Tall South – Wooddijan A

Ambassador: Andrea Spurck.4
Alexander Santiago

Alyssa Petitti
Kassi Sturgill
Alyssia Keil



       Many people moved to Tall South to seek opportunities as the city began to grow. This growth caused an increase in unemployment which created a large gap between the high- and low-income populations. This urbanization also caused the housing prices to inflate leaving many people without homes. Taxes were raised to support the less fortunate, making the wealthy unhappy while the poor still suffered from insanely high prices for food, homes, and other essentials. The wealth of the city became sporadic and separation of classes began to affect affordable housing as well as public transportation options.
       There is a clear gap between high- and low-income residents. Some of the students in public schools end up dropping out and even more of them are unable to afford a college degree. Most employers are searching for professional skills which makes it challenging for the unskilled workers to find work and subsequently causes them to suffer financially. There is a large homeless population due to unemployment, inflation, as well as the skyrocketing rent prices. Although many people have difficulties, unemployed citizens continue to move to Tall South from across Wooddijan in hopes of finding a job opportunity.
       This established the need for better infrastructure to support the continual population growth for Tall South. As the development began to thrive, things slowly started turning sour. The natural aspects were destroyed to make way for construction projects. What was once fields full of trees and plants has slowly become an urban metropolis. The development of a city was a priority and the natural land was depleted into a concrete jungle. This has negatively affected ecological boundaries between large corporations and the natural land. Tall South does not provide any green space or natural sightseeing attractions. The residents have become accustomed to this lifestyle, but it is important for citizens to be able to access local recreational activities while connecting with nature both for health benefits as well as providing a natural and calming atmosphere separate from their hectic urban life.
       While the city may not have many natural attractions, it does have a plethora of museums and other cultural centers. Tall South was a cultural hub for many immigrants during the formation of a growing city. People from all over the world flocked to the Tall South creating a mix of people with diverse cultural backgrounds. This has allowed Tall South to incorporate these aforementioned cultures by opening art museums that display this culmination of mixed cultures living as one. Unfortunately, the low-income residents are unable
to afford these experiences, so it is difficult for them to enjoy these activities and certain parts of the city that require a high price of entry.
       When Tall South was established, people depended on each other. As time went on, the separation of classes began to destroy the “family” mentality that Tall South was founded upon. Technology, social media, and political corruption caused a disconnection. Everyone was an active member of the community, but then neighbors became acquaintances. The unity of this tight-knit community has unraveled over time. Politics-wise, Tall South has always had a great deal of influence; this is mainly due to the fact that it is the capital of the nation. The community has gone from a small government with few officials to a bustling city with a wide array of political stances. Corrupt officials are typically frowned upon, being swiftly voted out of office or otherwise removed. It is not impossible to recover the state of the community to what it once was, but it will take a lot of thorough planning and effort.

Community A: this city is also home to the administrative capital of the nation.

Population = 750,000 residents

Natural: 2. High-level of infrastructure and built development, in a large city with issues of urban sprawl; historically lacking established green space and few natural amenities for recreation and sight-seeing.

Cultural: 5 Home to several art museums and other cultural centers; historically, the city has the ability to attract groups of innovative young professionals into some niche communities, but have had problems with inclusion of low income individuals into these cultural, “creative class” neighborhoods.

Human: 6 This city has a large number of skilled workers alongside overall steady job growth in stable, high-skilled industries, but employment tends to be stratified with the high-income and skilled workers doing well, and the poor and unskilled laborers struggling to find work; there is a visible homeless population; unemployed citizens from across the nation immigrate to this city to find work.

Social: 4 There is strong, class-based bonding social capital between high-income individuals with other high-income individuals, and there is similar pattern of high bonding social capital between low-income individuals; but little bridging social capital or organizations that link between the two classes; there are problems with overpopulation and urban sprawl, which has created housing segregation between classes.

Political: 6 City government is recognized as highly functioning, but it has problems with participation and inclusion of all residents. In a separate vein, the city is the administrative location of the nation’s government therefore representatives of communities across the nation reside here.

Financial: 6 There is growing financial wealth in the area across a diversity of businesses and industry, in part due to the ‘multiplier effect’ of the expanding size and bureaucracy of the national government; there are high property and sales taxes in the city.

Built: 5 The city’s infrastructure is substantial and extensive, but is in need of maintenance and structural improvements; some low-income residents have difficulties locating affordable housing and transportation options; increasing sprawl has left the city with a struggling transit system; the cost of living is very high in this city.