Forestry and Wildlife Camp Registration Open!

The Forestry Wildlife Camp is open to campers in grades 7-11. Registration for camp is due April 1. Campers can enjoy wildlife education, fishing, hiking, tree climbing, outdoor survival, ODNR careers & college opportunities, learning about forestry and more! Registration can be found online at
They will also need experienced camp counselors to assist at this camp. Counselor fees will be covered with our Ohio 4-H Foundation grant funds. The link for camp counselors to apply is . Those are due March 21.

Ohio 4-H Conference Registration Due Friday!

The 2025 Ohio 4-H Conference will be held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center on Saturday, March 8! 4-H volunteers and teens (age 13 and older) are invited to join us for a day of education and connection as we learn how to make the best better for Ohio 4-H programs.
To register, please send your session choices to no later than noon on Friday, February 7.
The Adams County 4-H Advisory Committee budgets funds each year to help offset the cost of attending the Ohio 4-H Conference. First preference is given to teens who register and the remaining funds are divided equally between registered volunteers. Carpooling available!

Mentors Needed for Afterschool Programs

We are looking for adults and older teens to mentor youth in grades 4-6 at our afterschool STEM program beginning in February 2025. North Adams Elementary will meet on Tuesdays and West Union Elementary will meet on Thursdays, 2:45 – 4:45 p.m. February through May. Mentors will be paired with 2 to 3 youth to assist with activities led by OSU Extension staff.

Adults are required to complete a BCI background check if not a current 4-H Volunteer. Training and resources provided!

Teens – Community service hours available for BETA or National Honor Society members!

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Extension office at or 937-544-2339.

4-H Scholarship Applications Due February 28

The Adams County 4-H Scholarship and Chad Downing Memorial Scholarship application is now available!

Applicants must be high school seniors with a minimum 2.5 gpa that have been enrolled in 4-H for at least four years, including the current and immediate past year. A completed application, current high school transcript including gpa, and a letter of reference from an Adams County 4-H volunteer that is not a relative are required to apply.

The number of 4-H scholarships vary each year depending on the success of the annual fundraiser and range from $500 – $1,000. Five Chad Downing Memorial Scholarships in the amount of $500 and two $1,000 Burley Growers scholarships will be awarded. Scholarships are paid upon proof of completion of the first semester or quarter of post-secondary education or training following high school graduation. Adams County 4-H Scholarship deadline is Friday, February 28 by 4 p.m.



4-H Camp Counselor Applications Available

It may be cold outside, but we’re dreaming of summer days at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp! Teens ages 14 and up as of January 1, 2025 are encouraged to apply for this terrific career development opportunity. Camp counselors receive training, help plan and facilitate camp, work with other teens from across southern Ohio, and help make sure our campers have the best summer ever.

We are looking for teens to be 4-H Camp Counselors, May 30th – June 2nd at our ALP 4-H Camp. Other counseling opportunities available for Forestry, STEM, Shooting Sports, Cloverbud, and Spring Fling overnight camps.
Applications are due February 1st and can be found at

OSU Campus Bus Trip

Ohio State college visit, Thursday, November 21! Open to high school students interested in touring OSU. Please register at by November 8.

Trip includes meeting with College of Food, Agriculture, & Environmental Science admissions, touring Ag Campus, lunch at Ohio Union, tour of main campus highlights, talking with current OSU students from our area, and an OSU Bus Trip t-shirt. Teens will spend time with Dr. Lyda Garcia, meat science professor, as she talks with them about opportunities at the University and beyond.

Adams County teens will meet the OSU Bus at Pike County Fairgrounds.

This opportunity is funded through a grant from the Ohio 4-H Foundation.


Contact Kristy at if you have questions. Space is limited so register soon!

Adams County Junior Fair Board Applications due September 1

Applications are now available for the Adams County Junior Fair Board!

Junior Fair Board is a group of teen leaders from various organizations that come together to help run the Adams County Junior Fair. This unique opportunity is a great way to practice decision making, build teamwork, and hone your public speaking skills. Members must be at least a freshman in high school and a member in good standing of a junior fair organization such as 4-H, FFA, Scouts, SkillsUSA, or FCCLA.

Applications are available at and are due to the Extension office by September 1st for 4-H and At-Large seats. They can be mailed, emailed, or hand delivered but must include both the applicant and a parent or guardian’s signature. FFA, Scouts, SkillsUSA, and FCCLA members need to reach out to their advisors to inquire about how to be appointed to represent your organization.

Interviews for 4-H and At-Large positions will take place at The first meeting of the 2024-2025 Adams County Junior Fair Board will be held on Wednesday, October 2. Those selected to serve will be contacted with specific details about time and location.

If you have questions, please contact Kristy at



Youth Beekeeper Scholarship Opportunity

Youth Beginner Beekeeping Scholarship program applications are available now!
Interested in Beekeeping?
Are you new to beekeeping and a resident of Adams County?
Are you enrolled in public, private, or home school and in grades 8 through 11?
Then…this scholarship may be for you!
Objectives are:
▪ To educate youth in the art of beekeeping and to promote a better understanding of the value of
honeybees to our environment and to the food chain.
▪ To provide an opportunity for youth to experience responsibility and enjoyment through beekeeping.
▪ To provide an avenue for youth to engage in a vocation and gain the potential to pursue beekeeping as a
sideline or fulltime vocation.
The award includes:
▪ A one year membership in the Adams County Beekeepers Association
▪ A beginning beekeeper guidebook
▪ A set of woodenware for a beehive
▪ A nuc (aka nucleus) or package of bees for the hive
▪ Beekeeping gear: jacket, gloves, hive tool, and bee smoker
▪ Mentoring by an Adams County Beekeepers Association member
Eligibility requirements:
▪ The applicant must be new to beekeeping and a resident of Adams County.
▪ The applicant must currently be enrolled in public, private, or home school and be in grades 8 through 11.
▪ The applicant must have permission and agreement from parent or guardian.
▪ This application must be submitted to Adams SWCD no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 15, 2024.
4-Her’s may enroll in Beekeeping project #641 before the March 15th deadline to add or drop projects. For more information on the beekeepers scholarship, contact Bill Wickerham at 937-544-1010 or
This program is made possible through collaboration by the Adams County Beekeepers, Adams Soil and Water Conservation District, and Adams County Farm Bureau.

Ohio 4-H Conference Registration Due February 9th

The Ohio 4-H Conference will be held Saturday, March 9 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Registration costs $40, and is due Friday, February 9.

Link to Registration Form: reg form_0.pdf (

Print out, fill out, and turn into extension office!

The Ohio 4-H Conference is the largest gathering of teen and adult volunteers in the state! During the day volunteers will have the opportunity to attend five different sessions and three different workshops. These workshops and sessions will equip volunteers with new resources, group management strategies, activity ideas, and overall confidence. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to hear updates from the state departments and dive into various different project areas.

Link to Conference Booklet: 2024 O4HC Reg Book_1.pdf (

Make sure to look through the conference booklet before registering. You will need to select specific workshops and sessions to attend.

Need more to convince you?

Well after the conference the Ohio State Collegiate 4-H organization will be hosting a Plowboy Prom from 7-9:30 PM at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Cash entry of $5 due at door, dress code is 80s Disco. Be ready to boogie the night away!