Celebrate Dairy Month . . . 4-H Endowment Legacy Dinner Donor Honored

Each year at the Fairfield County 4-H Legacy Dinner & Auction the evening begins with a splash of wine and some cheese.  Just in case you didn’t know, that cheese has always been donated by the Marodore Farm, a local dairy near Baltimore.

In the early years of the Legacy Dinner we’re told the Continue reading Celebrate Dairy Month . . . 4-H Endowment Legacy Dinner Donor Honored

The 4-H Legacy Auction!


This just in, a wrapped print of this photo captured by 4-Her Morgan Love!

If you’ve not recently reviewed the list of incredible offerings being auctioned during the Fairfield County 4-H Legacy Dinner next week, you need to come back and take a look. When you visit the Legacy Auction page you’re guaranteed to find something you’ll like, and best of all, 100% of the proceeds from the sales benefit our County’s 4-H Endowment.

In addition to the items that came in early like Continue reading The 4-H Legacy Auction!