Trick or Treat
October 23, 2022
5 pm to 8 pm
Enjoy trick or treating, games and activities, Free food and drinks, costume contest and Haunted Hayrides
If your club or organization would like to reserve a table for passing out candy – contact the Extension Office at 740-852-0975.
Junior Fair Board Applications – Due November 1 ![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2022/09/JFB-work-300x247.png)
Applications for the 2023 Junior Fair Board will be due November 1. Check www.go.osu.edu/madcoJFB for the application! Contact the Extension Office if you have questions!
JFB is open to all high school 4-H/FFA members – not just for those enrolled in livestock projects! We need all project areas represented and all clubs! Our goal this year is to have at least one from each club apply!
JFB members meet about 5-7 times a year and plan various Jr. Fair activities, select awards, organize and work the livestock shows and misc. events, etc.
Madison County 4-H T-Shirt Design Contest
Calling all creative 4-Hers!
We are looking for a fresh t-shirt design for our county 4-H program! Got a great idea? Submit your design by November 20th, 2022 at www.go.osu.edu/madco4hshirt! Your design could be chosen for our 2023 Madison County 4-H T-Shirt!
Contest Rules are listed below. Submissions are due November 20th with voting during the 4-H Banquet in December. Winner will receive a FREE t-shirt and recognition as the winning artist! Get your creative wheels turning!
Submit your design here: www.go.osu.edu/madco4hshirt
4-H T-Shirt Design Contest Rules
- Contestants must be enrolled as a current 4-H member or adult volunteer in Madison County
- Design must be the work of a 4-H member or volunteer, not a commercial design
- Designs may be hand drawn or computer graphics
- Madison County must be included in the design in writing
- The 4-H Clover must be used in the design according to these rules: https://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/2070/2013/07/4H-Emblem-Quick-Ref.pdf
- Designs should be all encompassing and inclusive of what 4-H is in Madison County (i.e. not specific to a certain project)
- Designs will be printed on either White, Black, or 4-H Green T-Shirt
- Designs should be submitted at go.osu.edu/madco4hshirt. All designs should be received by November 20th,
- Designs will be judged by the 4-H Committee
- The winning design will be used as the official design on the county 4-H t-shirts which will be available for all 4-H members, volunteers, and supporters and may also be used on official flyers, posters, banners, etc. advertising 4-H!
The winner will receive a FREE T-shirt as well as recognition as the winning artist.
4-H Recognition Banquet – December 4![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2022/10/4h-banquet-2021-232x300.png)
Attention 4-H volunteers, club advisors, teen leaders, Junior Fair Board members, camp counselors, member honor award winners, cloverbuds, and special guests! Please join us for our annual recognition banquet, sponsored by the Madison County 4-H Advisory Committee, as a way to say thanks for “sticking with it” this year and your hard work and dedication to the Madison County 4-H program!
Join us on Sunday, December 4, 2022 at the Della Selsor Building, Madison County Fairgrounds. Arrival begins at 12:30pm and lunch is served at 1:00pm. Awards will begin promptly at 1:30pm.
Registration is due Monday, November 21, 2022. Please only RSVP once you know everyone that is attending from your party!
Please RSVP online at www.go.osu.edu/mc4hbanquet by Monday, November 21. All invited and honored guests can attend free of charge. Additional guest can attend at $15 ($10 for children 10 and under) and must also RSVP. Checks for guests can be made payable to: Madison County 4-H Committee and are due by November 21.
Honored guests will receive a special email invitation and will still need to RSVP!
Trip Scholarships – Due December 1 or ASAP
What: For any youth in 4-H to submit to attend 4-H related trips or opportunities, such as statewide camps, 4-H conference, CWF and LWF, and more! Trips are funded by the county 4-H committee or endowment funds, either partial or fully funded depending on the opportunity and cost.
Deadline: Due December 1 OR with proper notice before the event to allow time to committee review and registration (6 weeks before registration is due)
Application: Can be found at www.go.osu.edu/madcoteenopportunities and are turned into the Extension Office or emailed to foos.61@osu.edu
The following opportunities must have a trip scholarship filled out: Carving New Ideas, State Shooting Sports Camp, State Leadership Camp, Ohio 4-H Conference, Buckeye Leadership Workshop, Citizenship Washington Focus, Leadership Washington Focus, Sea Camp, and any other paid/selection type opportunity.
WANTED: Shooting Sports Instructors!
Be sure to check Ohio4H.org for the most recent state 4-H information and follow the “Ohio State – 4-H Youth Development” Facebook page!
Stay Connected! – ohio4h.org/stayconnected![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2021/04/4H_Icons_Grouped-300x96.jpg)
Now more than ever it’s time for 4-H’ers to make the best better! While youth are at home and staying safe, we still want you to stay connected. Below are links to activities for youth and resources for volunteers. Check back frequently for additional links and program updates!
HealthU: A 4-H Healthy Living Retreat
Are you a 4-H’er interested in health? Do you see yourself potentially working in health one day? Nutritionist? Therapist? Nurse? Athletic Trainer? Geneticist?
What: Health University (HealthU) is a weekend camp in October focused on Healthy Living for high schoolers in Ohio 4-H. Join us at 4-H Camp Ohio for a weekend as we explore four of the 9 Dimensions of Wellness and explore health-related careers. We will be exploring the following four tracks of wellness:
- Physical wellness allows a person to engage in activities of daily living without experiencing undue fatigue or exhaustion. The physical dimension of wellness is supported through health behaviors, which include exercise, eating a healthy diet, limiting alcohol intake, not smoking, and getting adequate sleep each night.
- Emotional wellness involves recognizing, accepting, and expressing feelings. Adequate rest is required for wellness in this dimension. If an individual’s mental function is hindered by stress and lack of sleep, they may struggle with accurately assessing a situation which then triggers negative emotional responses and disrupts emotional wellness.
- Social wellness requires the ability to trust and respect other people and leads to the creation of supportive partnerships and friendships. Being socially well allows one to develop and maintain intimacy, and to have empathy and respect for others.
- Creative wellness allows a person to appreciate and/or participate in a diverse range of arts or cultural experiences, and to value and cherish the surrounding world. Freely expressing thoughts and emotions through dance, song, drawing, painting, or writing are some of the ways to engage in creative wellness.
Who: Any current 4-H’ers in grades 9 thru 12.
When: Friday, October 21 to Sunday, October 23, 2022
Where: 4-H Camp Ohio, 11461 Camp Ohio Rd, St Louisville, OH 43071
Cost: $50 per youth (card or check)
Deadline: Register by 11:59pm on Sunday, October 2, 2022 Sunday, October 9, 2022
Registration: https://go.osu.edu/4HHealthEvents IS LIVE
Contact: Justin Bower, bower.183@osu.edu, with questions.
Achievement Awards for Project Areas
These awards recognize achievements in specific 4-H project areas.
Areas include: Beef, CARTEENS, Citizenship & Community Service, Creative Arts, Clothing & Textiles, Communications, Companion Animals, Dairy, Environmental Sciences, Family Life & Child Development, Foods & Nutrition, Gardening & Horticulture, Health & Safety, Horse, Leadership, Goats, Llama Mechanical Engineering Sciences, Personal Development, Photography, Poultry, Rabbits, Sheep, Shooting Sports, Swine, Woodworking, and Veterinary Science.
Award recipients receive a trip to National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Georgia. Complete the Ohio 4-H Achievement Record (must follow guidelines listed on the application regarding font and formatting). Applicants must be at least 14 years old and currently enrolled in 4-H.
This application is also required for those interested in Ohio State Junior Fair Board and the Township Association scholarship.
Please contact Frances if you are interested in applying for these awards.
Deadline: December 1st to Madison County Extension Office
Website: go.osu.edu/OH4HAwards
Ohio Military Kids Winter Wonderland
Military families may join the Ohio Military Kids program for a FREE Winter Wonderland as we offer crafts, snacks, family activities, and a special visit from Santa in the North Pole! It is Saturday, December 10th, 2022, 1:00pm to 4:00pm in Central Ohio (specific location will be shared once registered).
Please register by November 30th for the event at https://go.osu.edu/OMKEvents