Each week we will have a different “Question of the Week” for our students and alumni to answer. Responses will be shared on the blog each Thursday.
Week #6: What is your favorite place to study for finals?
Haley Duff, Junior
I love studying in Orton Library. It’s completely silent and has big chairs and tables. I love how old everything is and how the floor creaks when people come in. It doesn’t have the best late night hours, but when I’m there I feel like I’m productive enough and don’t need to stay up really late!
Anonymous, Graduate Student
18th Avenue Library
Megan Besancon, Freshman
My favorite place to study is in the laundry room in the basement of my dorm. It is usually empty and the rhythm of the machines and the smell of detergent relaxes me and helps me focus.
Jordan Bonham, Junior
My favorite place to study is in the comfort of my own room at my desk. It is quiet and I can focus on my task at hand to be efficient.
Question for the Week #7: What do you have planned for winter break? Answer this question here.