2018 4-H Enrollment Process Change

Notes for Members and Volunteers

Beginning this year, all 4-H member and volunteer enrollments will transition to the 4HOnline enrollment system. Families and volunteers will need to log on to the website to enroll in 4-H. No paper enrollment forms will be required or accepted. More details about 4HOnline Family Enrollment will be shared at the 2018 Mandatory Volunteer Training and will be available in the 2018 Muskingum County 4-H Family Handbook.

Notes for Club Organizational Volunteers 

Club Organizational Volunteers will need to designate one volunteer from their club to be a club data manager. It can be the organizational volunteer or a delegate. This individual will be responsible for approving club enrollments using 4HOnline and will have access to a variety of reports to help organize club information. The club data manager is expected to share club rosters with other club volunteers. The club data manager should attend the 4-H Online educational session during the 2018 Mandatory Volunteer Trainings.

Please designate your club data manager to Stefanie by December 31. 

2 thoughts on “2018 4-H Enrollment Process Change

  1. I feel that a link to the online enrollment in the newsletter would be a great help. I found several other counties instructions on enrollment. I have not found one for Muskingum county or a general form after several tries.

    • Hi Brenda!

      Thanks for the feedback. More specific information will be shared during the Mandatory Volunteer Training and in enrollment materials given to club volunteers in January. We are finalizing instructions and aren’t quite ready for things to be accessed.


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