Easter Shutdown at the University of Leeds

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Photo Credit: http://sustainability.leeds.ac.uk/easter-shutdown/

The University of Leeds has been urging students to participate in a shutdown. During Easter as well as Christmas, the University is encouraging all students to turn off anything that is not essential to research or safety as the students leave for break. The energy savings from these shutdowns is incredible. To learn more about this, and possibly get your University to look into this idea, read the full story here.


St. John’s Lutheran Church and Solar Power

Churches have turned to solar power to bring down energy costs for their sanctuaries. St. John’s Lutheran Church in San Antonio has begun to use a large array of solar panels, as well as more energy efficient lights to cut costs. To read more about this story, and get ideas for your own congregations, follow this link.

Detail of a new solar panel array, Wednesday, May 1, 2013, on the roof of St. John's Lutheran Church in Downtown San Antonio. The array, which consists of 240 solar panels, is capable of producing up to 60 kilowatt-hours of electricity per day. (Darren Abate/For the Express-News) Photo: Photo By Darren Abate/Express-News

Photo Credit: http://m.mysanantonio.com/news/religion/article/ Churches-saving-costs-and-the-environment-at-the-4487269.php#photo-4572186

Green Justice Congregations

Photo Credit: http://www.macucc.org/greencongregations

Sustainability and becoming “green” are more than just simple actions. Many people believe that to truly achieve environmental stewardship, the culture and how we look at things needs to be changed. The United Church of Christ has provided a resource to help faith communities make this change. Their program can be adopted by anyone who wants to help make an impact in their own community. To see their program and get some tips on great ways to involve your community in this type of effort, check out their website here.