Fair Entry Day is June 1


June 1st is “Junior Fair Entry Day”, here is a list of forms and project registrations due by June 1.


Skillathon is this WEEK!

Skillathons are THIS WEEK on Thursday, May 26 and Friday, May 27 from 3-7pm at the Adams County Fairground in the Administration Building. Pre-Registration is NOT required.

Skillathons are required for 4-H members and optional for FFA members. It is mandatory to complete Skillathon to show at fair for all species including equine projects. Skillathon will also earn points for Outstanding Exhibitor.

The best resources to study are your livestock resource and record books. Another way to study for Skillathon is from our friends in Wayne County, who have created online practice tests at https://wayne.osu.edu/skillathon-study-materials..

Makeups for Skillathon will be scheduled on an individual base. If you cannot attend the scheduled dates on May 26 or May 27, please contact the office at 937-544-2339. Make up skillathons are not eligible for awards but do meet the criteria to be eligible to show at the 2022 Adams County Junior Fair.

Market Hog Registration Due May 1

Market hog tags are available for pickup in the Extension office. Please only request the number of tags you actually plan to use as we are trying our best to conserve tags that are in short supply. Registration is due May 1 in order to show at the 2022 Adams County Junior Fair. Log on to https://go.osu.edu/markethog22 and upload photos and information about your animal.
Tag should go in the hog’s left ear with the button on the inside of the ear and the tag on the back. Detailed identification instructions as well as Adams County Junior Fair requirements can be found at adams.osu.edu on the livestock page under swine.
There will be an OPTIONAL market hog weigh-in on Friday, May 6, 6-7 p.m. at the Adams County Fairgrounds Swine barn. Exhibitors that wish to compete for market hog production champion must weigh-in at this time.
Market hog exhibitors that plan to show at the Ohio State Fair must have a premise ID and 840 tags. Those exhibitors may submit their 840 identification number in place of an Adams County Junior Fair tag on their market hog registration.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Kristy at watters.92@osu.edu or call the office at 937-544-2339.

The Power of Thank You

Show boxes have been emptied, ribbons have been hung, project work has been put away for another year.  You spend days, weeks, and months preparing, practicing, checking and double checking that your books are complete, you’ve done your best work, and you’re ready to compete.  Fair week is the culmination of a year of hard work and dedication and whether your project is on display in the booth building or the show ring, it’s your chance to show off your accomplishments for the year.  Fair comes and goes in the blink of an eye and when the dust settles you’re left with a sense of pride in your achievements, lasting friendships, great memories, and recognition of a job well done.

The Adams County community once again showed up in force to support our youth during the 2021 Adams County Fair.  Sponsorships of awards, banners, giveaways, and the Junior Fair Sale are just a few ways businesses and individuals recognize and reward the hard work of our junior fair members.  In order to maintain this outstanding level of support, we need to show our appreciation to those sponsors.  Saying thank you is a small but meaningful way we can express to our community how much their support means.

If you received an award during fair, there was a label on the back with the name and address of the award sponsor.  If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes and write out a thank you note to those individuals.  If you sold a project in the Adams County Junior Fair Sale, please visit this link to find your buyers’ name(s) and address(es) and send them a thank you card as soon as possible.  Now is also a great time to thank your advisors, friends, neighbors, mentors, or others that helped you achieve your goals in 2021.

Not sure where to start with your thank you note?  Check out these simple steps and suggestions shared from Teresa Johnson, 4-H Educator in Defiance County.

Saying thank you seems simple but it is a big deal.  Please be sure to reach out to all of your sponsors and let them know how much you appreciate their support!

Top Five Reasons to Apply for Fair Royalty

Fair will be here before we know it, so don’t miss your chance to get involved. One way you become more involved at fair this year is through applying to be fair royalty. Being King or Queen of the 2021 Adams County Jr. Fair is high honor. But if you need more than just honor to apply, here are the top five reasons to apply for fair royalty.


  1. Tradition

Here in Adams County nothing is more sacred than the traditions we hold. Tradition is at the core of the fair, and is the reason why we still have fair royalty. Year after year, the contestants ride in the opening parade to their final presentation. And every year fair-goers excitingly watch to see who will be crowned king and queen.

We even have a Hall of Royalty in the Senior Fair Administration Building. Here the walls are lined with queens and kings from past years, all of whom proudly carried the crown. You never know, it could be hanging in the hall one day.


  1. Get-To-Know the Adams County Fair

When you become fair royalty, you don’t just get a sash and crown, it comes with responsibilities. It is the duty of the royalty court to work shows, passing out awards and congratulating exhibitors.

Through this work you will see more of the fair than ever before. You may be working shows you never attended before, and seeing firsthand the hard work exhibitors put into their projects. By the end of the week you will be an expert in most projects. You may even find a new project to exhibit next year.


  1. You are a Role Model

As royalty you will have many eyes watching you at all times. While this seems very intimidating, do not worry because people look at you with admiration. Adults and children alike know how prestigious the title is and look to you as an example.

Those who become fair royalty are the among the best and brightest our county has to offer. As fair royalty you can expect little kids wanting to talk to and take pictures with you. You also have the opportunity to get to know the exhibitors, and maybe even inspire them apply to be fair royalty.


  1. Visit Other Fairs

One really fun benefit of being fair royalty is you are strongly encouraged to visit other county fairs. Visiting other fairs not only builds strong relationships between the counties, but you also get to make friends from across the state.

When you are wearing your sash and crown, you are the literal embodiment of Adams County. This is a time to be proud and show off our county in the best light; highlight the best things our county has to offer.


  1. Life Long Memories

Being fair royalty means more responsibility and high expectations, but also lasting memories. Although fair week is long and hard work, you will cherish the connections you made during shows, and the time spent with fellow royalty. You will have new friends because of it, and new appreciation for fair.

Take my advice, this is an opportunity that left a major impact on me. I am so glad I had the chance to serve and recommend it to anyone who is thinking about it.

Carlie Cluxton, 2018 Adams County Jr. Fair Queen


Hopefully these reasons convinced you to apply for fair royalty. Remember only those who are 16-18 years old and currently involved in Jr. Fair can apply. Those who are serving as commodity ambassadors are also ineligible. Applications are due to the extension office by 4 p.m. on June 23rd.

Contest Rules


Good luck to all the applicants! We will see you on Friday, June 25th for preliminary interviews and formal wear presentation.



June 1st Deadlines

June 1st is “Junior Fair Entry Day”, here is a list of all forms and project registrations due to the extension office 4 p.m.

Make sure if these projects apply to you or your club members that they get these items turned in. Again the deadline is June 1st, by 4 p.m.

Skillathon Update

Update on our skillathon process for 2021.  Now that our in-person limit has been raised to 300 people we will NOT need to pre-register for skillathon.

Skillathon will be held on Wednesday, May 26 and Thursday, May 27 at the Adams County Fairgrounds from 2 – 7 p.m.  We will be set up in the Administration Building and only members will be allowed to enter the building.  Masks and social distancing are required.

All 4-H members must participate in the applicable Skillathon(s) to show at the fair and earn points for the Outstanding Exhibitor scoring. Skillathons are required for 4-H and optional for FFA. Exceptions: Participation in the Skillathon is optional for youth enrolled in horseless horse, pet goat, and pet rabbit projects.

Your livestock resource book and record book are an excellent place to begin studying for skillathon.  Looking for some additional study tools?  Check out our friends at Wayne County’s practice skillathons at https://wayne.osu.edu/skillathon-study-materials.

Makeup skillathon will be scheduled on an individual basis.  If you cannot attend the scheduled dates on May 26 or 27, please contact the office or myself.  Anyone not completing the skillathon on May 26 or 27 will not be eligible for related awards.  The makeup skillathon will however meet the requirement to show at the 2021 Adams County Junior Fair.

Market Hog Tags Available

Official Adams County Fair market hog ear tags may be picked up at the Extension Office during regular business hours beginning Monday, March 8. The office is open by appointment on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  Please call the office at 937-544-2339 to schedule pick up of tags.  If you call ahead to make prior arrangements tags can be picked up on Wednesday or Friday during regular business hours.  An advisor, friend, or parent may pick up forms and tags. You do not have to pick them up yourself.

The possession deadline for market hogs is April 15. Again in 2021 exhibitors will submit their pictures and information using an electronic form.  The form located at https://go.osu.edu/markethog21 asks for information regarding identification, possession, age and photographs of your animal and should be completed in its entirety by April 15.

When tagging your market hog, please be sure the button goes on the inside of the hog’s ear with the tag on the back side.  Please tag the animal’s left ear.

We will also be distributing the ractopamine free affidavit for producers and exhibitors.  If you purchase your market hogs, please be sure to have this form completed by the breeder.  You will submit the ractopamine free affidavit at fair check in on Monday morning of the fair.  These forms can be found at adams.osu.edu as well.


Beef BBQ: An Adams County Tradition Continues

The Adams County Beef BBQ committee met last night to finalize plans for the 2020 Beef BBQ to be held Thursday, September 3 from 4:30 – 7 p.m. at the Ohio Valley Career & Technical Center.  This year’s event will be held with drive thru service only.  You will be able to purchase your tickets and receive your meals without ever leaving the comfort of your car. Menu will include roast beef sandwiches, cole slaw, baked beans and potato chips.  Tickets are $9 for adults (two sandwiches) or $7 for kids (one sandwich).

The BBQ has been a long running tradition in Adams County dating back to 1962.  Corbett Phipps, Becky Foster, the BBQ Committee, FFA Chapters from all five county high schools, the OVCTC Restaurant Management class and a hoard of 4-H and community volunteers work together to make the BBQ happen each year.  This year we will be taking extra precautions including the new drive-thru only delivery system.

If you are interested in learning how the process works, be sure to tune in to c103 on Wednesday, September 2nd at 10 a.m. to hear Corbett and Becky talk about the ins and outs of firing the pit, getting the beef ready to cook and serving 1200 hungry supporters.

All proceeds of the Adams County Beef BBQ go to Junior Fair improvements.  We hope to see you there!