17 Ways to Reduce your Carbon Footprint

Picture courtesy of catholicclimatemovement.global

17 Ways to Reduce your Carbon Footprint is a guide from Catholic Climate Movement that offers ways to reduce your carbon footprint when travelling, in home energy, and in food. To read the entire guide, click here.

Disciples of Christ General Assembly Adopts Carbon Neutrality

Picture courtesy of disciples.org/

The Disciples of Christ general assembly has voted to commit their denomination to achieve zero net impact on the climate. They plan on being carbon neutral by 2030 and carbon positive by 2035.  Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, General Minister and President, who supported the resolution stated,  “today, we are called to bring our leadership to the moral challenge of climate change. Damage to our climate puts the health of our children and elderly at risk, hurts the poorest among us the most, and diminishes God’s creation.  This resolution amplifies our efforts to empower our congregations and over 450,000 members to increase climate literacy, support climate solutions and policies, and take active measures to restore creation.” To read the entire article, click here.

How to Live Sustainably Individually

Photo Credit: http://blog.foodem.com/sustainable-living-are-we-walking-the-walk/

Many churches and groups have started excellent initiatives to promote sustainability within their congregations. However, it does not need to stop there. Taking a look at your individual lifestyle can help further the impact you have on the environment. For some faith based tips of how to lessen your own carbon footprint, check out this link.