Dr. Chris Tonra
Chair, ORWRP
Associate Professor, SENR, Avian Wildlife Ecology
I am an avian ecologist that primarily studies the annual cycles and habitat ecology of migratory birds. Over the past 20 years, I have conducted research in a multitude of systems such as mangroves, riparian forest, and the Lake Erie marshes. Since I arrived at OSU in 2014, I have been teaching, conducting research, and participating in outreach at the Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetlands Research Park. This unique facility has both a history and enormous potential in advancing our understanding of emergent wetlands, rivers, bottomland forest, and associate habitats, particularly in an urban context. Our research informs stewardship of these ecosystems and our educational and outreach missions will engage multiple generations of the public and future scientists and land managers. Together with our Leadership Committee I am thrilled at the opportunity to lead this one of kind facility in furthering our mission. Please come visit us to learn more!
Kristen Reaver
Coordinator, ORWRP
I am the coordinator for the Olentangy River Wetland Research Park. Previously, I worked as a research biologist for the USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center in Gainesville, FL studying non-native freshwater fishes. My research involved non-native fish surveying for range expansion and new species records, everglades simulation studies, and fish predation and behavior analysis. Additionally, I worked with the USGS Non-indigenous Aquatic Species database team to assist with tracking aquatic non-native species across the U.S. It is exciting to have the chance to continue working in unique aquatic systems such as the ORWRP. I received my BS in environmental science from the University of Toledo and my master’s from Miami University. I am excited to be back in my home state and to work with students and researchers to further the mission of the ORWRP!
Shelby Myers
Outreach Coordinator
I am the outreach coordinator for the Olentangy River Wetlands Research Park. As a lifelong resident of Ohio, I grew up spending most of my time outdoors and finding ways to connect with nature and all types of wildlife. After some exploration of different career paths, I realized I wanted to help others feel that same connection through outreach and education. I completed both my BS in biology and master of environment and natural resources at Ohio State and I have loved every second I’ve been able to spend here at the park. I am passionate about wildlife conservation, environmental education, and creating an environment that is accessible and welcoming for everyone. I remember my excitement when I discovered the ORWRP during my undergraduate career at Ohio State, and I am excited to continue helping other connect with nature and further the mission of the ORWRP!
Keara Stanislawczyk
Instructional Aid Associate Specialist
I am the instructional aid for SENR courses at the Olentangy River Wetlands Research Park as well as at F.T. Stone Laboratory. I have a MSc in environmental science with a focus on aquatic invasive species and I have worked primarily in the Great Lakes region. In the past I have worked as an aquatic technician for several different projects including detection of novel aquatic invasive species within ballast water of Canadian freighters in the Great Lakes, and studying the toxicity and impact of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie’s western basin. I am excited to work in riverine and wetland ecosystems and to work with the next generation of scientists at Olentangy River Wetlands Research Park.
Not pictured: Glenn Mills, Facility Manager
Student Interns
I am a fifth year studying Wildlife Science at Ohio State, with an interest in wildlife conservation, environmental restoration, and education. I grew up loving animals and always enjoyed observing and caring for them. As I got older, I grew to appreciate the outdoors and how everything is connected and works together to create this world we live in. I realized that I wanted to be more involved in managing and protecting the environment and everything in it, while also educating others. I get to further pursue my passions while working as an outreach intern at the ORWRP by leading tours, educational programs, and running the social media platforms. Every day I get to see something new and share these amazing experiences on our socials for the public to see and enjoy! It is a wonderful experience!
Meredith Whistler
Outreach Intern
I am a third year studying natural resource management and am interested in environmental education and interpretation. I love being outside and going for hikes and am passionate about creating a welcoming outdoor space for everyone. In the future I am hoping to help connect more people with the outdoors and teach about appreciating but also protecting the environment. As an outreach intern here, I am able to further my passions through assisting with site tours, running social media platforms, and also work to create new signage for around the wetland! I am excited to continue to learn more about the wetland and all the exciting things that are always happening here!
Joshua Kirchhofer
Site Management Intern
I am a third year studying Forest Ecosystem Science and Management. Working at the ORWRP is great because it feels like you are in a little oasis away from the rest of Columbus, and it’s right up the Olentangy trail from campus. I love walking the trails here and looking at all the towering trees and abundant wildlife. My favorite part of working at the wetlands is that I get to work outdoors, whether it’s maintaining the park or collecting data. Upon graduation, I aspire to work as a forester.
Aubrey Tomochek
Site Management Intern
I am a fourth year studying Environmental Science, with a specialization in Ecosystem Restoration, at Ohio State. I am one of the research and site management interns at the ORWRP where I help with tasks such as removing invasives and clearing debris as well as collecting data on mammals, invertebrates, and vegetation. I’ve always enjoyed being outdoors and have grown an immense appreciation for the complexity and interconnectivity of nature, so it’s very fulfilling to get to study the vegetation and wildlife here at the wetlands. After graduation, I aspire to work in conservation and restoration across the country, or maybe even overseas!