Do you love pizza and camp? Help support the Madison County 4-H camping program by purchasing Little Caesar’s Pizza Kits from campers!
For potential campers and families:
- This year, we are hosting TWO pizza kit fundraisers to help alleviate the cost of your child’s camp. You can either pick up a hard copy order form from our office to use to sell to friends and family, or direct them to the online link below and have them enter the seller’s name and our Fundraiser ID # 374460! Whatever money raised by each individual will go directly to their camp fee! Call our office if you have any questions at 740-852-0975
- Link for online orders: Click here to make an online order
- Simply have your buyers go to the above link or and enter the fundraiser ID and the name of the camper!
- Note: if someone shops online, do NOT duplicate their order on the paper form you turn in. They only need to order in 1 place
- You can start selling at any time. Orders are due online or hard copies to our office (with payments) by January 10, 2020.
- Kits will be available to pick up from the OSU Extension office on January 30th, 2020 from 2:00pm-6:00pm, just in time for the Super Bowl!
Check out this flyer for more details!: Little Ceasars Annoucement 2020
Note: There will be a second chance to sell pizza kits with a delivery time at the end of April if you would like to wait to sell then. Feel free to sell in both fundraising timeslots!