Below is a list of research centers and institutes (external to OSU) that can support a deeper understanding of qualitative and other research methods.
- Center for Anti-Racist Research Methods, George Mason University College of Education and Human Development
- Center for Collaborative Action Research, Pepperdine University
- Center for Qualitative Studies in Health and Medicine, Johns Hopkins schools of Public Health, Medicine and Nursing
- Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDAS) networking project, University of Surrey
- The Consortium on Qualitative Research Methods, The Center for Qualitative and Multi-Method Inquiry, Syracuse University
- The Critical Institute, a nonprofit consisting of academics and activist practitioners
- International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, University of Alberta
- Intersectional Qualitative Research Methods Institute for Advanced Doctoral Students, Latino Research Institute at The University of Texas at Austin
- QualLab, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University (yes – that’s us!)
- Qualitative Data Repository, hosted by the Center for Qualitative and Multi-method Inquiry, Syracuse University
- Qualitative Methods Research Affinity Group, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
- Qualitative Research Consulting; Odum Institute for Research in Social Science, UNC Chapel Hill
- World Phenomenology Institute