Cool Harvest: Faith Garden Stories

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When faith communities begin their own gardening journey, it is helpful to refer to stories from communities who have done it before. Cool Harvest, an interfaith food and climate organization created by Interfaith Power and Light, gathered the best entries from the Cool Congregations Challenge for “Sacred Grounds Steward” submissions.

To connect to these success stories click here.

Tips and Resources for Eco-Friendly Landscaping

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GreenFaith has created a resource for grounds maintenance that has tips on how to consider the environment while landscaping. The article offers guidelines on pest management, turf maintenance, cultural practices, and irrigation tips. To read the entire post, click here.

Garden Manual

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A Rocha believes that a garden is a place to meet with the Lord and marvel at His miracles. It’s a place to love your neighbor, care for creation, and grow veggies. Gardening plays a prominent role in God’s plans by meeting needs and celebrating the bounty of God’s earth. They have created a manual for groups interested in growing gardens and blessing their communities. To read this guide, click here.

Green for Good Project

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The Green for Good Project is located at St. Margaret Mary Catholic School in Louisville, Kentucky. The project is meant to evaluate how a buffer of trees and shrubbery around the school may improve air quality and the health of the citizens. In addition, it is meant to show students how every person has an effect on the Earth. To read more on the Green for Good project, click here.

Urban Agriculture and Container Gardens





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Technology For the Poor is a non-profit organization started by Dr. Job Ebenezer. Their mission is to develop, innovate, and disseminate sustainable technologies to the poor all over the world. While Dr. Ebenezer has designed and implemented many different sustainable practices, one of the most notable is his work with urban agriculture and gardens. Using inexpensive containers and suitable soil mix, he has created container gardens in urban areas such as rooftops and unused parking lots in places such as Chicago and Washington D.C. Locally, he has created these gardens at Ascension Lutheran Church, Faith Mission Men’s Shelter, and a soup kitchen in Franklin. To learn more about Technology for the Poor and their work, click here. To read about container gardens and a guide on how to start your own, click here.

Enagaged Orginazation: Technology for the Poor

Pictured above is a dual-purpose bicycle built by Dr. Ebenezer, courtesy of

Technology for the Poor is a non-profit, charitable organization started by the current president, Dr. Job Ebenezer. Based on the philosophy of George Washington Carver, their work strives to serve communities by providing them with sustainable technologies. These sustainable technologies include human powered energy systems, urban agriculture, and sustainable building technologies. Specific examples of their work includes a dual-purpose bicycle, wind energy generators, low-cost construction techniques, and container gardening. Dr. Ebenezer’s container gardens have made it much easier for urban buildings, such as churches and community buildings, to have their own gardens. To learn more about urban agriculture, click here. For more information on Technology for the Poor, click here.

Engaged Organizations: The National Wildlife Federation: Sacred Grounds

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For over 40 years, The National Wildlife Federation has been assisting congregations and faith-based organizations in creating wildlife friendly yards and landscapes through their program Sacred Grounds. Sacred Grounds was created to give people of all faiths the opportunity to connect with nature at their place of worship. They do so by offering an online certification process about proper gardening and other tips to connect with nature. To learn more about this program and the National Wildlife Federation’s work, click here.