Sunspring Hills Goals and Action Steps

1. We will work to retain youth by broadening what constitutes being a community member of Sunspring Hills, increasing community pride and connecting Sunspring Hills to the rest of the nation.
a. We will invest in trade schools to increase skilled labor and job opportunities for young community members. [Long Term]
b. We will implement a modern, high-speed Wifi network in the community and school system so that students can be better educated and well connected with the rest of the world. [Short Term]
c. We will renovate the community center and hire younger faculty to connect youth to their community, broaden horizons, and improve physical health as well as be a source of jobs for community members. [Short Term]
d. We will create programs regarding farming, health, technology, crafting, social inclusion, etc. in order to connect people to the land, inspire entrepreneurship, and increase community bonds across diversities. [Short term]
2. We will increase the community’s ability to trade.
a. We will reach out to communities A and D to build a highway to Community A and improve the conditions of the road to Community D. This will make the transport of our crops and goods to the capital more efficient. [Short term]
b. We will reinstall the Sunflower Festival once a year as well as farmers’ markets on a more regular basis. Members of other communities will come and visit for the festival. This will help build the reputations of local artisans and businesses, who will begin exporting their goods outside of Sunspring Hills. [Long term]
c. We will reach out to communities A and D to form a trade agreement to help solidify our crop sales with them. [Short term]
3. We will improve financial stability and stimulate the economy through community programs.
a. We will invest in young farmers in order to continue financial growth in future generations. [Long term]
b. We will develop entrepreneurship programs to encourage involvement with other communities and sell crops and products. [Long term]
c. We will launch an online shop for the various community wares and increase connection to other communities while improving financial capital.
d. We will reinvest profits in community programs to educate citizens on how to market and manage businesses and trade.
4. Our community can improve the environmental quality throughout our community and the rest of Wooddijan.
a. Look into a ten-year pesticide and fertilizer reduction planning and fertilizers without phosphorus that can help reduce the carbon emissions to our carbon footprint, and improve soil, air, and water quality [Long term].
b. Start up an annual farmer sustainability seminars and/or conferences sponsored by agricultural businesses and local environmental agencies [Short term]
c. Provide farming green incentives that make subsidies/tax cuts on farmers and such farming improvements on their farming techniques [Short term]