OPGMA – Grower’s Produce Network Annual Meeting Jan. 17-18

The Ohio Produce Growers and Marketing Association is holding their annual fruit and vegetable conference, dubbed the Grower’s Produce Network on January 17-18 at the airport Mariott in Columbus. A selection of in-state and out-of-state speakers has been assembled to cover a range of topics on vegetable and fruit production, pest management and marketing. Details on registering for the event plus the education sessions can be found on OPGMA’s website, http://www.opgma.org.

Hope to see you there!

Ohio Farm Custom Rate Survey 2022 Responses Requested

The Ohio Farm Custom Rates Survey data collection has launched once again. The online survey for 2022 is available at: https://go.osu.edu/ohiofarmcustomratesurvey2022

A large number of Ohio farmers hire machinery operations and other farm-related work to be completed by others. This is often due to lack of proper equipment, lack of time, or lack of expertise for a particular operation.  Many farm business owners do not own equipment for every possible job that they may encounter in the course of operating a farm and may, instead of purchasing the equipment needed, seek out someone with the proper tools necessary to complete the job. This farm work completed by others is often referred to as “custom farm work” or more simply “custom work”. A “custom rate” is the amount agreed upon by both parties to be paid by the custom work customer to the custom work provider.

Custom farming providers and customers often negotiate an agreeable custom farming machinery rate by utilizing Extension surveys results as a starting point. Ohio State University Extension collects surveys and publishes survey results from the Ohio Farm Custom Survey every other year. This year we are updating our published custom farm rates for Ohio.

We kindly request your assistance in securing up-to-date information about farm custom work rates, machinery and building rental rates, and hired labor costs in Ohio.

This year we have an online survey set up that anyone can access. We would ask that you respond even if you know only a few rates.  We want information on actual rates, either what you paid to hire custom work or what you charged if you perform custom work. Custom Rates should include all ownership costs of implement & tractor (if needed), operator labor, fuel, and lube. If fuel is not included in your custom rate charge there is a place on the survey to indicate this.

 You may access the survey at: https://go.osu.edu/ohiofarmcustomratesurvey2022

If you prefer a document that you can print out and fill out by hand to return, email Barry Ward at ward.8@osu.edu

The deadline to complete the survey is March 31, 2022.


Barry Ward, Leader, Production Business Management

OSU Extension, Agriculture & Natural Resources

Tri-State Green Industry Conference

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Sharonville Convention Center

11355 Chester Rd

Cincinnati, OH  45246

 Ohio Pesticide Applicator Recertification Credits:

    • Ohio Commercial Applicator Credits (17.5 total hrs.):  CORE = 3 hrs.; 2B = 1 hr.; 3A = 1 hr.; 4A = 1 hr.; 5 = 1.5 hrs.; 6A = 3 hrs.; 6B = 1 hr.; 6D = 2 hrs., 8 = 4 hrs.
    • Ohio Private Applicator Credits (16.5 total hrs.): CORE = 3 hrs.; 3 = 1 hr.; 4 = 4 hrs.; 5 = 2 hrs.; 7 = 6.5 hrs.
  • Kentucky Credits:  Pending
  • Indiana Credits:  Pending

 ISA Credential CEUs:

  • Certified Arborist = 15.25; Utility Specialist = 7.75; Municipal Specialist = 15.25; Board Certified Master Arborist (BCMA)-Science = 6.25; BCMA-Practice = 3; BCMA-Management = 6; Tree Worker (TW) Climber Specialist = 6; TW Aerial Lift Specialist = 6

 Early Bird Registration – $80.00

Must be received by midnight, Monday, January 17th

 Click this Hotlink to Register NOWhttps://go.osu.edu/2022tri_state_gic

 Seating is limited:  Don’t be turned away!

  • After January 17:  Registration fees increase significantly!
Type of Registration Fee
Early Bird Registration (before midnight, Monday, January 17th) $80.00
Student Registration $25.00
Late Registration (after January 17th) $125.00
On-Site Registration (at the door, February 3; Lunch will not be included) $150.00

Plan Your Day:

 “Schedule At-A-Glance” shows program topics, speakers, and times:  https://go.osu.edu/2022gicschedule

 “Program Details” shows presentation descriptions:  https://hamilton.osu.edu/sites/hamilton/files/imce/descriptions.pdf

Business Opportunities:  Be a Trade Show Exhibitor; Be a Sponsor

Put your business in front of Green Industry decision-makers by being a sponsor (overall program, lunch, educational track, etc.)!  Increase sales by being a Trade Show Exhibitor!

To Learn More, E-Mail ShaLise Simmons:  simmons.761@osu.edu

The Tri-State Green Industry Conference is a collaborative educational effort between:

  • Ohio State University Extension
  • Purdue Extension
  • University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension
  • Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
  • University of Cincinnati
  • The Boone County Arboretum
  • Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
  • Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum

Questions? E-mail ShaLise Simmons at: simmons.761@osu.edu