12 Days of Christmas Recycling

Picture courtesy of creationcare.org

12 Days of Christmas Recycling is an article from Evangelical Environmental Network about all the “stuff” that accumulates over Christmas. December is the highest month for landfill deposits with household waste increasing by 25% between Thanksgiving and Christmas. An average of 30 million Christmas Trees will end up in landfills and 4 million tons of wrapping paper and gift bags will be used. The article gives 12 ways to “reduce the overuse” and to move the focus of Christmas back to the birth of Jesus. To read more, click here.

15 Steps to Create Effective Climate Communications

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This guide (2016) from Blessed Tomorrow outlines a specific and easy-to-follow process for crafting and delivering a successful climate change message. To download the guide or watch the webinar, click here.

Mental Health and the Changing Climate

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Mental Health and Our Changing Climate: Impacts, Implications, and Guidance is a guide from Blessed Tomorrow that chronicles the impacts of climate change on American’s health and psychological well-being. It is intended to further inform and empower health and medical professionals, community leaders, and the public. To download the guide or watch the webinar click here.

Disciples of Christ General Assembly Adopts Carbon Neutrality

Picture courtesy of disciples.org/

The Disciples of Christ general assembly has voted to commit their denomination to achieve zero net impact on the climate. They plan on being carbon neutral by 2030 and carbon positive by 2035.  Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, General Minister and President, who supported the resolution stated,  “today, we are called to bring our leadership to the moral challenge of climate change. Damage to our climate puts the health of our children and elderly at risk, hurts the poorest among us the most, and diminishes God’s creation.  This resolution amplifies our efforts to empower our congregations and over 450,000 members to increase climate literacy, support climate solutions and policies, and take active measures to restore creation.” To read the entire article, click here.

Let’s Talk Faith and Climate

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Let’s Talk Faith and Climate: Communication Guidance for Faith Leaders is a resource from Blessed Tomorrow. It provides research-tested messages that are proven to resonate with people of faith, along with tips on how to deepen engagement and position climate action as a moral imperative. To download the guide or watch the webinar, click here.

Coming Together in Faith on Climate

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Coming Together in Faith on Climate is an event from 2015 where Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and other national leaders came together over climate action. They focused on Pope Francis’ call for climate action for a more just and sustainable world. To read more and watch event highlights, click here.

Let’s Lead on Climate

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Let’s Lead on Climate is a downloadable guide from Blessed Tomorrow that gives examples of how communities around the U.S are successfully engaging in programs that promote climate action. Each success story offers guidance and key recommendations to help take the first steps towards leading on climate. To view or download this guide, click here.

Creation Care: A Story of Three Great Loves

Picture courtesy of ucc.org

Creation Care: A Story of Three Great Loves is a video from Blessed Tomorrow and the United Church of Christ. The video illustrates why communities of faith are positioned to advocate for climate solutions and how congregations across the country can join the movement. To watch the video, click here.

Making an Impact Through the Water Heater

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Setting the temperature on your water heater is an easy and efficient way to lower the bill and to save energy. Blessed Tomorrow has provided a guide that describes how to implement this in your congregation and overall tips on how to lower the water heating bill. To read more, click here.

Columbus Church Earns Green Spot and Energy Star Certification

Picture courtesy of energystar.gov

The First English Lutheran church in Columbus created a Green Team to measure their energy use and carbon footprint. They took those numbers and applied to become a Columbus Green Spot and was soon after awarded the certification. Soon after, they replaced their gas furnace with a highly efficient one and became the first congregation in Ohio to earn the Energy Star Certification. To read more about the First English Lutheran church in Columbus, click here.