White Masses on Stems of Redbud

Joe Boggs, Extension Educator. Originally posted on the Buckeye Yard and Garden Online

Small, sticky, snowy-white masses are appearing on the stems of redbuds (Cercis canadensis) in southern Ohio.  They could easily be mistaken for soft scales, mealybugs, or insect egg masses.  However, they are the “egg plugs” of a treehopper originally named the Two-Marked Treehopper (Enchenopa binotata, family Membracidae).

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White-Marked Tussock Moth Caterpillar Outbreaks

By: Joe Boggs, OSU Extension Educator- Originally posted on Buckeye Yard and Garden onLine

White-Marked Tussock Moth Caterpillar

Heavy localized populations of white-marked tussock moth (Orgyia leucostigma) caterpillars are being reported in central and western Ohio.  Curtis Young (OSU Extension, Van Wert County) showed images during this week’s BYGL Zoom Inservice of caterpillars on a variety of hosts including rose and noted he had received reports of hot spots in Allen, Hancock, and Putnam Counties.  I received a report from Franklin County of 100% defoliation of a landscape redbud.

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What’s your GDD?

Amy Stone, Extension Educator- Originally posted on the Buckeye Yard and Garden onLine

Has anyone every asked you, “what’s your GDD?” While many of you may have responded “yes,” or may have even thought, “I ask others all the time“; I know there are some that probably yelled out their current GDD when simply reading the title of this alert. If you are still wondering what the heck is GDD – keep on reading, you won’t be disappointed and will hopefully click on the link below to find out your GDD to date.


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Spotted Lanternfly – Be on the Lookout

By Jim Jasinski, Extension Educator, Originally posted on July 29,2018 on the VegNet Newsletter

The Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) is an invasive bug, not a fly, from Southeast Asia that was first observed in Pennsylvania in 2014.  This pest has sucking mouthparts and is known to feed on the stems, vines, and trunks of many crops grown in Ohio such as grapes, hops, apples, plums, cherries, peaches, and nectarines where it produces sap weeping wounds in the plant.

 Sap weeping from spotted lanternfly wounds.

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Burgeoning Beetles

Originally posted in the Buckeye Yard and Garden onLine, June 22,2018

By: Joe Boggs

I’m seeing large numbers of Japanese Beetles (Popillia japonica) in southwest Ohio.  Compared to previous seasons, the beetles appear to be more evenly distributed; they are not hard to find.  I’m hearing similar reports from the central part of the state.

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Monitoring for Ticks When Working Pastures

Originally posted on the BEEF Newsletter, By: Timothy McDermott DVM, OSU Extension Educator, Franklin County

There has been an increase in tick-vectored diseases in Ohio to livestock, companion animals and humans over the last several years. This has occurred as the different tick species that inhabit Ohio have increased their habitat range and gradual spread from the south and east towards the north. The increase in awareness of tick-vectored diseases is now only starting to catch up as a public and livestock health awareness priority.

Despite an increase in tick-vectored diseases throughout Ohio, it’s common to believe that ticks such as this deer tick are only present during spring or summer.

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Hopeful news about stink bug biocontrol

Originally posted March 10, 2018 in the VegNet Newsletter

The news about the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) has generally been bad over the past few years, as this new invasive pest has continued to expand its range within the USA, causing increasing problems as a pest of fruit, vegetable, and field crops. We know that our native natural enemies have not been able to provide much biological control of BMSB, but there has been hope about potential biological control of BMSB by a tiny wasp that parasitized BMSB eggs in China. The wasp is Trissolcus japonicus, nicknamed the samurai wasp.

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