AI resources

At the 2024 College of Medicine Annual Education Symposium, Dr. Nick Kman moderated a panel titled “Pros and Cons of AI Tools in MedEd at OSU.” Michael Flierl, Eric Fosler-Lussier, Sean Hickey, and Donal O’Mathuna served as panelists.

Please click through the slideshow (below) for the panel presentation. Click here to read through it in an accessible text document.

  • Title Slide: “Panel Discussion – Pros and Cons of AI Tools in MedEd at OSU.” Headshots of Panelists: Nick Kman, MD, Moderator; Michael Flierl, MSLIS; Eric Fosler-Lussier, PhD; Sean Hickey, MA; Donal O’Mathuna, PhD.
  • Introduces panel moderator: Nicholas E. Kman, MD FACEP; Professor, The Ohio State University College of Medicine; Medical Manager, Ohio Task Force 1, FEMA Urban Search and Rescue; twitter handle @drnickkman.
  • Disclosures: Kman is supported by The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Award: AWD-115184: Framework for artificial intelligence in human-machine delegation (FAITH-MD).
  • List of Panelists.
  • Introduces Michael Flierl: Associate Professor, University Libraries; Information Literacy Researcher; AI & Games Consultant. Large headshot of Michael Flierl.
  • Introduces Eric Fosler-Lussier: John Makhoul Professor and Associate Chair of Academic Administration, Computer Science and Engineering; FIEEE, FISCA; Speech and Language Processing Research; OSU Virtual Patient team. Large headshot of Eric Fosler-Lussier.
  • Introduces Sean Hickey: Assessment Program Deputy Director, OSU’s Center on Education and Training for Employment (CETE); PhD Candidate, Education Studies – Learning Technologies; Instructional Designer & Ed. Tech. Consultant. Large headshot of Sean Hickey.
  • Introduces Donal O’Mathuna: Associate Professor, College of Nursing; Associate Director of Research, Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities, College of Medicine; Ethics of AI. Large headshot of Donal O’Mathuna.
  • Objectives: Eric- Language AI, ChatGPT, what does this do and how can we use it? Michael- What does the average faculty educator needs to know? What are the AI’s out there and what do we do with them? Sean- Rethinking assessment strategies in light of AI. How can we use AI to encourage higher-order thinking for students? Donal- Ethics of Being a Student.
  • Title: “The Case…CAT/chart-stimulated recall assignment.” Use case text (please see Word document for full text below).
  • Title: Interactive Medical Systems, Language Models, and AI. Body: Why is the “AI explosion” happening now?  What’s so different now about how AI models are trained, and what’s the impact for medicine? How are simulation/interactive systems for medicine impacted by AI?
  • Title: AI for Assessment. Body: What would you say to instructors who only see generative AI as a tool for cheating? What can we do about students using AI to complete assignments? What are the risks for allowing students access to tools like ChatGPT?, etc.)
  • Continuation of Slide 12. Body: How can AI be used to create better assignments to measure learner knowledge and skills? What are some ways in which AI could be a beneficial tool for instructors? …for learners?
  • Title: The Ethics of AI. Body: What types of ethical issues does AI raise? What does it mean to be an ethical student in the world of AI? Where can we find guidance in addressing the ethics of AI?
  • Title: AI and authorship in research publications. Alternative title: Research and AI. Largely decorative.

Links to the resources mentioned are below. Please note that OCS has not adopted and does not support these tools; rather, we present them here simply as resources mentioned by our panelists.