Annual Education Symposium (AES)

The Annual Education Symposium (AES) is a daylong event that focuses on health professions education and educational research.

Thank you for attending the

2024 College of Medicine
Annual Education Symposium!

Date:  January 24th, 2024

Theme: “An Introduction to A.I. for Health Sciences Education”

Join us for a daylong event discussing A.I. tools, trends, and considerations as well as other emerging technologies for health sciences education. This event is free and open to any faculty, physicians, staff, or students of the College of Medicine, Wexner Medical Center, or The Ohio State University. 

The symposium will be held in-person at the Biomedical Research Tower (BRT) and Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute (DHLRI), with some sessions available in hybrid format. See our agenda here.

Now available: View the recordings of AES 2024 here.


Headshot of Kimberly Lomis, MD

Kimberly D. Lomis, MD is Vice President for Medical Education Innovations at the American Medical Association. In that capacity, she guides the AMA ChangeMedEd® Initiative, partnering with medical schools, GME and CPD programs to impact over 30,000 medical learners across the United States. Themes of collaborative work and advocacy efforts among the institutions of the consortium include competency-based medical education, training in health systems science across the continuum, value-added roles for learners, development of master adaptive learners, coaching for health professionals, promoting diversity of the physician workforce and inclusive environments, addressing learner & faculty wellbeing, advancing educational technology, and change management. Dr. Lomis previously served as Professor of Surgery and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, where she was charged with oversight of a major revision of the medical school curriculum and guided the implementation of a competency-based assessment program. Dr. Lomis also served the Association of American Medical Colleges as the Associate Project Director for the national pilot of the Core EPAs for Entering Residency and was active in the AAMC Group on Educational Affairs as chair of the Section on Undergraduate Medical Education and member of the GEA steering committee. A member of the International Competency-based Medical Education Collaborators, Dr. Lomis’ academic interests include competency-based medical education and assessment, complex systems and change management. She is invested in program evaluation and promoting the judicial use of educational resources. Dr. Lomis received her B.S. from the University of Texas at Austin in 1988 and her M.D. from the University Texas Southwestern Medical School in 1992. She trained in general surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center from 1992-1997. She holds a graduate certificate in the Business of Medicine from Johns Hopkins and is a Harvard Macy Institute Scholar.

Headshot of Jen Ren

Jen Ren is a medical student at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai currently on scholarly leave serving as the Ronald Hoffman, MD Research Fellow with the Department of Otolaryngology. She has worked on process improvement projects leveraging machine learning with the Mount Sinai Visiting Doctors Program, co-organized a course on “AI in Medicine”, and co-created an incubator for the Diversity Innovation Hub. She also was formerly a research fellow at Rock Health, a seed fund, consultancy, and research firm for digital health. Prior to medical school, she was a product manager on Microsoft’s Azure Machine Learning team and a product designer for Counsyl (acquired by Myriad Genetics). She studied human biology and computer science at Stanford University.

Symposium Rationale

​​Our 2024 Annual Education Symposium Steering Committee expressed that most of our educators do not know how to approach using tools like ChatGPT in medical education. This is confirmed in current literature: training to use these tools lacks standardized training that is widely accepted and incorporated into curricula (Russel et al., 2023). With these new advances, there will be a need for transparency in how these tools are implemented (Russel et al., 2023). However, despite the calls to include A.I. into the undergraduate curriculum, relatively little progress has been made (Lee et al., 2021).​ 

The purpose of this Annual Education Symposium is to address gaps in knowledge, skill and performance due to a lack of training and understanding in how to best utilize artificial intelligence (AI) tools in medical education. AI is already being utilized in clinical settings, often implementing algorithms to help find solutions for complex cases (Russel et al., 2023). In some cases, A.I. has even outperformed trained physicians (Lee et al., 2021). With A.I. playing such a pivotal role, it will change how care providers communicate with patients (Russel et al., 2023). This will also likely cause a shift in the necessary skills that providers need to be successful (Russel et al., 2023). 

​As the use of A.I. continues to grow, it will be vital to make clear when it is acceptable to use these tools in the clinic or classroom and when alternative approaches need to be selected. Without staying attuned to the advances of A.I., institutions run the risk of ill-preparing today’s students to handle the challenges of tomorrow’s clinic. This year’s Education Symposium, “An Introduction to A.I. for Health Sciences Education,” aims to help our institution define the relationships between A.I., faculty, and students (Masters, 2023).​ 

​​This activity is designed to change competence in teaching medical education. It aims to improve the quality of teaching in the College of Medicine and the landscape of medical education. Since these tools (A.I., or generative, multi-modal, large language models specifically) are not included in standardized training that is widely accepted and incorporated into curricula, this Symposium will offer an introduction to that and help attendees understand that discourse. By offering insight into the topic overall and giving participants a chance to discuss and think about teaching medical education, it will change performance as well. Although not all our participants will be medical practitioners, some are. Additionally, by directly teaching or helping to teach future physicians, the thinking our participants will be doing that day will ultimately likely have an impact on patient outcomes as well.​ 

Topics to be discussed include: the current state of A.I. and future directions for health professions education; understanding the benefits and potential risks of A.I. in the educational and clinical setting; examining the ethical, sociocultural, pedagogical, and legal considerations of A.I. in health professions education; exploring ideas and strategies for incorporating A.I. as a tool and as content in health professions education. 

See below for previous AES topics and resources: