2018: Time for the Church to Take a Lead on Climate Change

Picture courtesy of http://operationnoah.org/

Operation Noah chair Nicky Bull reflects on the year ahead and how churches will fight for climate justice. The article discusses why churches must take a lead on climate change, what should be the priority, what steps to take, and the future. To read the entire article, click here.

Start 2018 by Speaking up for God’s Creation

Picture courtesy of yecaction.org

Young Evangelicals for Climate Action posted an article on how to speak up for God’s creation. The article focuses on The Clean Power Plan and how to effectively speak up to stop the repeal and replace of the plan. To read the entire article, click here.

Campus RENEW

Picture courtesy of renewintl.org/

Campus RENEW is a two-and-a-half-year process which facilitates renewal and transformation on college campuses. The process aims to create student leaders with mature faith and social consciousness to guide the Catholic Church. Campus RENEW hopes to create communities of students who recognize the call of Jesus to view service, including caring for creation, as a way of life. To read more, click here.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Care for Creation


Picture courtesy of usccb.org

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops considers caring for creation as one of its seven themes of catholic social teaching. They believe that being stewards of creation is a sign of respect to the Creator and a requirement of their faith. They list examples of scripture that show the importance of stewardship. To read more, click here.

Why We Care for God’s Creation

Picture courtesy of crs.org

Why We Care for God’s Creation is a primer created by Catholic Relief Services. It is designed to help bring the conversation of caring for God’s creation to faith organizations. To read or download this resource, click here.

Environment and Islam

Picture courtesy of whyislam.org

Climate Change: A Call for Personal Changes is an article about the Islamic faith and the environment. The author, Imam Shabir Ally, discusses conservation, the sanctity of planting trees, the equilibrium of all life, man’s purpose, and a call for change. He pulls quotes directly from the Quran and explains their relationship to creation. To read the entire article, click here.

Disciples of Christ General Assembly Adopts Carbon Neutrality

Picture courtesy of disciples.org/

The Disciples of Christ general assembly has voted to commit their denomination to achieve zero net impact on the climate. They plan on being carbon neutral by 2030 and carbon positive by 2035.  Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, General Minister and President, who supported the resolution stated,  “today, we are called to bring our leadership to the moral challenge of climate change. Damage to our climate puts the health of our children and elderly at risk, hurts the poorest among us the most, and diminishes God’s creation.  This resolution amplifies our efforts to empower our congregations and over 450,000 members to increase climate literacy, support climate solutions and policies, and take active measures to restore creation.” To read the entire article, click here.

Making an Impact Through the Water Heater

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Setting the temperature on your water heater is an easy and efficient way to lower the bill and to save energy. Blessed Tomorrow has provided a guide that describes how to implement this in your congregation and overall tips on how to lower the water heating bill. To read more, click here.

Make a Path to Positive Plan

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Path to Positive Plan is Blessed Tomorrow’s term for choosing to care for creation. They believe it is a two-step plan with many elements in each step. The first step is to take action to inspire others and help your congregation’s leaders and members make the connection between their faith and climate change. The second part is to take action to care for creation and practice climate-friendly choices that you can implement to be better stewards of the environment. Blessed Tomorrow has provided many resources to start this process which can be found here.

Get Started on Your Positive Plan

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This tool kit provided by Blessed Tomorrow is a guide for clergy to begin working towards greener homes, congregations and communities. It includes ideas, talking points, spiritual resources and customizable templates to help inspire your congregation to care for creation. To read the entire guide, click here.