Community Leadership 3530 celebrates an Olympic medalist

Dr. Bob Birkenholz’s Community Leadership 3530: Personal and Professional Leadership celebrated student Nichelle Prince’s Olympic medal during their August 30 class meeting.

Prince, a senior in sports management, is a member of the Community Leadership 3530 course, as well as a member of the Canadian Women’s National Team, which won a bronze medal in soccer at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janerio this summer.

Nichelle is also a member of the Ohio State Buckeyes Women’s Soccer Team.

We were excited to celebrate her accomplishment and recognize her at the beginning of class. Thank you Nichelle for sharing your medal with us and congratulations on these outstanding achievement!

Nichelle Prince poses with her Bronze Medal from the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Nichelle Prince poses with her Bronze Medal from the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Community Leadership 3530 celebrates Nichelle's bronze medal at the Olympics with the Canadian women's soccer team.

Community Leadership 3530 celebrates Nichelle’s bronze medal at the Olympics with the Canadian women’s soccer team.


Welcome to Ohio State!

It’s the start of another school year here at Ohio State! This year we have welcomed a number of new students to our department some have joined us as freshmen at our Columbus and ATI campuses, while others have transitioned to Columbus from a regional campus or another university!

However you arrived in our department, we are glad you are with us! We wish you the best over your next few years with us. Thank you for letting us be a part of your undergraduate experience!

New students to Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership at Ohio State ATI!

New students to Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership at Ohio State ATI!


Ohio State students who have transitioned to Columbus from a regional campus or ATI to completed their BS degree!

Ohio State students who have transitioned to Columbus from a regional campus or ATI to completed their BS degree!


Freshmen majoring in agricultural communication, agriscience education, and community leadership at Ohio State!

Freshmen majoring in agricultural communication, agriscience education, and community leadership at Ohio State!

Bush completes internship with Cargill

Amanda Bush

Amanda Bush

Amanda Bush, of Mt. Gilead, completed an internship this summer with Cargill Feed and Nutrition in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania.

During the project management based internship, Bush worked in a variety of areas of the business, evaluating micro-ingredient suppliers with the Food, Safety, Quality and Regulatory (FSQR) team, assessing marketing and displays for a packaging research project, and working with a commercial dariy team on a large scale supply chain project.

“It has truly been an incredible experience to learn about the feed and nutrition side of agriculture,” said Bush. “I grew up on a grain farm, so each day was an exciting challenge that forced me to learn new things and uncover hidden talents within myself I never knew I had.”

Bush will return to Ohio State in August to continue her degree in agricultural communication. She is the daughter of Anthony and Teresa Bush and Jodi Moss and a graduate of Mt. Gilead High School.

The agricultural communication major at Ohio State prepares students to plan, develop, and implement a communication campaign, using visual media, writing and editing. Students study crisis communication, graphic design, marketing, and journalism so they can spread the word about agriculture. To learn more about the agricultural communication major, visit or call 614-247-6358.

ACEL Weekly Update – August 24, 2016

Upcoming Events

August 30 – ACEL Ice Cream Social, 2-4pm, Chadwick Arboretum
September 1 – CFAES Back to School Bash, 5pm, Fred Beekman Park
September 20-22 – Farm Science Review
September 27 – ACT hosts “A Night for Young Professionals”
September 28 – Ohio State ATI Career Expo
September 29 – CFAES Career Expo
October 1 – CFAES Alumni Fall Fest
October 13-14 – Ohio State Autumn Break
November 4 – CFAES Fall Scholarship Dinner
December 18 – Autumn Semester Graduation
February 16 – CFAES Career Expo
February 28 – CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum
March 4 – CFAES Alumni Awards Banquet
March 29 – Denman Undergraduate Research Forum
April 6 – CFAES Recognition Banquet
May 4-5 – Ohio FFA Convention

On our website
Heiby to complete Ohio agriscience education internship
Shoup completes internship with Ohio State ATI
Sharif holds internship with Franklinton Gardens
Champa completes internship with Lake Metroparks
Bush completes internship with Cargill

On our Blog
Sharif holds internship with Franklinton Gardens
Nicol to complete Ohio agriscience education internship
Met Our Graduate Students: Amy Jo Baughman
ACEL Weekly Update – August 17, 2016

ACEL In the News
Caleb Hickman, agriscience education student, Buckeyes feed the funnel, Mount Vernon News
Audrey Hoey, community leadership student, Emily Wickham, ACEL staff, Local OSU students and staff travel to Honduras, Chillicothe Gazette

Night for Young Professionals
Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) invites you to attend Night for Young Professionals (NYP) on Tuesday, September 27 from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. at the Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. NYP is a FREE evening to learn the “tricks of the trade” from industry leaders from the food, agricultural, and environmental science industries. Workshop breakouts will focus on preparation for the upcoming CFAES Career Fair (September 29). Breakouts will include Resume Critique, Career Fair Cues and Clues as well as What’s After the Interview. We encourage you to use this evening to network and further develop your professional skills!

A free dinner will be provided for registered participants and an opportunity to win some great giveaways, such as iPads, briefcases, professional clothing gift cards and other items to prepare you for the professional world. Take advantage of this opportunity to pass up your competition and get one step closer to your dream job or internship!
Registration is required and can be completed online at by 5 p.m. on September 20. Registration is limited so sign up today and be sure to wear business professional that evening! For more information, contact Summer McCracken at

Agricorps on Campus
Are you interested in an agricultural experience abroad? AgriCorps connects American Agriculture volunteers to the demand for experiential, school-based, agricultural education in developing countries. To learn more about Agricorps and how to apply, meet with returned Agricorps Volunteer and Recruiter Kelsey Knight: Agricorps Informational Session in Room 333C Kottman Hall, Thursday September 1st- 2:30pm- 3:30pm or stop by the CFAES Student Success Center to talk with an Agricorps recruiter Thursday (9/1)- 9am- 2pm or Friday (9/2) 9am- 4pmAdditional Information

Towers Agricultural Honorary Info Sessions & Applications
Towers Agricultural Honorary is opening applications on September 15 for the upcoming school year. Towers promotes agriculture and organizes events such as Red Cross blood drives and the Chadwick Winter Walk. The first information session will be held on September 8 at 7pm in Nosker with pizza provided. Please contact the Recruitment Chair, Aislinn Latham, at with any questions.

AFA Leaders Conference 2016
Do you feel that you are a leader or possess exceptional leadership skills? Are you searching to strengthen your soft skills and industry knowledge or network? AFA Leaders Conference is a high intensity and highly passionate atmosphere over a four day conference for collegiate leaders in the agricultural industry across the country. AFA Leaders Conference is held in Kansas City, MO from November 3-6th. Online applications are due September 9th and can be found at
Please contact Audrey Hoey.18 with any questions or concerns!

National Teach Ag Day Collegiate Commercial Contest
One of the first things someone needs in order to teach agriculture is a degree in agricultural education. The National Teach Ag Day Collegiate Commercial Contest provides college students the opportunity to promote their respective college or university and agricultural education program through a 20-30 second commercial. Click here for more information. (If you are interested in doing this for Ohio State, please let Emily know, as each university can only submit one video!)

Internship and Job Opportunities

Internship Openings
Vineyard Columbus – Community Life Communications Internship (Columbus, Ohio)

Full-Time Job Openings

4-H – Youth Spokesperson Communications Specialist (Washington DC)
A Kid Again – Development Assistant (Cleveland, Ohio)
Blue Diamond Growers – Communications Manager (Sacramento, California)
CNH Industrial – Marketing Communications Manager (New Holland, Pennsylvania)
Conklin Company, Inc. – Communication Specialist (Kansas City, Missouri)
DuPont – Marketing Communications Manager (Hooper, Nebraska)
Franklin University – Digital Marketing Specialist (Columbus, Ohio)
Hereford Publications – Creative Services Coordinator (Kansas City)
National Council for Science and the Environment – Communications Officer 
National Wildlife Federation – Agriculture Program Coordinator/Specialist (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
National Wildlife Federation – Communications Manager, Chose Clean Water Coalition (Annapolis, Maryland)
Ohio State, University Press – Assistant Editor (Columbus, Ohio)
Ohio State, OARDC – Coop Development Specialist (Piketon, Ohio)
OSU Extension, Trumbull County – Office Associate
SmithBucklin – Director of Policy and Communications (Washington DC)
University of Cincinnati, Foundation – Advancement Writer (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Extension and Teaching Jobs
Ohio Ag Ed Openings
OSU Extension, Pickaway County – Extension Educator, CD

Jobs to check out on Hire-A-Buckeye 
(must be logged in to Hire-A-Buckeye to see these job listings)
Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership

Champa completes internship with Lake Metroparks

Amanda Champa, of Willoughby, completed an internship this summer with Lake Metroparks Farmpark in Kirtland, Ohio.

During the internship, Champa was responsible for assisting in planning and execution of events, event photography for promotional materials. She also had experience working with radio and television media outlets to promote upcoming events.

Champa will return to Ohio State in August to continue her degree in agricultural communication. She is the daughter of Sharon and Mike Champa and a graduate of Lake Catholic High School.

The agricultural communication major at Ohio State prepares students to plan, develop, and implement a communication campaign, using visual media, writing and editing. Students study crisis communication, graphic design, marketing, and journalism so they can spread the word about agriculture. To learn more about the agricultural communication major, visit or call 614-247-6358.


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Sharif holds internship with Franklinton Gardens

Faryal Sharif, of Marion, Indiana, completed an internship this summer with Franklinton Gardens, a non-profit urban farm that grows food for its community, in Columbus, Ohio.

During her internship, Sharif worked with Franklinton Gardens on all projects related to field and hoophouse production to raise vegetables, herbs, and flowers for markets, including our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, produce stand, and donations to local pantries and soup kitchens.

Sharif learned harvesting and rinsing of produce, field preparation, planting, irrigation, weeding, cultivation, pest management, farmers market stand operation, produce delivery, maintenance of farm equipment and irrigation system, and all many other tasks related to building and maintaining a community-based urban farm. Additionally, Sharif assisted with door to door community outreach and promotion of Franklinton Gardens programs, and took a lead role in the creation of a children’s mural at our produce stand.

“It has been a pleasure working with Faryal this summer,” said Joan Rowe, operations manager for Franklinton Gardens. “We great appreciated the strong partnership between Franklinton Gardens and The Ohio State University and look forward to a continued relationship.”

Sharif will return to Ohio State in August to complete her degree in community leadership. She is the daughter of Dr. M. Nabi and Mrs. Fauzia Sharif and a graduate of Marion High School.

The community leadership major prepares Extension educators to lead positive change in their communities. Students complete coursework in program and people development, planning and leadership and gain the skills necessary to work with people of all ages and develop them into agents of change. For additional information on the community leadership major, visit or call 614-247-6358.






Nicol to complete Ohio agriscience education internship

Frances Nicol

Frances Nicol

Frances Nicol, of Plain City, will complete an internship that will promote the agriscience education profession.

During the internship, Nicol will work to promote the profession by facilitating workshops at Ohio FFA Convention, Ohio FFA Camp Muskingum, and the Ohio State Fair. She will also make visits to high school classrooms this fall and attend the 2016 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana.

In addition to promoting the profession, she has the opportunity to shadow industry professionals to gain experience that will benefit her as an educator. She serves on a curriculum team, where she develops lesson plans for activities presented by agriscience education interns and develops resource and curriculum guides for teachers to use in their current classrooms.

“Frances is supremely committed to the projects she works on and the success of agricultural education as a whole,” said Jessica Parrish, Ohio FFA Foundation program manager and internship coordinator. “Her passion for educating the public about agriculture drives the quality of her work to an unmatched level.”

Nicol will return to Ohio State in August to continue her degree in agriscience education. She is the daughter of Larry and Janet Nicol and a graduate of Fairbanks High School.

The agriscience education major at Ohio State prepares its students you to acquire a license to teach agricultural science in secondary high schools in Ohio and across the country, with extensive training in agricultural science, educational psychology, instructional methods, and youth development. For additional information on the agriscience education major, visit or call 614.247.6358.

The Ohio Agriscience Internship Program serves as an intensive program to prepare current college students for careers as agricultural educators. This internship and professional development opportunity exposes students studying agricultural education to all aspects of Team Ag Ed, including: Ohio Department of Education Office of Career Tech, Ohio FFA Association, Ohio FFA Foundation, Ohio Association of Agricultural Educators, and Ohio FFA Camp Muskingum. Through this internship, students gain knowledge in technical content, organizational structure and real teaching experiences.

Meet Our Graduate Students: Amy Jo Baughman

Growing up on a small sheep farm in Bloomingburg, Ohio with her parents and two younger sisters, Amy Jo Baughman kept busy through 4-H, sports, music, FFA, and other school and church organizations. When it was time to pick a college, Amy Jo was unsure if Ohio State would be a good fit, but after visiting campus in 2009, Amy Jo realized that The Ohio State University was the perfect place for her.

Beginning her undergraduate career with a major in agriscience education, Amy Jo jumped right into college life by joining student organizations while also serving as a state FFA officer. Taking her second year off of school to travel and serve as the 2010-11 Ohio FFA State President, Amy Jo discloses that while it was definitely challenging, she learned so much about herself, service, leadership, and agriculture during that year.

Returning to Ohio State to finish her bachelor’s degree, Amy Jo spent some time soul-searching, and encouraged by her advisor, she applied and was accepted to graduate school at OSU. As she took a hard look at all that she had learned

AJB Photo

Amy Jo and her friend are all smiles.

and felt passionate about, she realized that she wanted her graduate research and degree to involve an international component. Having traveled to Honduras twice on study abroad, and twice with her home church, Amy Jo was passionate about Honduras as well as agriscience education. From these interests grew her master’s thesis entitled “The Vocational Agriculture Needs of Students in Choluteca, Honduras.” Spending two years in graduate school, Amy Jo completed her thesis in May of 2016, and will earn her Master’s Degree in Agriculture and Extension Education with a specialization in international development in August 2016.

Throughout graduate school she served on the Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL) Graduate Student Association as the Council of Graduate Students (CGS) representative. She also worked with faculty Jill Arnett and Dr. King in various roles.

Amy Jo’s graduate experience led to a full-time job in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Office of Prospective Student Services, which she recently started. She is looking forward to working with prospective students and their families and bringing a new perspective to student recruitment and development.

As she reflects on her journey, she looks back at her high school self – the girl who was so unsure and didn’t think OSU was for her – and she is so thankful that by God’s grace she ended up at Ohio State. OSU, CFAES, and ACEL have brought opportunity, life lessons, and relationships that have led to her career, friends, and marriage. As she sums it up, “I am so thankful for this University and for the wonderfully amazing people who work tirelessly every single day to make these opportunities a reality for you and me. Go Bucks!”


To learn more about graduate opportunities within ACEL, contact Mary Kivel by emailing

ACEL Weekly Update – August 17, 2016

Upcoming Events

August 21 – Student Involvement Fair, The Oval, 4pm
August 22 – CFAES Pre-Convocation, 7:15am-10:15am
August 22 – Presidents Convocation, Schottenstien Center, 10:30am
August 22 – Buck-i-Frenzy, RPAC, 1pm
August 22 – WIPEOUT!, McCorkle Aquatic Pavilion, 7pm
August 23 – First day of Classes
August 30 – ACEL Ice Cream Social
September 1 – CFAES Back to School Bash
September 20-22 – Farm Science Review
September 28 – Ohio State ATI Career Expo
September 29 – CFAES Career Expo
October 1 – CFAES Alumni Fall Fest
October 13-14 – Ohio State Autumn Break
November 4 – CFAES Fall Scholarship Dinner
December 18 – Autumn Semester Graduation
February 16 – CFAES Career Expo
February 28 – CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum
March 4 – CFAES Alumni Awards Banquet
March 29 – Denman Undergraduate Research Forum
April 6 – CFAES Recognition Banquet
May 4-5 – Ohio FFA Convention


On our website
Nicol to complete Ohio agriscience education internship
Bell to complete Ohio agriscience education internship
Seventy ACEL students named to Dean’s List
Wickstrom receives AJCA Director’s Scholarship
Gwritz holds internship with Lynd Fruit Farm

On our Blog

Dear Leah….Football Saturdays?
Seventy ACEL students named to CFAES Dean’s List
Wickstrom receives AJCA Director’s Scholarship
Meet the Faculty: Jeff King

ACEL In the News
Rachel McClellan, agriscience education student, Xenia grad spends time in HondurasXenia Gazette
Brianna Gwirtz, agricultural communication student, Shelby grad interns at Lynd Fruit FarmMansfield News Journal
Demi Snider, agricultural communication student, Summer interns strengthen their careers and enrich programsKenton Times
Mandy Taylor, agricultural communication student, Growing on social media, Wooster Daily Record

Internship Sharing
Share with the Department where you are interning this summer. Our office will be sharing features throughout the summer on our website about what our students are doing! National Agriscience Preservice Teacher Program 
The National Agriscience Preservice Teacher Program (NAPTP) is committed to promoting inquiry-based teaching methods and the enhancement of science in agriculture to preservice teachers in agricultural education across the nation. This fall, preservice teachers can apply to attend an interactive, hands-on agriscience training program at the 2016 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN. Selected participants will be challenged to develop inquiry-based lessons to use during their student teaching experience, as well as when they enter the teaching profession. Apply by September 16Click here for more information.

AFA Leaders Conference 2016
Do you feel that you are a leader or possess exceptional leadership skills? Are you searching to strengthen your soft skills and industry knowledge or network? AFA Leaders Conference is a high intensity and highly passionate atmosphere over a four day conference for collegiate leaders in the agricultural industry across the country. AFA Leaders Conference is held in Kansas City, MO from November 3-6th. Online applications are due September 9th and can be found at
Please contact Audrey Hoey.18 with any questions or concerns!

National Teach Ag Day Collegiate Commercial Contest
One of the first things someone needs in order to teach agriculture is a degree in agricultural education. The National Teach Ag Day Collegiate Commercial Contest provides college students the opportunity to promote their respective college or university and agricultural education program through a 20-30 second commercial. Click here for more information. (If you are interested in doing this for Ohio State, please let Emily know, as each university can only submit one video!)

Apply for a Buck-I-SERV Trip
Buck-I-SERV winter 2016 trip applications will be available August 7, 2016 at  Application due dates are:

  • September 4, 2016 – international trips and all trip leader positions
  • September 18, 2016 – domestic participants and trip advisors

Winter trips travel from December 17-23, 2016.  Please direct questions to  Buck-I-SERV is a weeklong, substance-free alternative break program centered on community service and civic engagement. Buck-I-SERV is a program planned through the Office of Student Life and supported in part by the Student Activity Fee.

Internship and Job Opportunities

Internship Openings
614 Magazine – Marketing Intern (Columbus, Ohio)
City of Dublin – Community Relations Intern (Dublin, Ohio)
Cleveland Magazine – Photography Internship (Cleveland, Ohio)
Cleveland Magazine – Editorial Internship (Cleveland, Ohio)
Columbus Urban League – Digital and Social Media Intern (Columbus, Ohio)
Great Lakes Publishing – Art Production Intern (Cleveland, Ohio)
Great Lakes Publishing – Editorial Internship (Columbus, Ohio)
National 4-H Council – Integrated Marketing Intern (Chevy Chase, Maryland)
Ohio Magazine – Photography Internship (Cleveland, Ohio)
Ohio Magazine – Editorial Internships (Cleveland, Ohio)
United Way of Cincinnati – Marketing/Outreach Intern (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Wilt – Public Relations Intern, Fall 2016 (Springfield, Ohio)
Wood County DOT – Public Information Intern

Full-Time Job Openings

614 Magazine – Creative Designers (Columbus, Ohio)
Archbold Equipment Company – Marketing Specialist (Archibald, Ohio)
Bayer – Communication Manager (Raleigh, North Carolina)
City Scene – Advertising Account Executive (Columbus, Ohio)
Godman Guild – Volunteer and Events Coordinator (Columbus, Ohio)
Kiwanis – Collegiate Programs Manager (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Kiwanis – Graphic Designer (Indianapolis, Indiana)
National 4-H Council – Youth Spokesperson Communications Specialist (Chevy Chase, Maryland)
Ohio Magazine – Art Director (Cleveland, Ohio)
Ohio State, Athletics – Professional Development FT Intern (Columbus, Ohio)
Ohio State, Student Life – Communication Specialist (Columbus, Ohio)
Ohio State, Student Advocacy Center – Program Coordinator (Columbus, Ohio)
Ohio State, South Centers – Program Specialist (Piketon, Ohio)
Ohio State, OhioLINK – Program Coordinator (Columbus, Ohio)
Shearer’s Snacks – Corporate/Marketing Manager (Ohio)
Southeast United Dairy Industry Association – Producer Communications Manager (Atlanta, Georgia)
State of Ohio, Development – Public Relations Coordinator (Columbus, Ohio)
The Maschhoffs – PR/Communication Specialist (Carlyle, Illinois)
Wexner Medical Center – Marketing Coordinator (Columbus, Ohio)

Extension and Teaching Jobs
Ohio Ag Ed Openings
Cape May County Technical Schools – Teacher of Agriscience and Horticulture(Cape May, New Jersey)
OSU Extension, Mahoning County – Extension Educator, 4-H
OSU Extension, Athens County – Extension Educator, 4-H
OSU Extension, Licking County – Extension Educator, ANR

Jobs to check out on Hire-A-Buckeye 
(must be logged in to Hire-A-Buckeye to see these job listings)
Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership

Heiby to complete Ohio agriscience education internship

Logan Heiby, of Celina, will complete an internship that will promote the agriscience education profession.

During the internship, Heiby will work to promote the profession by facilitating workshops at Ohio FFA Convention, Ohio FFA Camp Muskingum, and the Ohio State Fair. He will also make visits to high school classrooms this fall and attend the 2016 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana.

In addition to promoting the profession, he has the opportunity to shadow industry professionals to gain experience that will benefit him as an educator and give him experience developing lesson plans for activities presented by agriscience education interns and for teachers to use in their current classrooms.

“Logan has been a great asset to the Agriscience Education Internship program,” said Jessica Parrish, Ohio FFA Foundation program manager and internship coordinator. “He is dedicated to agricultural education and works very hard to ensure that all of the programs and events we host are well planned and uniquely outstanding.”

Heiby will return to Ohio State in August to continue his degree in agriscience education. He is the son of Jeff and Amy Heiby and a graduate of Coldwater High School.

The agriscience education major at Ohio State prepares its students you to acquire a license to teach agricultural science in secondary high schools in Ohio and across the country, with extensive training in agricultural science, educational psychology, instructional methods, and youth development. For additional information on the agriscience education major, visit or call 614.247.6358.

The Ohio Agriscience Internship Program serves as an intensive program to prepare current college students for careers as agricultural educators. This internship and professional development opportunity exposes students studying agricultural education to all aspects of Team Ag Ed, including: Ohio Department of Education Office of Career Tech, Ohio FFA Association, Ohio FFA Foundation, Ohio Association of Agricultural Educators, and Ohio FFA Camp Muskingum. Through this internship, students gain knowledge in technical content, organizational structure and real teaching experiences.