Camp Counselor Application Deadline January 24

Camp counselor applications are now available!  Teens ages 14-18 are invited to apply to counsel at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp in 2020.  Counseling is a terrific way to build life skills, boost confidence and become a part of a strong network of leaders. Counselors plan & implement portions of the camp program, provide round-the-clock care for campers, and serve as role models for the campers and each other. Counselors are required to attend training sessions, including Counselor College held April 4 – 5, 2020.  Application deadline for Adams County 4-H Camp Counselors is Friday, January 24, 2020.

For more details, including Canter’s Cave 2020 camp dates, visit our website at

Camp Fee Fundraiser Opportunity for Adams County 4-H Members

Adams County 4-H members can choose to participate in an additional fundraiser with the proceeds to be used for camp, Kids College, or other leadership opportunities through 4-H.  Order forms for the Alabama Candle Company are now available for members or advisers to pick up at the Extension Office.  The 4-H Advisory Committee will collect order forms and money on Monday, February 17. Candles are $12 each for a 9 oz jar and come in a wide array of scents.

This is a voluntary fundraiser and only members that choose to participate will have funds available to them.  Our goal is to give 4-H members an opportunity to earn money they can use for 4-H camps and other 4-H educational trips/experiences.  In previous years members have used this fundraiser to offset the fees for 4-H camp, Horse camp, Kids College, Leadership Washington Focus and more.

Adams County 4-H Horse and Small Animal Committees Host Fundraiser

Dine with us at West Union Frisch’s on Thursday, January 23 from 4-9 p.m. and support the 4-H Horse and Small Animal programs.  Present this flyer and ask for the party room when you are seated and the 4-H programs will receive 20% of the check.  4-H members will be serving guests in the party room from 5:30 – 8 p.m. this evening.  Take the evening off from kitchen duty and support our youth!


2020 Adams County 4-H Week January 5-11

Celebrate Adams County 4-H  Week with us January 5-11, 2020.  This week is an opportunity for members and volunteers to share the positive experiences they have had in the 4-H program with others who may not be familiar with what 4-H has to offer.  There are several ways to participate in spreading the word.  Decorate a local business window or an area at your school, wear your favorite 4-H gear, post a memory or picture to social media and thank a volunteer are all ways to show your 4-H Pride! A suggested activity for each day of Adams County 4-H Week can be found on our Adams County 4-H Grows Here! flyer.

Enrollment is now open for the 2020 4-H year.  Enrollment deadline is February 15th each year.  Returning members and volunteers can re-enroll by visiting

New members can find more information on becoming a member at under the 4-H program Become a Member tab.  A list of active clubs with volunteer contact information is provided.  Reach out to a club in your area to find meeting times and locations.

New for 2020 – Family Animal Rule

The Adams County Junior and Senior Fair Boards have approved a rule change for the 2020 fair that will benefit families with multiple children exhibiting livestock.  The rule reads:

“Each large animal exhibitor will be required to designate at least one animal in his/her name.  A family can tag an additional two animals of that species per Junior Fair member as “family” animals.  Each exhibitor will have access to no more than three total animals in that species, including “family” animals. State Fair steers and heifers cannot be registered as a family animal.  Market rabbit exhibitors must tattoo in 1 pen (2 rabbits) in his/her name.  A family can tattoo one additional pen of rabbits as a “family” pen.  Each exhibitor will have access to no more than two pens of market rabbits, including “family” pens.  This rule does not apply to market poultry.  Family is defined as junior fair eligible youth who are legally siblings, half-siblings or step-siblings.”

This rule will allow families with multiple children showing to potentially purchase fewer animals and still have a safety net if an animal does not make weight, becomes injured or cannot show at the county fair.  For example, if a family has 3 children in a market hog project, each child must tag at least one hog in their name and the family can tag up to an additional two hogs in the family name.  The exhibitors will then designate whose name the hogs will be shown in when they weigh in at the fair.  All other rules pertaining to exhibition at the Adams County Fair still apply including enrollment deadlines, Quality Assurance and skillathon participation and other related Junior Fair rules.

If you have questions about this rule change, please contact the Extension Office by phone at 937-544-2339 or via email at