Revolution of Rabbit Opportunity

The Revolution of Rabbits program is a terrific opportunity for youth with limited resources to raise and exhibit market rabbits at the Adams County Fair. The goal of the program is to teach youth responsibility as they learn to care for animals, keep records, and successfully complete a project while also making friends, having fun, and giving back to their community. 

Through this program, qualifying youth join a 4-H club, learn about rabbits, and rabbit care, and receive three young rabbits. The program loans members all the supplies necessary for the project, including a rabbit hutch, feed, feeders, waterers, and 4-H record and resource books. The program also provides rabbits and training/mentorship about how to best care for the animals, finish the record book, and successfully complete the project. After completing the requirements and selling their pen of market rabbits at the fair sale, each participant returns $60 of sale proceeds to the 4-H Small Animal Committee to cover program costs, which assures program sustainability. Participants receive the balance of the sale proceeds. 

Any youth who is at least 8 years old and in the third grade and who either has not previously been in 4-H or has not previously participated in a 4-H market animal project, is eligible to apply for this program. The youth should enroll in an Adams County 4-H Club, sign up for the Market Rabbit project, and complete and return the application and commitment form by the February 15 enrollment deadline.  

For more information about Revolution of Rabbits program visit are due February 15 and award winners will be notified before the end of February. If you have questions about the program, need a paper application, or for help enrolling, visit the Extension Office or call us at 937-544-2339. 

Small Animal Poster Contest

Submit at Fair check in on Sunday, July 7
Small Animal Buildings
Judging Monday, July 8 prior to Rabbit show
Entries are due by July 1


  1. To demonstrate Rabbit & Poultry project knowledge.
  2. To encourage interest in Rabbit and Poultry projects and their respective industries.


  1. Youth members must be registered in a Poultry or Rabbit project to participate
    1. Rabbits 4-H-228
    2. Poultry 4H-150 CE, CM, CEP, DE, DM, GE, GM, TE, TM & H
  2. Entries due July 1, 4:00 p.m. 
  3. Posters must be checked-in during the rabbit & poultry check-in on Sunday July 7
  4. Posters must be made using size 22”x 28” poster board.  No foam or science fair display boards.
  5. Posters must represent the topic assigned for the current year’s contest:
    1. 2024 – any topic from the Rabbit or Poultry project books listed above
  6. The poster must be clearly labeled in the lower right-hand corner, in a space no larger than 3”x 5” with the exhibitor’s name, club name and 4-H age as of Jan. 1, 2024.
  7. RABBIT ONLY:  If you plan to submit the poster to the Ohio State Fair, it is recommended you cover the poster in plastic or laminate.  Be sure to review the rules for the Ohio State Junior Fair Poster Exhibit.
  8. Posters will be judged on Monday, July 8 before the Rabbit show.  Scoring is based on the following:
    1. Educational Content:  50%
    2. Neatness/Appearance: 30%
    3. Originality: 20%
    4. Posters deemed inappropriate to display will be judged but held by the committee until dismissal.
  9. Poster score sheets will be used for judging only and not returned to the exhibitor
  10. Posters will be displayed in the Rabbit barn during the Adams County Junior Fair.
  11. Posters can be picked up Friday night after the Small Animal Sale.  Posters not picked up at that time will not be returned to the exhibitor.

Market Rabbit Tattooing June 13

Market rabbit tattooing will take place on Thursday, June 13, 7 – 9 p.m. in Shade Tree Park at the Adams County Fairgrounds. All market rabbits must be tattooed in order to show and sale at the fair.

Exhibitors may tattoo two to four rabbits and exhibit up to two pens of two. Please visit our website for more information about fair requirements and deadlines.

Quality Assurance Opportunities – UPDATED

Updated! Peebles High School test out date has changed to April 30.

All Junior Fair exhibitors of beef, dairy, goat, poultry, rabbits, sheep and swine projects must annually attend a qualifying Quality Assurance program or meet age-appropriate test out requirements on an Ohio Quality Assurance test at least 45 days before the start of the fair of the current year in order to exhibit their projects at the Adams County Fair.

The following opportunities are available in Adams County in 2024:


Members age 12 & up as of January 1 may test out of Quality Assurance. Tests will be administered at the dates and times listed and members must receive a 70% or higher to pass.

Quality assurance must be completed no later than May 22, 2024. If members choose to do the online YQCA training, they must provide a copy of the certifiate to the Extension office by emailing


Revolution of Rabbits Provides Opportunity for Youth

The Revolution of Rabbits program is a terrific opportunity for youth with limited resources to raise and exhibit market rabbits at the Adams County Fair. The goal of the program is to teach youth responsibility as they learn to care for animals, keep records, and successfully complete a project while also making friends, having fun, and giving back to their community. 

Through this program, qualifying youth join a 4-H club, learn about rabbits, and rabbit care, and receive three young rabbits. The program loans members all the supplies necessary for the project, including a rabbit hutch, feed, feeders, waterers, and 4-H record and resource books. The program also provides rabbits and training/mentorship about how to best care for the animals, finish the record book, and successfully complete the project. After completing the requirements and selling their pen of market rabbits at the fair sale, each participant returns $60 of sale proceeds to the 4-H Small Animal Committee to cover program costs, which assures program sustainability. Participants receive the balance of the sale proceeds. 

Any youth who is at least 8 years old and in the third grade and who either has not previously been in 4-H or has not previously participated in a 4-H market animal project, is eligible to apply for this program. The youth should enroll in an Adams County 4-H Club, sign up for the Market Rabbit project, and complete and return the application and commitment form by the February 15 enrollment deadline.  

For more information about Revolution of Rabbits program visit are due February 15 and award winners will be notified before the end of February. If you have questions about the program, need a paper application, or for help enrolling, visit the Extension Office or call us at 937-544-2339. 

Chicken & Noodle Dinner Fundraiser

The Adams County 4-H Small Animal Committee and Horse Program invite you to attend a Chicken & Noodle Dinner drive-thru on Thursday, November 16, 4-6 p.m. at the Ohio Valley Career & Technical Center. The menu will include chicken & noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, and dessert. Cost of the meal is $10 and all proceeds will benefit the Adams County Junior Fair Small Animal and Horse Programs.

The Small Animal Committee also has whole, frozen, fair chickens available for $4/lb. Most birds weigh approximately 7 pounds. Please contact Ryan at 937-798-3733 to reserve your chicken.

Fair Registration Day is June 1

June 1st is “Junior Fair Entry Day”, here is a list of fair forms and project registrations due by June 1.


Quality Assurance Test Out Dates

12-14 year-old and 15-18 year-old 4-H and FFA members may test out of their annual quality assurance (QA) program. Youth ages 12-14 who pass the QA test can test out of their annual QA program for up to 3 years. Youth ages 15-18 years who pass the QA test can test out of their annual QA program permanently. These ages are as of January 1, 2023 – a youth’s 4-H age.

Pre-registration is not required. If you wish to test, please be sure to be on time, take a pencil, and plan to spend 30-45 minutes on the test.

Please note the March 21 Quality Assurance session has been canceled.

Those who attended either the Beef Clinic or Small Animal Clinic in the fall of 2022 have completed their Quality Assurance requirement for the year. If you have questions, please call the Extension Office at 937-544-2339.

2023 Quality Assurance Dates

All youth planning to exhibit livestock at the 2023 Adams County Junior Fair must attend Quality Assurance or have tested out a minimum of 45 days prior to the start of the fair.

2023 Quality Assurance dates:

Wednesday, March 1, 5:30 p.m., Adams County Fairgrounds

Tuesday, March 21, 6 p.m., Adams County Fairgrounds

Saturday, March 25, 10:30 a.m., Adams County Fairgrounds held in conjunction with Hog Clinic (9 a.m.) and Goat Clinic (noon)

Thursday, April 13, 6 p.m., Adams County Fairgrounds held as part of Rabbit Clinic

Monday, April 17, 4:30 p.m., Adams County Fairgrounds

Wednesday, May 3, 5:30 p.m., Adams County Fairgrounds

Members may also use the online Youth Quality Care of Animals program for a cost of $12. Visit to complete the online course and test. Please be sure to send a copy of your certificate to to ensure you receive credit for this option.

4-H Small Animal Project Clinic

Interested in taking a poultry or rabbit project but not sure where to begin? Already taking those projects but interested in getting to the next level? Just need some extra support, have questions, or looking to learn more? Join the Adams County 4-H Small Animal Committee on Tuesday, October 25, 6 p.m. at the Adams County Fairgrounds administration building to get a jump start on your small animal project for next year.

Learn about project requirements, physical needs such as cages, hutches, feeders, waterers, etc., and opportunities available in the Small Animal program. The clinic will also include Quality Assurance and meet the requirement for the 2023 Adams County Fair.